How To Get Rid Of Unwanted Spirits In Your Home

Photo a family of four wearing white sheets as ghosts and sunglasses by Daisy Anderson from Pexels

Updated 2025.03.25

Have you ever had a feeling something was hovering around you? Keep seeing flashes out of the corner of your eye? Shadows?

If so, then you could have a Spirit hanging around.

Today someone emailed my office with a sense they were either:

A. Being haunted


B. Had an attachment

While both situations are pretty similar, it’s pretty easy to wind up with a Spirit in your home.

All they have to do is walk in or get near your body, yet there are a few key differences between each circumstance - a Spirit in your home, or a spirit attached to you

Think of it as an escalation of a situation. In one situation (having the Spirit in the home), you could easily move to another, given the right conditions.

Let's think of it in terms of Deer Ticks.

Think of the difference between having ticks in your yard and actually having a tick on you.

Given the right set of circumstances, you could see how easily one could come home with ticks if you were out in the yard where they also are. As not all bugs in your yard are poisonous or parasitic, not all Spirits are either.

Most Spirits are helpful and most contribute to the overall spiritual ecosystem in a mutually beneficial way. This is true in nature and it is also true in The Spirit World.

Some Spirits are helpful ancestors, some are Protector Guides, and some come in to help you out, heal the land or assist on the earth with certain issues, for a certain amount of time.

Because of this, it would be a mistake to get rid of everybody completely and try to fumigate the place. 

It would be like fumigating an entire crop of all insects, including the beneficial ones - the Aphids and the Spiders of the Other Side, those that naturally help maintain the ecosystem balance with the “harmful” guys. You don’t want to do that, but you do want to be aware of what’s out there, what is possible, and what you can do in terms of prevention. 

It's also important to remember that if you are gonna be gallivanting in the forest all day and existing in the same space as Spirits, at some point, it’s going to happen.

You're going to come into contact with a negative Spirit, or any kind of Spirit, potentially even positive ones.

Some Spirit, at some point, will likely stick with you and hang around from somewhere else. 

If this happens, below are 3 easy ways to get rid of unwelcome spiritual energy:

Photo of woman holding burning sage stick by Anna Tarazevich on Pexels with text overlay How To Get Rid Of Unwanted Spirits In Your Home: 3 easy ways to get rid of unwelcome spiritual energy

1. You can release Spirits by clearing the space and/or crossing them over.

I typically use sage and ask all energy no longer serving the highest and greatest good of the household to leave.

The rest, you may want to keep as many Spirits are beneficial. I especially enjoy the kind that lived on the land once before because some can be guardians of spaces.

These types of Spirits are called Ancestral Spirits or Land Spirits. I consider Ancestral Spirits like Spiders of the landscape - having them around helps, but unless you welcome them in, they may not interfere in your day to day life too much. They'll respect your space. 

2. You can get rid of unwanted Spirits by setting spiritual boundaries.

To do this, you’ll make a list of when and where Spirits can visit you, which ones, and at what times. Leave this list out in the open, somewhere available to all non-physical energy in the home.

3. You can get into a higher vibrational state.

To release an attachment, focus on getting into a high vibrational state. This means getting into a positive, uplifted mood. When you do this, low energy Spiritual attachments usually see themselves out as you are no longer a match to their energy.

Photo of woman holidng palo santo by Mikhail Nilov on Pexels

While each of these techniques can be effective, crossing over a Spirit can eliminate most haunting related issues, because most haunting issues are caused by Earthbound Spirits.

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