Spirit VS Residual Energy: What’s The Difference?

power lines on a foggy field

Updated 2021.12.07

When you walk into a room and feel a sudden drop in temperature, a sudden heaviness in your heart, or a sensation of falling within your gut -

How do you know the reason why?

You already know that you’re interacting with a change in a ‘new’ energy.

You may even be able to see the difference between warmer/cooler, heavier/lighter, and even the possible feeling or emotion that is presenting itself in the space. 

But how do you know that this presence is actually someone, and not lingering energy from a previous argument, tenant, or a Spirit who is no longer present? Or an electrical pipe? Or feedback from the cell phone that’s nearby?

Can you tell the difference between when you have energy attached to a dynamic being (a Spirit) or an energy lingering in the space, from the previous presence of dynamic beings (Residual Energy)?

Intelligent Spirit VS Residual Energy

Gold bubbles from Pixabay

Spirits are Dynamic

If you notice a moving energy source, such as when one area of the room is cold, then it’s suddenly gone and fine, but when you walk to another room, there’s that cold spot again.

Residual energy tends to hang in one place, where Spirit energy is dynamic and can change shape, scope (size), and location.

If your energy moves to a new room or space, changes in size, such as getting bigger or growing much smaller, seems to disappear out of nowhere, or you can see it change shape - this is a sign it’s a Spirit, not a lingering energy source.

If there is change, it’s an active being.

Spirits are Responsive

If you notice a shift in energy in the space with no known physical source, there’s a good chance this is a spirit individual in the space.

Residual energy is generally originally created from the recent presence of human activity, and now, with the absence of humans or an outlet for energy release, the energy just lingers in the space (which is why residual energy is felt more easily indoors than outdoors).

Residual energy is not attached to a dynamic source, so it usually just is what it is - with no change.

When Spirits are present in the space they will respond to other humans present in the space - with words, behavior, action, or emotion.

Spirits can hear when you speak to them and will respond to what you say and do - through communication with your intuitive senses or with physical world equipment - such as those things used in an investigation - dowsing rods, electromagnetic field sensors, and white noise machines.

If there is a response, it’s an active being.

Residual energy is unchanging, non-interacting, and simply present energy in the space, which can be released and removed often with little work - such as with a smudging and an opening of the windows to get some air circulation in the space to break up the stagnancy.

Residual energy, or lingering energy, will often be more present in spaces where there is or was a lot of human activity (past or present). 

Spirit energy can be present in a space with human interaction as well, but will likely not disperse when a space is ‘cleansed’ or ‘saged,’ unless the Spirit you need to leave is addressed directly. 

With residual energy, it can feel as though you stepped into an emotional interaction, although there is not presently one going on - as a lot of energy is released and built up in a space during an emotional, or heated engagement, that it ‘sticks around’ after the interaction is complete. 

Ask, where does each frequent?

Residual energy often exists in places with lots of energetic build up such as memorial sites, places with high human traffic or population, places where soul loss has occurred.

Spirits with energy can exist anywhere. They’re dynamic and can change location, shape, size, and strength . . . at any time, for any reason.

Want to know if the energy in your space is a residual energy thing or a spiritual energy thing?

Next time you sense the presence of something, take a deep breath, close your eyes, and move in and out of the space - as though you are stepping in and out of a hula hoop placed on the floor.

In the circle, do you feel it?

Out of the circle, do you feel it?

Back in and out of the space a few times to see if what you sense is stationary. If you stop feeling it, that’s a sign it’s moved. 

From there, walk around to see if you can find the source of what you felt before. If it’s a Spirit, simply ask it to reappear somewhere. When it does, try to see if it will respond to you. Ask it to do something or otherwise respond to your behavior.

Then, see what happens.

If it’s an intelligent spirit and wants to communicate with you, it will respond.

If it’s a residual energy, it will remain unchanged and non-reactive.

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