3 Easy Ways To Connect With Your Spirit Guides

Photo of golden light orbs by Pixabay from Pexels

Updated 2024.12.06

Are you asking Spirit Guides for signs? In this post, we discuss how to communicate with your Spirit Guide to get them.

At this moment and any moment, you have between three to twelve spiritual beings on your immediate friendly team to assist you with guidance, love, insight, and support.

Like co-pilots, these are Spirits that like to hang out with you, and they are your Spirit Guides.

Your Spirit Guides are yours to call upon whenever you need a solution. My first Spirit Guide appeared to me when I was a child, and she would stand in my bedroom doorway when I'd wake up from dreams. 

Of my work now, when I meet with clients privately for consultations, it's one of my favorite things to see which Spirit Guides come forward for them. 

Sometimes they appear as Animals, sometimes clothed from other lifetimes, sometimes as beings from different cultures. One thing that remains the same between all guides is the amount of love and peace they emanate. 

Nothing is more beautiful than the feeling of calm that comes over you when a Spirit Guide is present. 

They radiate a sense of certainty and security that dissolves all doubt, so much that when their mist leaves at the end of a session, you feel like you've just woken up from a dream. 

Their energy feels like waking up from a beautiful dream where everything is alright.

Spirit Guides have a few roles, but the main one being to watch over you. Your guides are aware of your life path and soul purpose, and this way, they are aware of what is in your highest and greatest good at any moment. 

They are also responsible for promoting you to become the hero of your own story. This is why they will often push for you to persevere over the hills and to the valley to greatness.

Because of this, they are assisting you to make these choices and nudging you in the best direction, but sometimes, it can take a moment to clear the clutter to get their guidance. 

So this post is about how to do precisely that. 

Your Spirit Guides are helping you co-create the life you want, deserve, and aspire to have right at this moment.

I can call them for you in a consultation, though it is the best and most rewarding when you contact them and get the evidence and the experience yourself.

So below are three ways you can connect with them directly -

3 Easy Ways To Connect With Your Spirit Guides. Photo of golden light orbs by Pixabay from Pexels.

1. Oracle Cards

You can use divination tools, such as Oracle Cards, to ask questions to your Spirit Guides and receive answers. It may seem like Oracle Cards are an indirect way to connect, but they are part of a tried and true divination method called inductive divination. 

Inductive divination is in the same family of divination tools as runes and Ouija Boards. It involves the use of physical objects divinely influenced for messages. Spirit can influence physical things when invited into the space. 

Oracle Cards connect you directly to a specific grouping of Spirits, and the cards usually contain common messages from these Spirits. When applied together, you have a mini-message or reading.

Find a pack of Oracle Cards that speak to you. Select one off your shelf and:

  • Ask your Guides a question while shuffling the deck. 

  • Wait until you hear or sense internally, stop. 

  • Then, pick one card. That’s your message.

If you decide to do a three-card spread for more information, use the same technique as above, but instead, choose three cards. 

The first one is the immediate influencing past (the why you are where you are now). The middle is the present (the energy now, what you have to work with). The last one is the future, what will happen if you step into the power of the present.

Using Oracle Cards in this way is my favorite way to receive information from my Spirit Guides objectively when reading for myself. 

A lot of mediums do card readings themselves to separate Spirit Messages from their thoughts and feelings. 

Working with an external tool, like Oracle Cards, can affirm the messages you receive internally, and it also provides cross-validation, an essential part of working with Spirit. 

If you have doubts using this method, use three sets of Oracle Cards and do three readings. 

Usually, all the cards will tell you the same thing. Still, it helps to validate or even get the symbols in different ways for clarification.  

If you happen to do a reading and get nothing but reversals, lift your mood and raise your vibration, then come back to it and try again. 

Reversals can suggest a negative mood, and when you are in this vibration, connecting with Spirit can be a challenge for all of us. You may mis-pull out of impatience. It may be harder to focus on hearing the stop.

Or, through the law of attraction, you may end up with all cards that will direct you to the reverse of what you want. Either way, negative moods can stall a message. 

