Can Spirits Hear Us When We Talk To Them?
Updated 2025.03.27
Can the dead hear us when we talk to them? Do ancestors hear us? Can Spirit hear your thoughts? Can a Spirit talk to you?
If you've ever had a mediumship session or connected with a loved one on the Other Side on your own, you probably already know your loved ones are watching over you.
Spirit will often show up in miraculous ways in your life to provide tips and guidance about your everyday life.
At some point during your life, it may also dawn on you that your grandmother knows the feelings, dreams, and hopes that you've never told anyone.
We share the hopes and fears of our ancestors, and often, this will come forward in a reading. An ancestor will appear to share their information and thoughts on how a person can reach a shared goal the entire family has.
Outside of getting a reading, ancestors will come forward in dreams or in visions to share information.
Can your ancestors hear you?
When we pray and ask for Spirit to hear us, they can tap into our thoughts, which are sent out into the ethers as collective ideas or fears.
Empathetic people can also usually pick up on these thoughts as emotions, energy, or images.
After giving permission to Spirit to hear our requests, usually by prayer, we can send our thoughts out to the Universe to be answered.
By thinking a particular thought, we are then often intuitively guided to follow steps that will heal our requests in a certain area of our life.
The only block to our ancestors hearing our needs and then reply to them is our own selves following up on what we receive as guidance in return.
You can openly talk to Spirit, your guides, your angels, or your loved ones in your mind, and you ask them for things, ask them for help with stuff.
Then later, the help appears.
Are the spirits who hear you, always with you? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. There are two ways Spirit hears us. One way is that they are with us the other way is that we send a request out to them -
The first way Spirit hears you
When you, like me, talk to your loved one on the other side, it is because something made you think of them.
You have a problem, and you remembered how much of a rational problem-solver your Grandma was, so you start asking, "Grandma, if you were still alive, what would you do?"
Then, you get it. An answer reminiscent of what your Grandma would have done or said. This is not a coincidence.
In these instances, your loved one was there with you. This is why you suddenly thought of them out of nowhere, because they were there and around, in the ethers.
Their energy popped into your mind, as to someone who would be useful here. And it was because someone helpful was there.
In those cases, your loved ones are actively chatting with you and in your energy space.
But they don't have voice boxes, so Spirit transmutes messages to you using your thoughts or your emotions to convey their messages, as a form of talking to you.
They can also use your words as a conduit for their own.
Other times those in Spirit hear your request from a distance, through an energy channel or a cord of Light sent up to the Divine Light.
The second way Spirit hears you
Imagine that you, as a human, have all of the modern technologies of human life, including a telephone.
Some of us call and dial out to talk more than others, but we all, at some point, will make a call on the telephone.
Because you are Spirit, you have all of the conveniences of Spirit, too. Including a tether from within yourself to the realm of Divine.
Anytime you send an energy request to Spirit, from deep within your own Spirit, it travels up your channel of Light to the Realm of Light.
And your pings of Light arrive in the Spirit World, like a call centerboard and Angels, Loved Ones and Ancestors do respond.
Once your thought is sent, it arrives in the Divine like a letter in the mailbox.
Then one of your Guides, Angels, or Loved Ones checks the mail, reads the letter, and brings it back to your entire team of Spiritual supporters.
They all decide, together, who is the best one, at that time, to deliver this message and honor this request.
In this way, one of your Spiritual support 'staff' members does hear your message.
Then it's up to you to receive and be open to the response.
Using your thoughts to communicate with Spirit
Clairaudience, the ability to hear Spirit, is also your telepathic ability, is your ability to transmit thought to the spirits, plants, and animals around you.
You can send and receive clairaudient messages, in your mailbox (internally, usually). You can also listen to it and use it to communicate with others.
Using clairaudience to communicate only works when you're clear energetically.
So to ensure that your requests travel up the line, and reaches Spirit, it is best to be in tune with your own Spirit when you ask for something from your loved ones, ancestors or Guides.
You can get mentally in tune with Spirit through
Filling yourself up with positive emotions
Clearing your energy
To connect with Spirit, align with your Spirit with Light, and the communication flows much more readily.
Receiving a response from Spirit
Spirits talk to us through repeating intuitive messages, clairvoyant images in dreams and visions, and through feelings.
They do see and hear you, and they want to provide guidance. Most of us receive guidance and responses to our requests, but then ignore it for months until something happens in our physical life that forces us to listen.
Usually, ignored guidance is ignored due to financial worries, or because we don't understand how following the weird messages we receive back, like cleaning out your attic, is going to solve the problem.
Once I received a message like this and I didn't get it, so I asked another medium for help with the same issue, not telling her what I already received.
She got the same piece of advice, so I just threw up my hands and did what the guidance was, which was to go through my attic boxes.
Sometimes you get guidance you don't understand and then ask someone else, and it's the same guidance. Spirit is funny and will sometimes not budge when they want you to do something.
Ultimately, cleaning out the attic led me to find an old teaching manual I'd forgotten about, which caused me to sign up for a class I never would have, which caused me to receive an opportunity to teach at a new learning center opening up.
The original request I asked about was how I could make more local connections and friends. This all happened, and it all stemmed from agreeing to clean my attic.
So, just because you receive a strange piece of guidance from Spirit or The Universe, remember that Spirit Guidance often makes cyclical and not linear sense.
And if you have trouble being receptive to the answers to your prayers, don't worry; basically, all of us struggle with this.
You can always ask for a relatively risk-free piece of guidance to start trusting what you receive.
If it works out, you may be more willing to take risks on the more daring pieces of wisdom you receive after you've sent your thoughts up to the Spirit World.
Usually, all guidance is loving, so it's often not too hard to follow.
So to recap…
Spirits can hear and respond to your thoughts and wishes
They do this through clairaudience or by picking up on the energy in your field
When they respond, you have to be open to receive the guidance
You can open to receive the guidance through yoga, meditation, or other mindfulness practices
Spirit will often come through in private intuitive sessions to confirm they heard and witnessed something going on in their person's life.
These confirmations can be as simple as letting you know they saw you eating an apple yesterday, or showing a clairvoyant an image of something that will happen tomorrow.
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