Temperature Changes & Spiritual Energy

Photo of red and orange bokeh orbs by spemone from Pexels

Updated 2024.11.11

It's warming up.

Could it be a Spirit? Do spiritual beings create warmth in a room? Can a sudden, warm temperature shift be the sign of a Spirit?

Usually accompanied by tightness in the chest, one of the first indicators that a Spirit is present is a sudden rush of warmth or coolness, all over my body.

For some, Spirit's presence feels like heat. 

For others, it feels like an energy rush coming in. 

These sensations are indicators of an increase in energy added to a space.

If you remember reaction equations from chemistry, this might sound similar to you - with added energy to a fixed space, we have friction. With friction, heat is often created as a side effect.

Call it an increase in activity, the more energy you have in a space, the more is bumping up against each other, creating gathering, producing heat.

This heat could be from a non-physical source.

And with all that said, there is still a difference between natural hot flashes from a kundalini awakening and a change in the temperature of the space around you from a Spirit.

Below, we'll discuss how you can identify when sensing Heat could be a Spirit:

When there's a shift in the temperature of the space around you which cannot be attributed to

Photo of red and orange bokeh orbs by spemone from Pexels with text overlay - Temperature Changes & Spiritual Energy.
  • The heat turning on

  • A sunbeam

  • A heat sink spot due to insulation

It can also be a sign of the presence of a Spirit.

Generally, it is a Light Spirit - a deceased Loved One, Spirit Guides, and Angels that add energy to space and create a feeling of warmth.

Warmth to many people creates a feeling of protection and joy, so this sign is usually connected to a Spirit who vibrates at a similar frequency. 

What is the best way to know if the temperature increase you feel can be attributed to a spirit? 

Photo of red bokeh lights by Achilles Kastanas from Pexels
  • Remove yourself from the area, back up, and walk back through it

  • Exit the space and re-enter the area

  • Walkthrough the rest of the room and see how that feels

  • Check your body functions and the electrical space around you to verify it's not you or something else in the area

If you have a space that is warmer than all the rest, there's a good chance a Spirit is gathering energy into a dense-enough form to be felt by you.

If you are channeling spirit and get warm in your sessions, know it’s pretty normal to feel your body temperature rise when joined by Spirit.

If you notice warmth and think it may be spiritual

Photo of five birds above forest skyline in pink sky by Lisa Fotios from Pexels
  • Know spiritual warmth usually also comes with a good feeling, via clairsentience, like tingles or a sense of excitement

  • Ask the energy to back up and return to the space, or do that yourself to verify what or whom it is

  • High vibrational energy coming in can create a faster feeling, which can have physical effects

Photo of orange flames on black background by Bob Clark on Pexels 

To recap, when Spirit energy is being gathered and added to space, it can create the sensation of warmth. Think of it like a vortex, which is a gathering of energy. The good news is that the warmth producing Spirits are often positive.

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