I often think this is because Spirit speaks to Solutions. When you're in the no-zone (we've all been there), there's no getting through.

Most Spirit Messages can wait a couple of hours for the energy to come into alignment with forwarding progress and openness. 

If you continue to get a suite of reversals, this can suggest the answer to your question is no or not right now, so you may want to try asking a question another way.

For more on connecting with Spirit Guides this way, read: Oracle Cards: How To Use Them To Connect With Spirit

2. Crystals

Another tried and true inductive method of divination that has worked for centuries. With enough focus and energy clearing, it can work for you, as it has worked for sages for thousands of years. 

Crystals deliver Spirit Messages to you through a pairing of Psychometry and Clairsentience.

Here's how you connect with Spirit Guides using crystals as a conduit:

Find any clear, light-colored, semi-translucent stone in your space that speaks to you and set it in your lap. 

Not sure what crystals to choose? I like rose quartz and selenite.

Once you have selected your crystal, take three deep breaths, relax your shoulders and arms, place your hands aside your body with your palms open. 

Imagine all of the energy of the Spirit World coming in behind you and enveloping you. Think of a time you have felt the most loved and free. 

Imagine a time when someone you love has felt the most beloved and free, the energy that is identical to that of the highest vibrations of your Spirit Guides. It unifies you to this frequency, making sure you're on the dial you want to be on to connect.

Next, imagine a golden stream of energy rinsing over your crystal in your lap, and then imagine this golden stream of light energy rinsing through your body. 

When you feel calm, free, and loved, ask for a solution, and place both of your palms on the crystal. 

What clairsentiently do you feel? What images do you see? Do you hear a word? Usually, this is a single phrase suggesting the energy needed to move forward now.

Trust what comes forward. It is often an image of you doing something that reflects the solution or a word of the same, or a feeling needed to add to the situation to promote positive forward growth. 

The Spirit World works through charged high-frequency energy in the space. 

When you charge your space, your body, and an object of focus with the energy, such as what you just did, The Spirit World can project messages into that space. 

When your energy is clear, you can read it.

Crystals separated from the matrix can get cloudy energy just like our own. When this happens, just like any smoky crystal ball, they are harder to read. So if you get nothing from a crystal when you try this, clear it, with light or sage, and try again. 

I suggest trying the above with two different crystals and seeing what works better. Some Spirit Frequencies work better with different matrices. 

This technique is the same reason why some people find it easier to get Source messages on top of a mountain or when standing amongst boulders in the desert. 

In this method, you are just calling the source to you in your living room or at your office desk, wherever you are. 

3. Channel Spirit Guide Messages

Sometimes called automatic writing or automatic speaking, you can channel Spirit Guide messages for yourself, and also direct messages for others. 

You've probably already done it a thousand times. We are all conduits and connected to Spirit Energy when in our highest vibrational state.

When was the last time you gave incredibly profound advice to a friend without realizing what you were saying as you were saying it?

Blurted something wise or truthful out, wise beyond your situation? Said something courageous, and the whole room stopped to listen? Or had tingles when someone else did any of the above?

If yes to any of the above, you've either channeled Spirit energy or been witness to it.

In a very comfortable state, going with the flow of things – channeled messages from Spirit Guides can flow right into your mind, through your body, and fly from your mouth. This is called uniting with your Spirit Guides.

How to begin channeling your guides:

To do it, get into a comfortable, slight meditative state, ground yourself, clear your mind, and ask a question to begin. Write down the words offered to you as they often lead to the next chunk of text you're bringing through. 

When you are complete, ask, who is with me now? Sometimes, you'll get a name. 

To recap, three ways to connect with your Spirit Guides are

Photo of golden bokeh lights by TaniaRose from Pixabay
  1. Using oracle or divination cards

  2. Working with crystals to call in their energy

  3. Channeling their messages in your meditations

These are just a few ways you can connect directly with your Spirit Guides. 

The first two pair physical means of divination with non-physical. The third is a method of entirely non-physical reception, so it takes a little more trust, but it’s possible to do.

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