Seeing Faces During Meditation: Interpretation & Symbolism
Updated 2021.12.06
Seeing faces in your mind's eye? Seeing faces when meditating? This post discusses what it means when the third eye is seeing faces.
If you've seen entities while meditating or seeing floating faces while in a trance or a dream state, this could be a beautiful sign of Spirit being around you.
When I first started re-developing my intuitive abilities, I began by practicing guided meditation exercises in books, on the internet, and in classes.
Then, I went to an afternoon sound healing retreat in the Mojave Desert with a couple of family members.
The retreat was doable within a day and consisted of the central portion of it being a 23-minute musical concert played with only pure quartz crystal singing bowls, inside a domed wooden structure.
While we settled in, we waited outside under a few Eucalyptus and Palm trees in the near-silence of the other guests waiting for the ceremony.
There, as we talked, we realized we still didn't know much about what to expect.
Soon, we were invited single-file into the building to prepare for our musical healing experience.
The sound healing chamber itself was housed inside a wooden dome with not much else inside, aside from singing bowls, an altar for donations, and wood floors to lay on mats.
We were encouraged to get on our backs and lay belly up on the wooden floors for the sound healing concert, so we got comfortable with our other concert mates.
Within minutes, everyone was settled in.
The concert began and ringing, harmonies, echoing, and resonances with the sound of chimes and bells began to fill the room, my ears and started to permeate through my entire body slowly.
I closed my eyes, and soon, I saw faces behind my eyes.
Human-like faces of different shapes and colors began floating from the left, the right, and directly at me, from within the center of my vision. They appeared in outline, full color, and in black and white. Sometimes, only face shape traces of glowing light.
Now, years since that day in the Mojave desert sound experience, I've seen lots and lots of faces, even figures, shapes, and entire people. All with my eyes closed, in meditation, and my work with spiritual journeying.
I've also coached many others through the same and found some similarities of what the faces could symbolize.
Are you seeing faces when you close your eyes, gaze off, or enter into a trance state?
Seeing faces, floating shapes, and symbols in your mind's eye can be a sign of the brain processing and sorting information.
It can also be related to clairvoyance and a sign you're receiving spiritual insight.
So with that in mind, if you've seen faces in a vision -
Seeing Faces Symbolism
Faces in meditation or dreams & what it could mean
Seeing faces can symbolize
They could be the faces of Spirit People, such as the faces of ancestors, Spirit Guides, or even those departed you have yet to remember.
Spirit Guide faces may be seen for the first time in meditations or energy healing work as the Chakras open.
Generally, I've found the faces you see with your eyes closed are typically the faces of those in Spirit who support and guide you.
If you see faces in a focused meditative state it could be
A Spirit Guide is confirming their identity to you.
The deceased or ancestors could have a message.
They could also be the images of the deceased that you know or who know you, such as ancestors, who may want to deliver a message to you or someone you know.
Your mediumship or channeling gifts are first opening, and this is typically considered a message that means 'hello from The Spirit World.'
Some people see random Spirit People in their mind's eye when their gifts are just beginning almost like a grand welcome.
You are seeing the truth or the mask that facades the truth.
So the faces could mean there is a message The Spirit People have for you, it could also mean you can see clairvoyantly, and these are just the images coming forward.
Laura Warnke has another interpretation, though. She suggests seeing faces could be the people you're coming into contact with soon, or perhaps a projection into an alternate reality. I think this is another possibility too.
People have also seen faces like this in shamanic healing work when doing a variety of other types of spiritual healing practices, when alone at night or during a spiritual awakening.
It is possible to see faces in dreaming while awake states, but it can happen in night-time dreams too.
If you see faces in a dream it could be
Spirit can visit you in your dreams, and sometimes, they prefer to show up that way. They will sometimes appear here, especially when we are still conscious enough to remember the entire vision and relaxed enough to receive it.
A sign of who or what type of archetype is currently influencing your energy field.
Your Spirit Guides are attempting to show their support.
It could also be a sign your third eye-opening
If so, see if you can answer yes to any of these questions below -
Did you recently do any additional spiritual growth work?
Overcome any recent personal battles/triumphs?
Have you been detoxing and doing positive energy work?
These are all events that can crank up spiritual awareness and pop you open to the next level of psychic sight.
Overall seeing faces could represent:
Your Spirit Guides
The deceased attempting to let you know they are with you
Other Spirit People saying hello
A glimpse into your future relationships
A hint your third eye is currently expanding
Seeing faces can be a sign your third eye or psychic sight is opening. When someone's third sight is opening, some people start by seeing lights in their meditations.
Seeing full images, including faces, would be the next sign, which means your clairvoyant abilities are getting even more detailed.
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