10 Daily Activities To Improve Your Connection To Spirit

Photo of person holding a blue marble with an open palm by Dewang Gupta on Unsplash.

Updated 2024.12.08

A connection with Spirit can enhance so many areas of your life.

Your level of confidence and security with experience, the amount of love you feel for the world around you, and it can guide you forward on your life path with certainty. 

Your Spirit Team, your Guides, your Angels, and your Ancestors are there in Spirit, even when it feels like no one else is. 

So developing a secure connection to them in times of peace is helpful because then it will be even more robust if you ever need them in times where the tide feels like it wanes out. 

When looking for a way to improve your connection to Spirit and enhance your ability to see, hear and feel the unseen world of Spirit Guides, Angels and Loved Ones - there are many ways to flex your intuitive muscles. 

Outside of active meditation, learning oracle cards, reading books on Auras, and going to classes, there are plenty of ways that you can improve your connection to the Divine, and below, we'll discuss just a few ways to enhance your connection to Spirit. 

10 Ways To Improve Your Connection To Your Spirit

Photo of person holding a blue marble with an open palm by Dewang Gupta on Unsplash with text overlay, 10 Tips To Improve Your Connection To Spirit: get better intuitive guidance

1. Ask For Guidance More Often

One of the most common questions I’m asked about working to develop a relationship with Spirit, either to connect with your own personal Loved Ones and Spirit Guides or as a professional medium is, “Can I ask my Angels something like this?”

The answer is yes, you can ask for guidance on anything. They may even guide you on how to get a better answer, more easily. 

For example, when I was asking for guidance on food purchases when dealing with an allergy recently, I was guided to hold each item near my heart and judge how it made me feel in an emotional sense, before purchasing.

Since doing this, I've never felt more healthy. 

Most feel better asking for small pieces of guidance on non-major things to develop trust, and then asking for larger pieces of advice after trust develops. 

But whatever you choose, the truth is that you can ask your Guides, Angels, and Loved Ones for help or guidance on anything you feel like. No matter how physical or real-world the question. 

2. See Everyone As Spirit

When connecting with Spirit, sometimes, it helps to think of them as people. And when connecting with people, it helps to think of them as Spirit.

Doing this helps to bridge the gap between our world and theirs, and it assists us with removing any mental barriers from a connection. 

When you go out, remind yourself when interacting with an aggressive driver - this person is Spirit, too.

When at the store and someone looks stressed, say internally, hello to their Spirit. 

Acknowledging the soul within can create beautiful changes. 

Before greeting anyone new, think Spirit first, body second. Just for one day. 

You’ll surprise yourself with the amount of compassion you’ll have and the unique insight you'll receive when merely reminding yourself that all are Spirit.

People's behavior often will change when their soul is honored, even if you never say that you acknowledged it out loud. 

3. Practice Active Listening

Most of my job is listening to Spirit and communicating what I hear to my client.

What’s the best way to become a better medium or communicator with Spirit? 

Well, it’s only hearing what is being said to you in the right here and now with your entire sensory system. 

Using how you feel, the images you see in your mind's eye as you engage, and the audio part of what is coming through to interpret the entire communication does improve a connection to Spirit. 

Practice full-body listening with people and pets near you, and then in meditation or in a shamanic journey, it'll be easier to do. 

The more listening you can do in daily life, the easier it becomes to hear those in the realm of Spirit when they try to communicate, too. In fact, improving your listening skills is one of the best ways to open your clear hearing abilities, your clairaudience

4. A Few Minutes Of More Awareness

Take 5-10 minutes every day to pay attention to your surroundings. 

One of the main goals of meditation, energy sensing class, or even yoga is to get you to open up and notice more of what’s happening in the present moment. 

Dedicating time to paying attention to environmental shifts and the activities around you is an exercise in paying attention to the subtle energy, interactions, emotion, and environment.

Much of developing your intuition and connection to Spirit is the act of picking up on more subtle cues and energy shifts. 

So purely observe the activities of a bird feeder for a few minutes or look up from your computer. Then, be in space. After that, you’ve already started the journey of connecting to space and all the energy in it. 

5. Speak How You Feel

Often times, we receive and feel much more information that we speak. We hold back and keep it in.

By speaking how you feel calmly, consciously, you are communicating the Truth of one Spirit (you) to those in Spirit around you. 

By speaking what is felt and experienced by one Spirit, is an opportunity for others in Spirit around you, to connect with you and communicate their feelings too.

As soon as we have Spirits in the human body speaking and sharing, then we have Source energy flowing.

When you open up the Throat Chakra, for those in the physical to speak the truth, it makes it easier for those in the non-physical to step into that flow. 

