Who Are My Spirit Guides? How To Identify Your Spirit Guides
Updated 2024.12.16
Wondering how to tell what your Spirit Guide looks like? How to tell who your Spirit Guides are? How are they assigned?
Spirit Guides are non-corporeal beings, which means they exist only with non-physical bodies. Your Spirit Guides have often been human before, and they can occasionally be animals or pets.
Spirit Guides are selected by you and for you, before your birth, and they assist you on your journey here on Earth, whether you are aware of them or not.
Their presence is usually part of your soul contract.
Many guides have been with you in other lifetimes. In this life, they may have agreed to be your guide for your time on Earth. In other lives, you may decide to guide them.
Because you are a multi-faceted being, your guides are also multi-faceted.
You can have guides to assist you with anything, and you usually have around seven to nine guides on your immediate team.
With one main Spirit Guide, often called a life guide or master guide, this position can rotate.
Why meet your Spirit Guide
They remove barriers and create openings, so that these pieces of your experience are improved:
Soul purpose
Security and safety
Spiritual development - joy, happiness, and love
Spirit Guides are known to give life guidance through feelings, intuitive impressions, and mental images. They are often showing actions or activities that can assist you in shifting things.
The one thing they can't do is the action they recommend or share through feeling. Only you can do that.
And the first step in working with them in a harmonious feel-good relationship is identifying when they're near.
So below, I have three steps on how to identify your Spirit Guides.
How To Identify Your Spirit Guides
1. Ask
Spirit Guides will often send a person signs of who they are.
These signs often appear to people through synchronicity, dreams, or repeated signs. It is possible to get your signs confirmed in readings or energy healings by others.
I've many times had my Spirit Guides that I've seen in visions and spoken to no one about identified by other healers.
So one of the first steps in identifying your Spirit Guide is asking for a sign of who they are.
2. Notice
Open your mind to recognizing and all signs or synchronistic happenings for the next two hours to two weeks. Usually, confirmations happen within a week or the same hour.
Alternatively, ask a question and notice any answers that come back to you that provoke a feeling or the chills.
3. Visualize
Your Spirit Guides will often appear to you via symbols and images though they can appear as colors or in dreams.
Pay attention to what comes in via your mind's eye during a time when your heart is open. They most often give their impressions through reminders of love. Spirit's messages tend to put you in a more loving place or open your heart and mind to expansion.
So to recap, to identify your Spirit Guides:
Ask for a sign of who they are
Notice synchronicities
Visualize symbols they send for clues
When it comes to taking in your Spirit Guide's messages on them, I recommend doing so slowly, making one or two tweaks a day.
When Spirit Guides are often excited to work with you, their energy can feel this way when near. Still, they do take the time and work with people gradually on opening.
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