How Do You Know When A Spirit Is Present?
Updated 2022.04.06
Most people sense Spirits in their Heart space before they see them or hear them.
The Heart is the center of the energetic body. It is also a massive generator of pulses from the body's electromagnetic field.
Because of this, any pings to changes in the environment are likely sensed by the Heart Chakra first. To me, this is why the heart seems to be most active in spiritual or empathetic connections.
When you open up spiritually, it can be so helpful to focus on developing a practice where you work on maintaining a harmonious feeling in your heart.
When your energy is stable in the heart, it's much easier to sense energy at every different level when it comes in.
Spirit Energy is diverse, so sometimes it can feel like heat or cold, fast-moving or heavier grounding, depending on the group you are connecting with - and you want to be able to perceive these variations.
Any variable in your energy field that comes in and promotes an alternate sensation or a change to your energy body than the vibration you felt going into a space can signify a new energy present.
How To Tell When A Spirit Is Present
When a Spirit is present in your space, here are a few sensations you may experience
You can feel a heat wave come over your body, to the point where a change of clothes is required.
You can feel all over body chills and tingles throughout your body.
You can feel tightness or pressure in your chest, signifying a denser wave of energy coming in.
You can feel like you're experiencing a sudden energy rush.
You can feel a sudden wave of emotions or even physical sensations, typical when the deceased shows up.
These are all signs that a shift of energy has occurred.
These are just general markers for how a Spirit could feel. Depending on who you have present and their baseline energy vibration, it will change how the Spirit feels.
Many people will also see images or hear words alongside any clairsentient feelings they receive if the Spirit wants to communicate.
Everyone feels change differently, and this is how I sense it -
What it feels like for me when Spirit is present
When a Spirit is present, I notice that I suddenly have a sudden energy rush.
From there, I often stop whatever it is I'm doing and tune in. As soon as I tune in, I ground and clear the energy. All of the physical sensations start to dissipate as my body adapts and welcomes in the new vibration. I visualize it merging with mine.
The longer I wait before tuning in, the more intense the outside energy may feel. So this is why, as soon as I feel it, I try to imagine taking the energy through my body and allow myself to become one with it.
I sit down and try to 'find' the Spirit in the room or in the space. This usually doesn't take long; the Spirit is often behind me, some distance back.
If it's a deceased person, I often start seeing images of them, personally.
I start picking up on aspects of their personality, how they feel, what they are like, or their general emotionality.
If it's an Angel, I might notice a color come into my mind's eye, or get a sense of peacefulness or calm, depending on the Angel.
Once you tune into the energy, you can also pick up these aspects:
What they look like
How they feel to be around
Words or essences they wish to impart
The sensations vary from there, and then the images, the words, and the information simply starts to flow in.
This is how it feels when a Spirit is present for me.
It usually begins as a sudden rush right when they come in. Then there is a sort of equalizing to the energy where the different senses begin to all pick up on information that supports the first sensation.
In working with other mediums, I notice that a Spirit's feeling often begins before they see, hear, or receive words or images.
Most people then simply need assistance organizing the energy and making sense of it.
After you sense Spirit, the next step is
Managing Spirit Energy Coming In
The more that my energy is stabilized in a certain vibration, the less I'm affected by changes in other vibrations around me.
The same goes for you. The more you practice anchoring your energy to a particular wavelength, such as love, the less affected you become by changes from outside influences, including Spirit Energy coming in.
For example, choose one ray of light a day to focus on visualizing. This will harmonize your energy to vibration, making it, so you are more stable and secure in one area, less affected by minor changes all around you.
It will also make you more aware and discerning small changes around you, making it easier to pick up on the different energies.
Since the body is osmotic, you may naturally begin to take on some characteristics of the surroundings' energy anyway.
This is why, as an empath, it's essential to be mindful of which environments carry specific energies because you may slightly mold them.
Knowing that you can usually raise the space's energy through energy work, space clearing, and intentional processes (I talk about this in Spiritual Security).
So to recap, how you know a Spirit is present
Every person knows that a Spirit is present slightly differently, but it's usually the same basic processes at work. It starts with a feeling and then -
Noticing a change in the environment
Noticing images or sensations coming in where there wasn't before
Noticing emotional changes in the behavior of those around you, including animals
Noticing physical differences in your own body or mood
You can do all this better when your vibration is stable.
Then, if possible, validate your feelings with another sensitive person.
If you find they sense the same thing as you independently, this is often the cincher sign you have an entity present.
So, if at all possible, go out on your adventures with a friend and see if you can cross-validate.
Consider practicing your Spirit-sensing abilities anytime it makes sense, such as when antiquing, visiting historical sites, or when loved ones transition.
To end, you will feel the energy of Spirit, cueing you in that something is present, before you may ever see the being.
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