How To Deal With An Earthbound Spirit

Photo of turned on clear lightbulb with visible filament by Jonathan Borba from Pexels

Photo of turned on clear lightbulb with visible filament by Jonathan Borba from Pexels

Updated 2020.10.01

When it comes to dealing with anything for any reason, the first and best place to start is from a place of understanding.

By and large, most Spirits - Earthbound, ghost, or otherwise - are completely fine and normal. But from time to time, just like me and you, occasionally even the most well-meaning person may have something going on that’s preventing their original, best and shining star behavior from coming through.

Take a moment and think back to a time when you were presenting your less-than-balanced self to someone. A time when, well, you weren’t expressing yourself with perfect star divine soul behavior.

Were you upset about something?

Were you angry at something?

Were you feeling like someone or something was unfair to you?

Were you feeling disrespected or like a way you don’t deserve?

Were you feeling afraid or scared someone might leave you in the dust?

We're all done it - had a moment when we acted not in our soul’s purest manifestation or intention (Don’t worry - this exercise isn’t for judgment’s sake).

If you are anything like me, you can probably recount more of these instances than you’d like to admit to out loud. Let’s not rehash it all or try to understand it.  But we can take it into perspective. 

Not all people or all Spirits are always acting in the highest and greatest good. Even if you try your best, it’s hard to do - and it doesn’t matter if you’re living or deceased!

Unfortunately, those in Spirit who are not crossed over into the Divine Light, those who have died but decided for whatever reason, to stay on this Earth - are often lumped into this category. These Spirits are called Earthbound Spirits (or Ghosts, though I find Ghosts to be kind of derogatory, since they’re people too).

The reason they’ve been lumped here (in the 'don't mean well' category of Spirits) is due to a variety of reasons - mostly media sources and misunderstandings, if we’re pointing fingers, though. Learn more about ghosts here and why they may choose to not cross into the light.

Why Earthbound Spirits Are Often Considered Spooky

So, let’s take a moment to de-spookify them and attempt to understand what’s going on with our relationship to ghosts.

Would you be willing to say that every person that you’ve ever met with some sadness or fear is a dangerous beast?

Would you be willing to say that every person who has ever been hurt by another is willing to hurt the person who hurt them in retaliation?

Is every person who has sadness, pain, fear or sorrow in their system a person driven by pure negative intent?

Mostly, no. Not at all, actually. While they may be sad, scared, upset or carrying around other heavy emotions (which is why, Earthbounds usually are described as ‘heavy’ feeling) - we definitely couldn’t say they were dangerous by any means.

Also, something you must know is that a lot of Earthbound Spirits are scared or sad - they’re got something unresolved within themselves. If we were getting on a spiritual train here, couldn’t we all say that we have ‘something unresolved’ within our own souls, which is why we’re all humans on earth in the first place?

Back to human Spirits who have not crossed into the Light - those who may have temporarily missed their opportunity. How would you feel being stuck somewhere and not able to go anywhere or communicate this fearful situation with anyone? Terrified, probably.

What if, you tried to communicate your distress to someone and suddenly, you freaked them out? Transferring a raw emotion, Spirit-To-Spirit is using the tool of universal emotions we all know and understand.

Yea - this happens. All. The. Time, when they’re just trying to communicate. And when I was a little girl - I thought every time I felt scared, a scary Spirit was around. That I was in serious danger and had a reason to be scared.

And, at this point in my life - I’d like to make an apology to The Spirit World.

Now I realize that even though most Ghosts are far from malicious, when they are sensed by a human, it’s often their fear that is felt. Then, an association happens,

Their fear emotions waft over and become your fear emotions.

And boom. Earthbound Spirits Are Scary. We should all be scared. Decision Made.

But, look, it doesn’t have to be this way. There are ways to handle ghosts that don’t involve running and hiding under the covers. 

How you can help them

Let’s face it - Spirits are pretty much experts at being undetected and invisible to you. Being helpful and interactive from behind the scenes is essentially the speciality of Deceased Loved Ones, Spirit Guides and Angels.

So, often, when an Earthbound Spirit or ghost makes themselves known to you - it’s for a reason, usually they want to cross into the light.

The reason is oft for help in finally crossing over into the Divine Light.

Here’s how to cross a Spirit into the Light:

Visualize a channel of Divine Light coming into the room. Imagine it forming an oval shape in front of you in your mind’s eye. Ask the Spirit to step into it. Watch in your mind’s eye as they move towards the Light and become one with it.

Inhale and exhale.

You’re done.

Helping a stuck Spirit cross over is a highly rewarding experience - for both you and The Spirit World at large - it lifts the energy of a soul group, and usually the location where you found the Spirit’s energy.

You may be living on or near a spiritual portal and can expect spiritual activity. Try charging, cleansing and working with portal energy to attract different flows of light.

You or someone you know may be an energetic medium and other Spirits may be attracted to this energy, meaning you release one Spirit and another comes in. Embrace this ability, do your best to manage if it’s you, and delight in the surprises it brings.

You may have Ancestral Spirits. Some Spirits stay tied to the land and are not Earthbound and fully crossed, though they can feel heavy.

Ancestral Spirits are often former residents of old properties in the vicinity watching over the place. Usually, they simply want to be identified and honored or noticed for various reasons. If you think this is your situation, try inviting more warming, loving spiritual energy in and try to make peace with it, respect it or move.

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