Where Do Spirits Get Their Energy?

Photo of beams of blue light coming from bottom of image fanning out to the top of image by Tomislav Jakupec from Pixabay

Photo of beams of blue light coming from bottom of image fanning out to the top of image by Tomislav Jakupec from Pixabay

Updated 2022.06.02

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You and I have both physical bodies and spiritual bodies.

To maintain our physical body, we intake food, drink and rest for nourishment. 

To maintain our spiritual body, we read, practice yoga, get into nature, watch children or animals play, practice self-care, or find other ways to rejuvenate our souls, like through hobbies or other joy-producing activities. 

We feed both our physical body and our spiritual body to maintain an energy state to where we are not only living, but also thriving, and having a good time or at least trying to.

Once we cross over, and lose our physical bodies, we are released into only operating in a spiritual body.

In order to operate as a fully interactive and functional Spiritual being, those in Spirit, need to find a way to maintain a certain level of energy that’s not related to food, drink or nutrient intake.

Those in Spirit, when they expend energy, for example, by gathering all their loose molecules to appear, speak or communicate with a human, they need to replenish it to keep operating here in the physical plane.

Not all of those in Spirit access the same replenishing energy source, just as all of us, as humans within spiritual bodies, have vastly different ways as to how we rejuvenate the soul.

In general there are two main categories of those in Spirit, Light Spirits and Non-Light Spirits

Largely, the entire Spirit World is a sliding scale, that is more like a circle of light and dark and within this there are two main groups of Spirit.

Light Spirits and Non-Light Spirits are defined, largely, by where they source their energy reserves and replenishment from that they use to appear and exist alongside us in this realm.

Depending on which one you have present, determine where they get their energy. So below, let’s discuss the two groups -

Photo of beams of purple light coming from pole of red light with city background by Hans Braxmeier from Pixabay

Photo of beams of purple light coming from pole of red light with city background by Hans Braxmeier from Pixabay

Light Spirits

Light Spirits are those in the Spiritual Body who exist in the Divine Light, who have fully crossed over and have access to the Universal Source Energy, which is where they source their energy. 

This group usually includes Spirit Guides, Angels, Pets, and crossed-over deceased Loved Ones.

These individuals are connected to an infinite energy source, as they are no longer limited by a physical world container, thus recharge by connecting to Divine Light, or through tasks that call that in, happiness or joy producing ones usually.

In a human body, we are limited to a specific container and pattern in which energy can come in and be accessed, and be released and let go of. 

Once that container is released, and our shells are lifted, we are free to gain access from any molecule of energy, floating around in the vast Universe.

In this way, I often think of the spirit body as a plasma globe, or a glass ball of lightning rods, which you might see at a children’s science museum. Once the glass is shattered, the energy is free to connect with all other electrons, molecules, and waves from an unlimited number of surrounding sources.

Once we are free of the physical body, and cross over into the Light, our energy is free to connect, interact and unite, limitless, with all that which is around us.

Rather than drawing on any particular individual source, those free in energy, draw on that which is all around us. This is known as boundless Divine Light and we can all access it through the cultivation of spiritual practice, and activating the upper chakras.

Light Spirits are not limited by any of the boundaries of the physical world or the level of energy they can access. 

They can often travel vast distances no problem, transcend physical world barriers and connect with humans still on earth, flawlessly and easily, due to the ease at which they receive energy - by harnessing all of that which is around them.

Because they have access to boundless energy, their presence often feels, to mediums, like energy is being added or given to the space when they are near.

Non-Light Spirits

Photo of contained plasma globe on black background by Joshua_Willson from Pixabay

Photo of contained plasma globe on black background by Joshua_Willson from Pixabay

The other group of Spirits are known as Non-Light Spirits and these are individuals who do not have access to the free floating energy that is all around us. 

They do not draw upon the Divine Light, and are, by choice, cut off from this Spiritual Energy supply flow.

Non-Light Spirits are usually individuals who, once human, did not access Divine Light while living, for any number of reasons.

Perhaps they chose to not honor their soul path, continually shut down and turned off the spark of their inner Light, or didn’t pursue stoking the fire of their internal Spirit while living - these Spirits, often cross over and exist without access to free flowing energy, Divine Light.

Usually what happens is the Light is rejected when they transition, and they become somewhat Earthbound, or connected to here until they eventually accept the Light, which is possible always.

Without access to their own Spiritual Light, perhaps from never learning how to access it, these Spirits, now without a physical body, have to receive their energy from individual, local and finite sources of Energy, usually on Earth.

Their access to limited, finite sources of energy usually means that Non-Light Spirits, including deceased people who have not crossed over and any Spirit individual not operating in the highest and greatest good of all, have a more limited amount of power, unless they can find a lot of it somewhere.

So, Non-Light Spirits tend to gravitate towards sources of intense, high amounts of energy and these are:

1. Spirits in the physical body (humans) who are nearby and are not secure with their personal boundaries and not paying attention to Spiritual influences or draws on their own energy.

Without careful boundaries and vigilance, non-Light Spirits can find attractive free-loading sources in many places. Perhaps their auras are weak due to sickness or otherwise, a person can become vulnerable to a spiritual attachment.

You can prevent this by doing aura boosting activities like those in these articles: 5 Ways To Integrate Higher Vibration Energy Into Your Life or How To Raise Your Energy, Your Vibration & Your Mood

You can also release attachments by practices in some of the books mentioned here: 6 Books To Read Before Communicating With Spirits.

2. Spirits in the physical body (humans) who give off lots and lots of emotional energy (fear) in the presence of a Spirit.

Releasing a great deal of fearful or scared emotions (emotions are energy) in the presence of a Spirit is a beneficial energy source for those who are in need of energy. Fear draws energy inward, or constricts, so can draw in like around it.

3. Places with lots of built-up residual energy from the presence of Spirits in the physical body (humans).

Crowded train stations, bus stops, hospitals, office buildings, workplaces, university centers. Places where large, emotional events have occurred or locations where lots of souls transitioned at once, usually contain a build up of residual spiritual charge.

Residual energy is sometimes also known as ‘energy lost’ to the surrounding space when energy is transferred between two sources, in a typical physics work equation. 

Depending on the geology or topography of an area, lost energy from an event can remain in an area indefinitely, making certain spots spiritual draws for Earthbound or Non-Light Energies looking for a connection spot.

4. Electronics.

Sometimes, Non-Light Spirits (and occasionally, Light Spirits) can connect with Electrical energy to source their own such as entertainment centers, lights, computers and television.

However, using electronic energy is also an attention-getting tool for crossed-over Loved Ones (Light Spirits), who wish to get your attention, so this one is not exclusive to Non-Light Spirits, though common among them.

So to end, those in Spirit get their energy from a variety of sources and these are the top six places.

Depending on the group of Spirit, the source of energy for a Spirit, Angel or Ghost, may come from the unlimited supply that we all have access to, the Divine Light, or a pinpointed source specific supply, which is both limited and usually, feels like a draw or departure of energy from the space when present.

If you think you have been affected or know someone who is affected by a possible energy link from a Non-Light Spirit, know it can affect people negatively at times, so check out this article on how to release the energy: How To Cross Over A Spirit.

I talk more about how to protect yourself and rise above Non-Light energy so you are no longer affected by it in my eBook, Spiritual Security.

If you think you have Spirits attracting Divine Light around you, these are called Light Spirits, and the room often feels warmer, lighter and life, more enjoyable, meaning most people are okay with this type of spirit present and there’s nothing else to do but enjoy it.

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