6 Steps To Success In Mediumship

6 Tips In Improve Your Mediumship. When you raise your vibration to connect with angels can improve your connection to Spirit. Angel in front of a window in an upper hall. Photo by Marc Najera on Unsplash

Updated 2021.12.27 with new backlinks and resources.

Mediumship training is all about learning how to communicate with others.

It just happens to be that in this practice, those others are non-physical and don't necessarily use physical means to communicate. 

If you're familiar with communicating with others in ways that extend beyond words, for example, you use music, you're a biologist, or you work with animals, mediumship may feel like second nature. 

If not, it's about trust, it's about learning to listen, and it's about developing relationships. 

And for just a short time, it may also be about being open to alternate, and perhaps more culturally relevant interpretations as to why you may be able to feel and sense the things you do. 

It's also about releasing your fears about what may or may not exist on the other side, and also somewhat ignoring, at least temporarily, what some American media sources have suggested is over there. 

Even before you ever start delivering messages or settle in for long stretches of meditations designed to connect, there are a few steps you can take to be more successful on your training path to and in mediumship. 

As a new or long term medium, by just focusing on enhancing one or two of these ideas below, you can dramatically improve your connection to Spirit, for yourself and others.

Aside from a commitment to learning and development, here are 6 steps to succeed in mediumship:

6 Steps To Successful Mediumship. Looking for a few mediumship development tips? Read on - Angel in front of a window in an upper hall. Photo by Marc Najera on Unsplash with text overlay: Mediumship Development - 6 Steps To A Better Connection With Spirit

Step 1. Figure out how you best interact with Spirit

Everyone senses Spirit differently, and in general, this is related to your learning style. 

Think about how you do well when being taught something new. Are you a visual learner, are you best with audiobooks, do you prefer reading and memorizing?

Are you more tactile, where you have to walk through it once and then your body remembers? 

Whichever way you learn best, this is usually the way you are most easily able to perceive in an extrasensory way. You might be able to see Spirit, sense them, or hear them.

Each person has some combination of these abilities, with one or two being strongest.

Start your connection with Spirit by focusing on honing one skill where you feel strong and then expand from there. 

For example, if you've sensed things while at historical sites, you may be more clairsentient, so you want to practice being aware of what you feel when around locations and in circumstances where Spirit, such as Angels and the deceased, may be present. 

It’s like working out - you can’t walk into a gym and start lifting all the weights. By starting connecting with just one or two extrasensory abilities, you are strengthening one muscle group and then moving onto the next.

For more on identifying your strongest gift, check out the articles What Is Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Claircognizance, And Clairsentience? and Your Psychic Senses: How Spirit Communicates With You.

Step 2. Learn to link with your Spirits

Connecting with Spirit, to me, is a lot like learning how to talk to someone who speaks another language. 

You have to learn a set of codes and a variety of nuances, but once you have it down, if your communicator is excellent, you'll have a good connection most of the time. 

Before becoming a foreign language translator for the Spirit World, you’d first have to learn to communicate the language for yourself. And just as is true in language class, it helps to have a partner.

Begin your journey by learning to connect with your own Spirit Guides, your Angels, and your Loved Ones in Spirit.

By getting comfortable learning to ride a bicycle on just one or two ‘models,' aka with just one or two Spirits, you get comfortable with the general techniques much faster.

It can help when you start with connecting to someone you trust, such as a deceased loved one you know very well.

If someone has already visited you from the Spirit World, this is an excellent helper with whom you can start a guided connection. 

Once there’s more stability and fewer changes, such as happens when working with one or two Spirits to begin, then try opening up the gates to work with many more.

I recommend starting a connection to meet with your Spirits once per week.

You can do this through shamanic journeying or any Connecting with Spirit Meditation in The Member's Meditation Room. You can also do this in online workshop.

Over time, after steady practice and gaining comfort with a few in Spirit, you’ll be able to safely and with confidence branch out and connect with anyone in the ethers who happens across your presence and with whom you wish to connect. 

Step 3. Start getting and trusting information from Spirit

The first successful recipient of any message from Spirit has to be you. 

A long time ago, I learned that the voice could be trusted because I've heard stories from those I know who've survived the Holocaust that great things are possible by listening to such a voice.

Later I learned it first hand when I felt stranded myself a time or two. But, I can't impart this onto you.

You'll need your own first-hand experience with this trust.

You are the one who has to believe in yourself first and be willing to be open to the fact that while brain abnormalities are real, they're only a segment of the truth. 

You have to see if your Spirit Voices are trustworthy by starting to trust some of the guidance and seeing how it plays out. 

The next step is sharing it with others and then seeing if they can cross-validate it. If you can do some of your own tests to see if the information you receive in astral does sound true to others, then you're onto something. 

Begin asking questions and attempting to get information from Spirit, either through pendulums, oracle cards, or asking questions of your Guides and Angels in meditation. 

Ask for favors from your Spirit team, and see what happens.

Ask for proof and then see if you get signs.

Then maybe ask a friend if they have a question they'd ask a psychic, meditate on it, and see if you get something that can help them, making sure to be as rich with detail as you can. Ask for feedback.

