The 4 Main Types Of Mediumship

Photo of tree in sunset mist by Simon Wilkes on Unsplash

Updated 2024.12.08

A medium is any person who channels energy and brings that energy through to the physical plane. A medium has the ability, desire and passion, to connect other people with their Spirit Guides, Angels, and Loved Ones, in addition to working with their spiritual team.

Sometimes they do this in a private setting with clients, and other times it’s done through group meetings, writing, or via classes. 

The definition of a medium, typically associated with connecting their clients with deceased loved ones on the other side, is much broader than that. 

Any person who works to channel the energy of Spirit through themselves and out into the physical world is a medium.

Most mediums strive to channel an energy that is more loving and wise than themselves.

There are four common types of Mediumship, which are covered below - 

Photo of tree in sunset mist by Simon Wilkes on Unsplash with text overlay - The 4 Main Types of Mediumship.

#1 Spiritual Mediumship

This form of Mediumship is the reception and delivery of messages from Spirit. Using clairaudience, clairvoyance, claircognizance, and clairsentience, these messages are received. 

The Medium then delivers and physically translates those messages into the physical form with words. Messages are usually delivered through speaking or writing and with support from physical divination tools, such as oracle cards. 

#2 Physical Mediumship

This form creates a physical phenomenon. It can include table tipping, noise-making levitation, smoke billet pictures, and the creation of ectoplasm with the help of a visiting Spirit. 

The physical medium and the Spirit work together to create and produce a physical phenomenon. Physical Mediumship includes face changes, voices changes and apportation. 

#3 Energy Mediumship

This form of Mediumship is bringing the Divine Light Energy of Spirit through your body to transform yourself and others. Called the laying of the hands in Pentecostalism, Energy Mediumship also refers to forms of energy sending like Reiki and Shamanism.

#4 Channeling Mediumship

Channeling Mediumship is much like Spiritual Mediumship, except rather than connecting with many Spirits, the medium connects with only one spirit or the same group of Spirits time and time again. 

Channel mediums allow their mouths and hands to be used to deliver messages through speaking and writing.

Message and delivery happen almost simultaneously in Channeling Mediumship. Many channelers feel they are allowing their body or voice to be taken over by the Spirit whom they are channeling.

To recap, the four most common types of mediumship are:

Photo of button mushrooms in grass in bokeh light by Viktor Forgacs on Unsplash
  1. Spiritual Mediumship

  2. Physical Mediumship

  3. Energy Mediumship

  4. Channeling Mediumship

Of these four types of Mediumship, all mediums are sensitive to the presence of Spirit. However, they may connect more to Angels, Guides, Loved Ones, or Earth Spirits. 

You also may notice yourself having an affinity or knack towards a particular type of Mediumship. 

As a medium, you can choose to develop and practice one of these four forms of Mediumship and experiment with which method suits your personality and comfort level best.

For more on mediumship, check out The Medium’s Toolkit!

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