48+ Articles To Begin Connecting With The Spirit World

Photo of woman with feet in water and pebbles on sand by Matt Hardy from Pexels

Photo of woman with feet in water and pebbles on sand by Matt Hardy from Pexels

Updated 2020.10.11 with new links.

Just getting started with all this? Need a little round-about tour of what to do next? 

This article is dedicated to a sampling of all the best articles on this blog about connecting with The Spirit World or helping someone who is attempting to understand communicating with The Spirit World themselves.

I’ve broken out the articles in this post by topic area most asked about, and in my opinion, what is important to know for those interested in tips on spirit communication for beginners.

Starting with Mediumship -

Psychic & Spiritual Development. Photo of woman with feet in water and pebbles on sand by Matt Hardy from Pexels with text overlay, 48+ Articles To Begin Connecting With The Spirit World.

Psychic & Spiritual Development. Photo of woman with feet in water and pebbles on sand by Matt Hardy from Pexels with text overlay, 48+ Articles To Begin Connecting With The Spirit World.


  1. 21 Signs You're A Medium

  2. What is a Medium?

  3. The Mediumship Process - The Three Way Link

  4. The 4 Main Types of Mediumship

  5. Can Anyone Become A Medium?

  6. 35 Signs You’re A Medium

  7. 10 Benefits Of Being A Medium

  8. The 7 Basic Steps For Opening A Connection To Spirit

  9. 8 Steps To Becoming A Professional Medium

Connecting With Loved Ones

  1. 12 Most Common Signs from The Other Side

  2. Visitation Dreams vs. Regular Dreams

  3. How To Feel A Deceased Loved One's Presence

  4. When Do Your Loved Ones Visit? 4 Most Common Visitation Times

  5. How Do Your Loved Ones Communicate with You?

  6. Can Our Loved Ones Hear Us?

  7. How To Communicate With A Deceased Loved One (On Your Own)

  8. Do Dog Spirits Stay With You?

Identifying Your Gifts

  1. Your Psychic Senses - How Spirit Communicates With You

  2. The 4 Clair Abilities

  3. 9 Signs of Clairvoyance

  4. 9 Signs of Clairaudience

  5. 11 Signs of Clairsentience

  6. 9 Signs of Claircognizance

Opening Intuitive Gifts

  1. How To See Spirits

  2. How To Sense Spirits

  3. 4 Tips To Improve Clairaudience

  4. How To Develop Your Claircognizance

Turning Things Down

  1. How To Protect Yourself Psychically (2 part post series - 1 of 2)

  2. How To STOP Your Psychic Abilities (2 of 2)

  3. Managing Gifts Day-To-Day As A Clairvoyant Medium

  4. How To Get Grounded Spiritually

Spirits 101

  1. Identifying Spirit Guides & Angels

  2. The 6 Different Types of Spirits

  3. How Do Apparitions Work?

  4. How To Start Communicating

Managing Spiritual Activity

  1. Setting Boundaries With Spirits

  2. Cleansing Spirits: What To Do With A Spirit In Your Home

  3. Benefits And Uses Of White Sage

  4. How To Invite In Angels

Other Popular Articles

  1. Angels and Colors: Meaning and Symbolism of Angelic Light Colors

  2. What Happens After Death? 6 Things To Expect When Your Loved One Crosses Over

  3. Spirit Scents: Why Do I Smell Smoke When No One Else Is Around?

  4. Bird Signs - What They Symbolize & How To Identify A Bird Sign

  5. The Spiritual Meaning of Black Smoke: What Does it Mean When You See It?

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