How To Know When You're Truly Getting Something From Spirit

Image of tealight on corner of table by Antonios Ntoumas from Pixabay

Image of tealight on corner of table by Antonios Ntoumas from Pixabay

Updated 2021.12.09

When opening up your intuitive abilities and taking steps to receive from the Universe, it can be hard to know when you are receiving accurate, transparent, Divinely guided information versus just wishful thinking or projections from others. 

Knowing when you are in alignment with the truth, and being able to identify what that looks like, are essential keys in honoring your connection to your inner wisdom.

So in this post, we'll discuss how to know when what you see in the astral planes reflects in actual reality. 

No matter the case, anything that happens astrally, is happening somewhere in the Universe, on some plane of existence. 

But knowing if the information applies to you, in this present moment, and this situation, is what we're calling true for this article. 

What does seeing look like? What am I supposed to be feeling? Wait, is this it? Did I make that up?

Aligning to receive messages from Spirit and intuitive guidance is a process. 

During this process, there are a series of attunements that you undergo to learn what it is and what it is not an authentic connection. And know, you may continue to tweak this throughout your entire journey on earth. 

In my post on 10 Most Common Signs Of Angels, item number five, I write there are three types of dreams, prophetic or true dreams, pathogenic and false dreams. 

Pathogenic dreams are sorting dreams where the Spirit is healing and releasing, and false dreams are typically those that involve the replaying of fears. 

As I say in that post, true dreams have an individual feel to them, a clarity that is different from other dreams and a way that they register in the heart.

Aside from that, ultimately, you know when something is intuitively true in three ways:

Photo of candle in a pint mason jar by Burst from Pexels

Photo of candle in a pint mason jar by Burst from Pexels

Notice how it feels when you receive it

In addition to any clairvoyant or clairaudient, you may have also received,

Does it feel aligned in your heart? Does it make you feel inspired?

So to know that what you receive is actually in alignment with truth and Spirit (for real), you generally do need to compare your results to more than one intuitive information source to validate your feelings.

For example, if you see a mental image, what feeling or clairaudient words come along with it?

This is called double validation, and typically more than one intuitive gift backs up what you get with the others.

Try external validation

External notification from a source outside yourself is incredibly helpful.

Validation can be received when you share intuitive impressions you received in an astral state with another trusted, loving, open person - such as a volunteer, client, a friend, or a family member.  

You can do this in sharing your impressions with a buddy, or holding onto non-necessary prophetic information for a day or two and seeing if it comes true. 

Sharing what you got and how you got it can allow another person to validate you and help you identify what state you were in when you got the insight, so it's easier to replicate in the future.  

Later, you'll have more confidence to act on prophetic information earlier.

Some people look up their intuitions in books or in other charts, which is sometimes helpful if the insight has been published already. 

Reboot, clear your energy and tune back in

Reset your energy field, clear your aura, and remove any variables. Retune your chakra system. 

If you are in doubt, you can always ask your inner wisdom to show you the information another way after you reset your energy bodies using any method that you like to cleanse your third eye chakras, crown, heart, or throat chakras. 

I like to say a connection meditation or imagine the golden energy around me.

Then tune back in. When it comes out the same, then you know you're likely looking into things accurately, at least for that moment. 

This is just like rerunning the statistics on numbers you entered, but instead, you clear your energy, ask the question again, and see if you get similar or different answers. 

Intuitive and Psychic Development. Am I Or Aren't I? How To Know When You're Truly Getting Something From Spirit. Image of tea light on corner of table by Antonios Ntoumas from Pixabay with text overlay of title.

Intuitive and Psychic Development. Am I Or Aren't I? How To Know When You're Truly Getting Something From Spirit. Image of tea light on corner of table by Antonios Ntoumas from Pixabay with text overlay of title.

Of these methods, sharing what you get in a dream, a meditative, or astral state outside of yourself is one of the best ways to know if what you got rings true. Whether you do this with a person, a chart, or a few days of waiting, given you have that time. 

Sharing what you get outside of yourself can boost your confidence, help you replicate the ways you've successfully intuitively received in the past, making it easier to get insight in the future and support others in their growth when warranted. 

One of the best ways to get insight on intuitive gifts is to offer to receive something for someone in a dream state, or offer a card reading and see what your feedback is. 

You can also give card readings to yourself to validate your intuitive impressions and keep things more private. I talk about that more in this post: Oracle Cards: How To Use Them To Connect With Spirit.

When you do get something right, it's often called an intuitive hit, and you will get them.

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