Upcoming Events

Listening To Your Inner Voice Workshop
Join us at this event to ask questions, meet other members, and practice psychic and energy healing techniques to develop your ability to hear, notice and listen to your inner voice’s messages.

Strengthening Clairsentient Gifts Workshop
Develop your ability to sense subtle energies including moods, emotions and “vibes” so you can rebalance the energy, assist clients in returning to center and better understand the non-physical influences in any space.

Creating Energetic Boundaries Workshop
Spiritually self protect so you can love yourself, feel good and find your ideal vibration to support yourself and others from a grounded, secure place.

Developing Clairvoyant Gifts Workshop
This workshop will be on the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. Join us to open and deepen your gifts while being supported by these profound transformative energies.

Working with your Angels Workshop
Connect with your Guardian Angels & Archangels. Learn how to identify Angelic energy, call it into your body to radiate Love and receive messages from the Angels!

Trusting Your Gifts Workshop
During this workshop, we’ll practice meditations to awaken your inner powers and honor your innate gifts.

Grounding Workshop
Learn grounding techniques! We’ll be practicing exercises to ground and center your energy field, to release stored energies in the Root Chakra -

Soul Groups Workshop
Identify your soul family, gain more meaningful connections, know who helps you feel seen and heard on a soul level, and radiate a sense of comfort by the divine thread linking all souls

Increasing Your Vibration Workshop
Feel good while shifting your vibration to a higher plane, by changing how you feel spiritually, mentally and emotionally.

How To Work With Crystals Workshop
During the workshop, we’ll identify crystals for grounding, energy clearing, intuitive connection, abundance and more!

Energy Clearing Workshop
Discover how to give yourself an energy cleanse and release negative energy from the body - completely cleanse your energy!

Law of Attraction Workshop
The art of directing your conscious thought in the direction you want your experience to head, aligning your emotions with your desired reality and turning non-physical into physical reality with action.

Channeling Workshop
In the workshop, we’ll practice channeling a vibration and a spirit energy, plus delivering a channeled message through you.

Connecting with Elementals Workshop
During this event we’ll dive deeper into meditations and activities to open your connection to Elemental Spirits.

Opening Your Root Chakra Workshop
Activate Kundalini Energy in your body and open your connection to Earth Energy so you can increase a sense of groundedness, security and tap into your core spiritual strengths.

Opening Your Sacral Chakra Workshop
We’ll be practicing a minimum of five exercises to open the Sacral Chakra, the most creative and relationship-focused energy center in the body.

Opening Your Solar Plexus Chakra Workshop
Increase your sense of confidence, potential for empowered action, courage for self expression, feeling of freedom and infuse your aura with positive energy.

Opening Your Heart Chakra Workshop
During the workshop we’ll practice exercises to open the Heart Chakra and get the energy flowing to increase clairsentience and empathy.

Opening Your Throat Chakra Workshop
Explore clairaudience, enhance self expression and create space to hear messages from Source and your inner voice.

Opening Your Third Eye Chakra Workshop
Open your inner sight. Expand your capacity for vivid dreams, spiritual visions in meditations and visual interpretation of what you receive intuitively.

Opening Your Crown Chakra Workshop
Expand your ability to receive from Non-Physical source energy, create the space to perceive it and take loving action upon what is received.

Identifying Your Gifts Workshop
Psychic (also called intuitive) abilities are the tools through which your Higher Self, intuition, Collective Consciousness and Spirit communicates with you. By developing and strengthening these tools, your ability to hear, see and connect with those non-physically becomes easier.

Grounding 2.0 Workshop
Discussing different ways to ground, stabilize and manage your energy, feel more at home in your auric field.

Dream Interpretation Workshop
Following your dreams, understanding the messages in your dreams, and how to receive more in a dreaming state of mind…

The Higher Self Workshop
Calling your Higher Self into your body can help you make clearer intuitive decisions, making intuition a breeze, and social interactions more telepathic, which promotes more harmonious, easy connections.

Manifestation Workshop
Understanding the law of attraction, how to use and apply it for manifestation, and my favorite law of attraction exercises.

Art of Meditation Workshop
Establish a meditation routine that works for you. Deepen your meditation practice. Includes practice opportunities, energy exercises, and activities to enhance your meditative practice.