How To Use Oracle Cards To Connect With Spirit

Photo by Amanda Linette Meder of the Moonology Oracle Cards Box with milky calcite and a bundle of sage

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In this post, we're going to discuss how you can use Oracle Cards to access divine guidance.

Oracle Cards are just one of many types of divination tools.

Divination tools are physical world tools that you can use to externally validate what you are already intuitively receiving from The Spiritual World.

Spirit Guides and Angels can connect with you using Oracle Cards as their medium of communication here on the physical plane.

Oracle Cards Decks are different from other forms of divination cards in that they usually are designed and intended for you to connect with and access the guidance of one group of spiritual beings. 

Conversely, other card decks, like the Tarot, which can also be used for connection, are meant to more explain and help us understand the Shakespearean nature of life. 

Oracle Card Decks generally range from 30 to 56 cards, they vary in pictures, and they often carry either written or symbolic information on each card. 

It is through the symbols on the cards and the juxtaposition of the cards to each other that you can draw the meaning of the messages from The Spirit World on them. 

You shuffle the deck, draw cards, and use them to receive meaningful and direct messages from Spirit in a tangible way you can actually see. 

I like them for clients and even myself, because they take the Clairvoyant images you already see and put them on a canvas in front of the medium and the viewer, almost giving you a visual presentation to help enhance and describe your messages.

I also like to use them when friends and family members ask for readings because it helps create some emotional distance and objectivity between myself and the subject.

You can use Oracle Cards as a stand-alone divination tool or as a tool to cross-check the intuitive information you have already received, as a form of double-validation.

There are many Oracle Cards on the market today, and usually, each has its own set of directions and explanations of how to use them.

I love Oracle Cards and collecting them, and when working with a deck to draw down the messages from Spirit, I encourage using one you fall in love with. 

Because then, you learn the symbols, and the interplay of the cards can unfold an even deeper meaning for you. 

Though, my hope is that without instructions, you can pick up any deck and begin reading it. So that’s what this post is about.

Below are the 8 essential bones of how you do a card reading in conjunction, and connection with Spirit.

Photo by Amanda Linette Meder, featuring the three backs of the Moonology Oracle Cards which are the moon cycle from full to new in a circle


Choose a deck that speaks to you - either buy new or select a pack already in your collection.


If your deck is new, before you draw, take all the cards out and go through them one by one, meditating on each card.

If it's an old deck from your collection or one borrowed, knock on it or sage it, to clear and reset the energy. This step does make a difference.

It helps make the card deck your familiar tool and releases projections.


Take three deep breaths, focus, and ask your question or state your intention of what you'd like to know.


Shuffle the cards until you hear or sense when. You will sense it. If you have a method of shuffling, do this method until you sense when.


Choose the card or series of cards that calls to you. Most people like to pull three for past, present and future.

Choose the bottom card for the underlying factors or past. Choose off the top for fresh or present energy.


Flip over the cards and observe them.


What lies within these cards, and what you get, psychically, intuitively is the answer to your question from your Spirit Team. 


Refer to the book that came with your deck, or your own internal symbol set to discover the deeper or new takes and messages.

Sometimes it helps, after you pull the cards, to step back, zoom out and look at all the cards you pulled or the entire image to get the message. 

All decks are created in alignment with a vibrational frequency of a particular set of guides and lightworkers. 

So if you do not resonate with a deck or fall out of alignment with a pack, it could mean you simply changed your vibrational alignment or moved to a new set of lessons on your soul path. Not necessarily a bad deck, just there may be better ones for you, search until you find it.

Looking for a new deck? For a place to start, a few of my current favorite Oracles are:

From there, most decks will have even further instructions on how you can enhance or accurately read that deck, but without those, the above step-by-step is really all you need. 

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