As you start to develop a trusting relationship with Spirit, write down and record what you get, both for yourself and others, and ideally, you’ll begin to see a trend. 

Spirit often has no reason to lie to you, so they don’t. They usually have every reason to wait to gain your favor. Remember, the majority of those in Spirit are your ancestors who love you.

Some people feel it easiest to begin with receiving guidance in dreams and then going from there. I did a cross test of 100 readings and found results.

Just find what works for you to start testing the trust. As this trust builds, so will your confidence in your connection, and the guidance you receive will typically get clearer. 

Step 4. Begin to identify the regulars in Spirit

When you answer a phone, you always ask who is speaking. When connecting with anyone for the first time - the first step is always introductions. 

So, when you begin to connect with Spirit, enhance your connection, and ask who is talking to you for information on who they are.

Even if the wisdom, guidance, and information has always been helpful and great, you’ll want to know where it’s come.

Spirits are individuals, and therefore, have individual characteristics, personalities, and behavior traits.

If you plan to work with Spirit time and time again, by knowing who is connecting with you at any one moment, you are providing yourself the opportunity to develop a relationship with specific individuals, rather than a mysterious blanket force.

How do you find out identity?

Ask the presences you sense questions about their identity. And wait for what you hear, sense, feel, or pick up.

Most Spirits can give at least five pieces of information that can confirm their identity and, in some cases, be validated by historical books or family resources. 

For those who really want to work on their identification, I also have an eBook on this, called The Spirit Identification Key.

Step 5. Identify your Higher Purpose as a medium

To have long-term success in mediumship, you need to have a deeper reason for why you do what you do that goes beyond pleasing others and curiosity. 

You need something that is going to give you purpose and keep you going no matter what happens.

A mission statement, a why statement, or even a code of ethics can help cement yourself to a higher purpose that you can always go back to regardless of all. 

If you asked me my mission statement, I might say it's because there are telepathic people currently locked away in hospitals, I am seeking greater societal acceptance and freedom for them.

At some other time, I might say it's because it's the only thing that makes me feel alive in my heart.

In another mood, I might say that my higher purpose is to bring comfort to all whom I encounter. And connecting with the Spirit World, though at times is hard to do, it does that in a way no other work has.

What I’m saying is, it doesn't matter if your purpose is static, or if every time I ask you, you have a new why statement.

The point is not that you have one finite and final good reason for the judges. It's that you think about your core why, your ethics, and your purpose, for you. And from time to time, you revisit it. 

It'll act as your North Star, that keeps you committed to your higher purpose during the times when you feel you have lost all-purpose. 

Your higher purpose will also guide you on:

  • Where to focus

  • How to steer your ship

  • In what direction

  • And for whom

It also helps you identify your audience, necessary if you do this for business. Other people will feel it in your work, and this will help you develop your trust factor. 

Your reasons for connecting to Spirit are going to be unique, and I encourage as you develop and grow that you have a reason why.

You do have a why. Everyone who does this work does. So just think of this prompt as merely an invitation to think about it, write it down, and revisit it. 

Step 6. Find a group of Spirits who you enjoy

It makes the job easier. Each medium has a group of individuals in Spirit that they're drawn to working with. Or you can think of it as those who are drawn to working with you. You can think of these as your familiars. 

If your background is in religious studies, they may be saints or Angels, in this field, called Ascended Masters. If you have experience with overdose or child loss, these Spirits may take a particular affinity towards you.

Spirits generally gravitate toward the medium they feel can best speak their messages, and take kinship towards a person they feel can empathize with them.

Mediumship isn’t all about connecting with the deceased. You can work with Spirit Guides, Guardian Angels, Deceased Loved Ones, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Elemental Spirits, and more.

Which of these groups interests you most? Which do you feel is around you, or do you have experience in knowing?

Begin learning about, understanding, and working with one of these groups in The Spirit World. 

As you begin to get comfortable navigating in one group within the Spiritual Realms, you can start to branch out and make new friends in the other areas. 

You may just simply want to notice the types of Spirits you tend to bring through. This may change over the years as your interests, audience, and specialty changes, too.

Doing so can help you identify a niche and also be more aware of when these energies are around. 

To recap, for success in mediumship

Photo of spiral door by Kelvyn Ornettte Sol Marte on Unsplash


Figure Out How You Best Interact With Spirit


Learn To Link With Your Spirits


Start Getting And Trusting Information From Spirit


Begin To Identify Your Regulars In Spirit


Identify Your Higher Purpose


Find A Group Of Spirits Who You Enjoy And Continue From There

And aside from these six tips, I also recommend:

Hanging out with supportive people while you develop for success. When developing, you want to keep anyone who may wish to stomp on the budding fruit away from the tree. 

Putting a focus on the people whose lives you change.

Practice. Through practice, when bringing through Spirit, you’ll gain trust, confidence, and skill. 

And the more you flex your Spirit muscles, the bigger, more solidified and enhanced they become. New abilities that you didn’t know you had can emerge, and a new you may develop and transform.

The Spirit World has a way of opening people to new ways of thinking, so it can be a journey that takes you to places beyond what you ever thought possible.

So choose one or two of the above, and by just focusing on improving in one or two areas, you’ll begin to notice spiritual communication abilities open and bloom. 

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