The 6 Types Of Spirits You Need To Know About

Photo of pink surface with gold and white ornaments, a jungle style journal, and candle holders by Uby Yanes on Unsplash

Updated 2024.12.07

When it comes to interacting in The Spirit World, it can take time to fine-tune your discernment, but it can also be a feel-good process.

Most of those in Spirit who are kind, positive, and for your growth, want you to feel good while you get there.

Think about your Spirit Team as a bunch of spirits who value and love you and want to keep you in this place of feeling as you accomplish life goals. It's a lot like a corporation or a group of people who know your worth and are willing to extend it and resource share. 

The main types of Spirits it's essential to know about are those who are on your team, rooting for you, and are thinking progressively with you to your life's goal. 

Think of it like a group of people who make up the dream company you always wanted, this is your Spirit Team. 

Between Guardian Angels, Ascended Masters and Spirit Guides, along the way, each type of Spirit illuminates what they do through experience.

How you can benefit from connecting with one over the other is usually something you learn as you go, which is what makes the journey of connection kind of exciting. 

On top of that, each person has a variety of intuitive abilities they can use to connect with Spirit. If you are first connecting with Spirit, know they can communicate through physical knocks and sounds. 

Still, they can also communicate through the transmission of feelings when you are tuned into the energy they represent. Some of us are feelers, some of us are healers, and some of us connect with Spirit using external cues or even clairvoyance.

So your gifts will also determine how you interpret the different spirit groups. Though, despite this, there are some similarities in how each spirit group behaves and what they can assist with. 

To get to know the main types of spirit groups, I go over the six most common below. 

6 Main Types Of Spirit Groups

The 6 Types Of Spirits You Need To Know About. The Main Types of Spirit Groups. Photo of pink surface with gold and white ornaments, a jungle style journal, and candle holders by Uby Yanes on Unsplash.

1 - Animal Guides

Animal Guides tend to be a lot like Spirit Guides. However, they can sometimes be living - as incarnated currently in the physical world with you. 

Animal Guides can and do appear to most people in the non-physical or through signs and synchronicities of their presence. 

They are the Spirit Group that is usually most eager and willing to be validated. You typically will receive external confirmation, multiple times in your life whom your Spirit Animal is, and this is your Animal Guide. 

Animal Guides are often externally validated by others. 

For example, you may see a Dolphin Guide in Meditation, and then have a healer share they also see a Dolphin in your energy without you saying a word. 

2 - Spirit Guides

These types of spirits have usually existed on this Earth in physical form, before transitioning to assisting others in Spirit.

All living people at some point will be Spirit Guides, and all Spirit Guides have usually once been living people. 

One person typically has many Spirit Guides with all with different specialties, with usually one Main Guide, called a Master Guide, who tends to watch over the group. 

Generally, Spirit Guides have a similar soul purpose to the person on Earth they primarily watch over. 

You Spirit Guides have been through similar life challenges and overcome them. They are then appointed to guide a person who will be overcoming that challenge in this lifetime. 

Spirit Guides stay with a person for life, and you select your guides before birth, so this group is usually somewhat decided. 

In some circles, a Spirit Guide is a slang name for any spirit who assists you. 

3 - Ascended Masters

These are Spirit Guides, the same as above, but they represent people who also reached enlightenment during their lifetime. 

These are Spirit Guides who ascended while living, and they typically watch over a larger group of souls. 

A Spirit Guide usually just watches over one person or a family group, an Ascended Master may take on multiple groups of people. 

The people an Ascended Master takes on to guide are usually part of the same soul group. You will often meet others who share an Ascended Master with you during your lifetime. 

Ascended Masters have generally lived many lifetimes, where Spirit Guides may not have completed all their lifetimes yet. 

As I mention in this post on Ascended Masters as Guides, I see them as the department heads of Spirit Guides. 

Ascended Masters tend to look out for large groups of people, where Spirit Guides are generally designated to one individual or family at a time. 

4 - Ancestors

Also known as Deceased Loved Ones, or Loved Ones in Spirit.

These are Spirits who know you personally from the physical world, including pets and relatives from before you were born. 

This group includes adopted parents as well as biological parents. 

They include all your ancestors. They also often act as Spirit Guides on your behalf and are most known for sending physical signs or their physical styles of communication, and apportations. 

Ancestors tend to send the most physical cues of their continuation into eternity.

5 - Angels

Angels include Guardian Angels, Archangels, and even Cherubs, a special kind of Angel known for their singing.  Angels have overarching expertise and areas of focus for bettering both the world of Spirit and the physical world. 

The main areas Angels watch over are in seven groups or fields, which can be identified by color. 

Angels generally lead or contain other groups of spirits, bonding groups of people, and their guides towards specific shared goals. 

While they can and do appear to people as apparitions, they tend to be the closest to Source Energy. They don't always appear clairvoyantly as a definite shape, as much as they are a cloud or feeling they impart. 

Among Angels, Archangels can help large groups of people, where Guardian Angels are specifically supportive of you. Still, most Angels can transform into Guardian Angels at given moments in time and space. 

Meaning you can call on any Angel at any time and have them come. This seems to be what makes this group unique among all the Spirits. 

Angels can be called in with a prayer like this one, or they can be called in to stand around you and envisioned clairvoyantly. 

Envisioning them brings their vibration close to you. It allows you to borrow it and begin acting from this energy too, which slowly can start to transform a person over time. 

This group is usually the most interested in the human connection of all Spirit Groups. And thank goodness, because they can change people, and conditions, in a matter of days when you call on them. 

6 - Elemental Spirits

These are Spiritual Beings currently living primarily in the physical realm, and they include fairies, gnomes, plant spirits, and crystal spirits. I usually recommend these Spirit Groups for environmentalists and people who invent physical products for a living. 

They have the most affinity for people who have gifts of alchemy or taking physical matter and transforming it into something more useful and beautiful.  Anyone working with the elements to develop their life can benefit from loving the Elemental Spirits. 

They are our closest living relatives in the physical world who mostly occupy wild places such as forests, oceans, lakes, meadows, and mountains. 

So they tend to be the Spirit Groups who are first available when humans are in need, then relaying that information to the other realms. 

I put them in this list right after Angels, because some people link this group with Angels for the reason I mentioned above. They are Earth's first responders as they tend to operate in and nearest to the earth planes. 

They can pick up on Earth's vibrations and needs, such as the suffering of those who need it most and are lower on Maslow's hierarchy of needs at this current moment. 

They are miracle workers, like angels, but they simply fill a slightly different call. The way I compare Elemental Spirits to Angels is I think of a mountain and people being lifted up the mountain. 

The Elementals are at the bottom of the lift and the Angels at the top, both working together. 

So to recap, the 6 main groups of Spiritual Beings are:

Vertical photo of gold abstract feather on aqua background by GunnarGrey from Pixabay
  1. Animal Guides

  2. Spirit Guides

  3. Ascended Masters

  4. Ancestors

  5. Angels

  6. Elemental Spirits

Each group has a slightly different job or role in your life, and they all have value in some way.  There may also be certain times or places you are living where one group may be easier to connect with than another. 

All of these Spirit Groups can help you depending on what you need and where you are in love, life, and purpose. 

And learning more about each group of Spirits can help you decide what is the best way for you to connect with them to get the best results. 

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