This is especially important to do if the energy feels stagnant around you. To connect with Spirit, we do need to get the flow going around you, and then Source can come in much more quickly. 

When stepping forward to connect with Spirit in the unseen world, we must first step forward to fully connect with those in Spirit already around us, including ourselves. 

6. Practice Compassion And Empathy

In my work to connect with Spirit, I feel, hear, translate, and exchange the emotions of two individuals with myself as the conduit. That's it, that's all it is. 

I act as a translator for acceptance, understanding, and compassion - relaying the love of those in The Spirit World to my clients on Earth.

As you become a conduit for the eternal love and acceptance of our Loved Ones, Guides, and Angels, why not become a channel of love and acceptance always? 

Beginning to have an understanding of what someone else is going through or experiencing in your daily life is one way to keep your channel clear for the knowledge of Spirit to shine through you always. 

Spirit often likes a soft open space to speak, so the more you can create that within the mind and body, the easier it is for the Divine to get through. 

Take a moment today to understand how someone else might feel or what another person’s experience might be.

7. More Acceptance

When you release judgment of others and yourself, you are embodying the primary characteristic of those in The Spirit World.

Non-judgment and eternal love. Becoming a better connector and conduit between the realm of Spirit and those around you helps to guide you to prevent a judgment. 

Now we are all making choices involving judging all day. Release the need to have one thing to be wrong, so another thing can be right. Or the need for one thing to be bad, so another can be good. 

Moving into a place of acceptance of others, the situation, and leaving space for Divine justice can open a connection to Spirit by allowing love to come in. 

8. Trust Your Gut And Nagging Feelings

Spirit speaks to us in repeating themes, circles, and messages. 

Having a returning message? Want to make sure it's real?

Going to a place of reverence to you can help you clear any clouding thoughts so you can get right on what the message is. Then, try following it. Reorder your life, so it is easier to follow.

So just taking one step a day, or even three, will get you there and help the shift happen. 

Arranging your life to be closer to hearing the guidance will overtime make the messages more comfortable to receive and help them flow in more gracefully over time. 

One of the best ways to own and acknowledge how you feel in your gut is by stopping and asking, what is making me feel this way?

When connecting with Spirit, sometimes, you will receive information and guidance that doesn’t always make immediate, logical sense. 

But sometimes taking the non-linear route is taking you exactly where you need to go.

And the more you begin to trust what you receive as being valid, the faster you’ll develop a trusting relationship with Spirit.

9. Shine A Light

Be a spotlight for the Divine.

Find yourself in a group of people who are complaining? Feeling like you might be going down the road of negativity?

You can turn the bus right around by speaking positively about a situation, person, or place.

Choose to find and search out the bright spot in the situation.

Find an exciting and unique part about something. Shine a light on the darkness, and you’ll be doing precisely what Spirit would have you do anyway. 

By being a beacon for others, you are acting as the beacon of Light that Spirit may be for you. You are showing evidence to others of the Love of the Divine and those in Spirit - right here on Earth.

Sometimes it will feel like it is impossible to find a bright spot, so if that happens, just listen until you can provide a laugh. Or share something that might cheer that person up, like a funny cartoon or something that cheered you in similar times. 

10. Provide Love Where You Need it

Lead by example and show those around you how you wish to be treated by providing that treatment. When working with Spirit, their suggestion on receiving is to give others the gifts that you want to receive.

The law of reflection will assure it is returned, but it may not be returned from the original source you sent it. 

By providing an abundance of what you wish to receive to others, you’re turning on the inflow of gifts and wealth to you.

It can take up to 2 years to see a response here, but generally, the law of reflection can start working within just a few hours. 

To recap, to improve your connection to Spirit

Photo of crystals on wood table by Sarah Brown on Unsplash
  1. Ask For Guidance More Often

  2. See Everyone As Spirit

  3. Practice Active Listening

  4. A Few Minutes of More Awareness

  5. Speak How You Feel

  6. Practice Compassion and Empathy

  7. More Acceptance

  8. Trust Your Gut And Nagging Feelings

  9. Shine A Light

  10. Provide Love Where You Need it

Part of the intuitive journey is living your life with more ease, love, grace, and beauty. Spirit generally has the whole plan on how to guide you here. 

So when you open to it, know your life will unfold like an opening flower of love.

Spirit will find the easiest and fastest route to open your life to this within your family and country's economic, social, and cultural system. When enough people get together and practice all these things even remotely, it can also change entire systems. Overtime. 

The first thing is to start with you, and then, the changes Spirit is leading you to will begin to happen outwardly.

In turn, you become more attuned to the subtle energetic messages you receive, making 'following the guidance' that much more natural for you. 

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