4 Ways To Call On Your Spirit Guides For Support In A Hurry

Photo of In Pursuit of Magic text spray painted in white on pinkwood by Karly Santiago on Unsplash.

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Calling in your Spirit Guides in a hurry? Need to call in your Spirit Guides quick?

Sometimes, either when having to do an impromptu reading, or when needing a little guidance, the plot changes. At the drop of a hat, it can be helpful to know how to breathe down Spirit. 

Life can change in a fraction of an instant, this is what the tower moment is all about. Thankfully, as all the books say, Spirit is really just a breath away in any situation. I can tell you I've asked for God, Source, or Spirit to be with me in some of the most challenging of my life's situations so far, and I have received guidance. 

So in this post, I wanted to share with you a few ways you can call in your Spirit Guides, your Angels, or whoever you call on in just a few breath's time. 

4 Ways To Call On Your Spirit Guides In A Hurry

4 Ways To Call On Your Spirit Guides In A Hurry. Photo of In Pursuit of Magic text spray painted in white on pinkwood by Karly Santiago on Unsplash

#1. Listen For The Voice

We’ve all heard of the voice, and maybe you’ve had an experience with it yourself. The voice is typically classified as a voice outside yourself, usually loud, booming, and often masculine sounding. The voice clearly directs you to “turn here,” “go left” or “go right.”

Some people say it's the voice of God, their Guardian Angel, or even a Spirit Guide. The voice commonly appears in and around possible near-death experiences or to show you something you need to see.

This one seems spontaneous, though you can ask for it from your Guides in advance, to produce it when you need it. You can pray, say a mantra, write a letter to your Spirit Guides right now to receive it in the future.

#2. Prayer Or Internal Dialogue

Look up to the sky, call in Spirit to be at your side, and ask your Guides to help you guide your moves. Wait until you can visualize it or feel it, then move forward. 

Using the same prayer over some time, or saying the same phrase over an hour, can help you focus and draw Spirit closer to you. There are many strategies for prayer or mantras. Use any that feels loving to you.

No matter how you do it, mantras and prayer can clear the mind and open up the heart, so you’re more present to make the best decisions possible.

In a hurry, the last thing you want to do is make a decision out of fear. Take three breaths to return to center. Then saying a prayer or a mantra can put you into space where the choices you make are calmer, thus, allowing you to make the best decision for the time at hand.

#3. Divination Cards

I carry a set of Divination Cards with me at all times, either a physical copy or a digital reader. Oracle Cards, Tarot Cards or even Affirmation Cards are all forms of Divination Cards and they are shuffled mindfully to give clear answers.

One of my favorite divination decks are the Energy Oracle Cards.

Divination Cards often work by supporting what you already know, identifying a blind spot, or strengthening belief in something you may have been ignoring. 

The answers given will often support or nudge you in a direction and they can provide further insight to help you make a choice. They paint a clear picture that can help you accept even the hardest things. 

I usually suggest consulting more than one deck, at a time, if there’s a situation that requires lots of clarity. Clear your energy before shuffling the cards, with three deep breaths or by stepping outside quickly for a break. 

#4. Essential Oils

These days, when I have a situation on my hands that requires me to be centered, I pull out some essential oils.

The old fashioned way of doing this is saging your energy field, but not all plants burn so cleanly.

Essential oils allow you to gain the fragrant benefits of the plant without the smoke. Essential oils work on the limbic system, which affects memory, emotion, and the thought process system. 

If I’m looking for something to connect, I enjoy traditional scents like Frankincense and Palo Santo.

To recap, four ways to call in spiritual assistance in a hurry:

Photo of rainbow by Ben Mack from Pexels
  • Listen for the Voice

  • Prayer

  • Oracle Cards

  • Essential Oils

Of the four, I use them all, depending on what’s available to me at the time.

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