When And Where Is The Veil Thinnest?

Photo of red sky with passing clouds by icon0.com from Pexels

Updated 2025.01.17

When is the veil thinnest? What time is the veil the thinnest? What places in the world can we go where the veil is thin? In this post we discuss the best times and locations to connect with Spirit -

A thin place is where the separation between the physical world and the spiritual world is less dense. 

There are thin places at spiritual sites and vortices. There are also times of the day, people, and periods of life where the veil between our worlds is easier to sense. 

When, where, and with whom the veil is thin, it is temporarily easier to see and interact with The Spirit World like Ancestors, Fairies, Angels and Spirit Guides.

There are 3 different ways to experience a thin veil:

Photo of red sky with passing clouds by icon0.com from Pexels with text overlay - When And Where Is The Veil Thinnest? The Best Times And Locations To Connect With Spirit
  • You, or a particular person, can have a thin veil

  • There can be times of days and of the year when the veil is thin

  • There are locations with specifically thin veils

In each of these times and circumstances, it will be easier to sense the ethereal realms. 

Below, we'll discuss all 3 -

#1 Personal Veils

Photo of person in white open to sky by MEUM MARE on Pexels

Some of us are naturally more sensitive to the unseen world. You may have heard others call it "having thin skin."

In my post, Born With A Veil: Are You A Natural Born Psychic? I talk about this and how we all have moments where our personal boundaries drop, and in these, we can have private moments of experience where the veil is thinnest for us.

These moments are also known as pivotal events, change points, or before and after moments

When we are in a change moment, our auric shell is shedding so temporarily thinner. Thus we may be more perceptive during these times.

Personal veils can open up during a near-death experience, the birth of a child, or another major life change.

In the brief moment of change, we experience a thin veil, and some of us feel that charge in the air - when your veil thins, your skin may feel more electric temporarily.

The signs of a thinning veil can be similar to spiritual awakening signs or other types of ascension signs.

Getting to a personal thin veil moment can be achieved slowly through meditation and practice, too. By finding moments and periods when your Spirit is free and released from physical ties, you can also create a thinner space around yourself.

Personal times of the day when the veil is thin

We can all have these instances and periods of life when our own veils thin, and there are also personal times of day where we are most receptive to the non-physical. 

When is the time of the day where your Spirit is most relaxed? Is it in the bath, while you sleep or in the early morning when you prepare lunches for your children? When is it that your mind is most quiet?

This is when your veil is thinnest, and those in Spirit may unite with you easiest. 

Your thin veil time can be:

  • When you're near or connected to your natural element, notice when you are near your element, it's generally easier to sense the unseen there. 

  • During certain transitional moments in your life when you are more aware, such as during pivotal change periods. 

  • When you're alone and free of distraction. 

These are when the auric veil around you may be more open, free, and transparent, and more energies can get through. This is what is known as having a thin veil.

#2 Times of day when the veil is thin

Photo of San Diego coastline during crepuscular hour by Hari Panicker on Unsplash

In addition to us each having our own private time when it's easier to connect, the bridge between the worlds is thinnest daily during the crepuscular hours. This would be during dawn and the golden hour to dusk. 

The veil is also thin when the airwave interference is lowest. This would be during the time of day known as nautical night, or sometime in the late evening, also known as the Witching Hours.

Can the veil be thin during specific periods of the year?

Yes, for example, the veil is thin every year as we approach Halloween season.

Wherever a cultural event celebrates The Spirit World, it draws down the veil for that area of the world, just for that time. 

In the United States, our veil is thinnest whenever we celebrate The Spirit World, so for us, it would technically be thinnest during Halloween to All Souls Day (late Aug - early Nov).

These are times when ancestors and The Spirit World are often remembered most, making them thin veil times for our country, but there are others, such as events to honor The Spirit World around the springtime, and deep winter.

#3 Thin Veil Locations

Photo of misty path with greenery on either side by simon adams from Pexels

There are many locations where there are thin spots between Earth and Spirit, but the easiest way to find them for yourself is in the spaces where a meeting of the worlds exists.

Usually, places that are vortexes also have thin veils.

Where the veil is thin across the globe:

  • At meetings of land and water

  • At ecosystem edges

  • Places where lots of natural energy generates, such as at waterfalls

  • Anywhere two ecosystems overlap

  • Mass soul transition sites

  • Places where energy meridians overlap

  • Geological hotspots

The best way to experience a thin veil location is to go to a public place where the energy is thin during a spiritual awakening experience or the golden hours.

So to recap, spiritual veils are thin:

Photo geological outcropping in brown rocky ecosystem by Adi Perets from Pexels
  • During specific periods of our lives or when we are closest to our element. 

  • The veil between worlds is thinnest during the crepuscular hours and nautical night, or when The Spirit World is most celebrated in your country, for the United States, that's Halloween. 

  • At specific energy hotspots where a meeting of the worlds takes place

What happens when the Veil is thin?

Thin veil spots can be magical places to experience increased intuition.

Thin veil spots, locations, and periods of the day are supposed to be great for heightening intuition, opening and balancing the chakras, and releasing healing energy back to the Earth.

I also feel the receptions you get when you tap in during these periods are purer. I think this is because thin veil spots are usually spots where yin energy or Mother Earth Energy is magnified.

Connecting with Mother Earth when the veil is thin can amplify your connection to All That Is.

At one of the above times of day, after or during a spiritual awakening experience, try going to one of these locations during a sacred day.

You can also tune into your own thin veil time, or cultivate a thinner veil, through meditation practice - to bring the worlds closer together right where you are.

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