7 Steps To Improve Your Mediumship Abilities

Photo of rose with rainbow prism light shining on it by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

Updated 2024.12.13

Whether you are a long-term professional medium, or just starting to flex your muscles with clients and readings, there is always room to grow and practice.

Mediumship and the development of the Divine Link to Spirit is a life-long pursuit of love and truth.

You can begin your journey by expanding your abilities to connect with Spirit today with a few simple tips.

Below, you will find my top 7 tips for improving your mediumship skills.

Photo of rose with rainbow prism light shining on it by Jakob Owens on Unsplash with text overlay of title, 7 Steps To Improve Your Mediumship Abilities.

#1 Improve Your Diet

As a clear channel to Spirit, ensuring that the channel housing is as pure as possible always improves a connection. Taking care of your physical body, the base-camp for your Spirit, will improve your spiritual body's working conditions.

Better working conditions = happier personal Spirit = clearer, more loving messages.

Drink More Water. Eat Whole Foods. Simplify and Streamline. Check out this article on diet and Mediumship. 

Some people start by improving their media diet and their incoming influences and then moving onto streamlining more tangible aspects of the diet, like food and drink.

#2 Practice With Emotional Clarity

Connecting with Spirit in a swirling cloud of emotions, confusion is not the best way to open up a clear channel. 

With your emotional energy active within your Spirit, receiving a clear emotional message from Spirit can be hard to do - especially through all that fog.

If you are having a rough day, it is always best to call off Spirit Communication and prioritize your being's re-centering - then communicate. Balance your energy and give yourself love, and then seek to re-open the connection.

Create the opportunity to clear out your energy through techniques such as grounding, cord cutting, and clearing your energy field.

Integrating these energy clearing techniques into your daily practice and in your pre-channeling practice can help you deliver a clear, more in-tune message. 

One of the easiest ways to emotionally balance and clear your energy field is by relaxing the Heart Chakra, once the Heart Chakra relaxes, usually, all other Chakras move into synchronization.

I like listening to instrumental tracks for balancing the Heart Chakra, such as these.

#3 Experiment With Different Forms Of Mediumship

All in all, there are four different forms of Mediumship and many variations thereof.

If you are a Spiritual medium, begin to practice and try your hand in the art of Physical Mediumship - including smoke billets, levitation, and producing sparks of light. 

If you are a physical medium, begin to practice connecting with other spirits, including Guides, Angels, and Loved Ones.

Are you a sensitive person who 'picks up' on a Spirit's presence, but doesn't necessarily talk to them or hear what they have to say? If so, then, explore your clairsentient abilities.

Do you primarily deliver messages to clients from Loved Ones that they know? If so, give automatic writing a try and connect with a Guide or any Light spirit who wants to communicate via the written word.

Exploring the different areas of Mediumship is like visiting other countries. Some you will like a lot and revisit and others you'll be glad you went and had the experience.

Either way, when exploring the different fields of Mediumship, it's usually a win-win all the way around.

#4 Create An Opening And Closing Ritual For Connecting

As a medium, you are a portal for those in Spirit to move through the veil of connection between the physical world and Spirit's realm. To ensure you are connecting with the highest and most loving Spirits, you want to set the intention to do so.

An intention or a prayer where before connecting you invite in love, truth and the Spirits in honor or the highest healing and upon closing, you state that the connection is closing, and any spirits who wish to connect must wait until the next time you open the portal.

An example opening intention

"Today, I invite in love, truth, and the highest healing for all of those involved. I ask that only those operating in the Divine Light of the Divine step forward in our connection. With love and gratitude in advance and always."

An example closing intention

"My connection to those in Spirit and those on Earth united today is now complete. I ask that all cords be cut that bound us in the past, present, and future. With love and gratitude, now and always."

This will help ensure that you are receiving only the highest and loving connection possible.

For your intention, I invite you to create your own, try the above, or use the one found here: A Prayer of Intention for Mediumship.

#5 Expand Your Clair Senses

There is usually one primary form of intuition in which you receive information from Spirit that you likely rely more heavily on than the other forms. 

If you are clairaudient, you may primarily rely on the words and messages you hear to convey the meaning to the world, and get serendipitous messages that pop into your mind.

If you are clairvoyant, you may rely heavily on the images you see to convey the messages of Spirit and pay less attention to receiving clairaudient information or sense.

Try to trust what you would receive, even if it is received through a method not within your safety zone. For example, you usually get visions, but now you are getting sensations.

Dip your feet in the other waters of knowingness. Know of an intuitive gift that always wowed you that others had?

#6 Meet Your Gatekeeper Guide

You have a Spirit whose entire job is keeping up the red carpet ropes outside of your energy field entrance.

This Spirit, known as a Gatekeeper Guide, can help protect your energy from lower energy spirits, help you 'hold the link' for weaker energy spirits, and help the Spirits who are coming through to deliver a message speak only one at a time.

You can tell your Gatekeeper Guide what your boundaries are, what type of Spirits you'd like to work with, and they can start working on your energy field. 

To begin developing your relationship with this guide today, read: Different Types of Spirit Guides: The Gatekeeper Guide.

#7 Take Classes Or Meet With A Coach

To learn the unique growth opportunities you have as a medium. Within your life path, it can be really helpful to receive guidance one-on-one with personalized support. Working with other mediums to develop your ability is another great way to achieve results quickly and efficiently. 

I offer coaching privately and as part of The Membership.

So to recap, seven steps to open your mediumship abilities are:

Vertical photo of leaf with pointed tips in rainbow light Evie S. on Unsplash
  1. Improve Your Diet

  2. Practice With Emotional Clarity

  3. Experiment With Different Forms Of Mediumship

  4. Create An Opening And Closing Ritual For Connecting

  5. Expand Your Clair Senses

  6. Meet Your Gatekeeper Guide

  7. Take Classes Or Meet With A Coach

Try out and experiment with each of these seven practices and you'll begin to receive more evident, more direct guidance for both yourself and your clients relatively quickly.

For more content like this, start your 14-day free trial in The Membership!

The Membership is a guided intuitive and spiritual development program, featuring a curated online hub of rotating learning topics with at-home lessons and exercises, live workshops and guided meditations so you can flourish in your sacred connection anywhere, anytime and at your own pace.

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