Spiritual Meaning of a Period on the Full Moon
Updated 2022.03.28
In this article, we discuss your cycling syncing as you intuitively align with your path and the earth.
When your spiritual gifts open, along with everything else that happens, you become naturally more in tune with the rhythms and cycles of the universe.
The menstrual cycle changes as spiritual gifts increase.
You become more connected to mother earth, operate more in alignment to the circadian rhythms, and you become more sensitive to the energy of those around you and of those in your environment.
With a spiritual awakening, many things can happen.
You find yourself starting to live differently, associating with different people, eating different foods, going to different places. Maybe you even leave your old job to start a new one.
And, if you're on a natural birth control method, the rhythm of your monthly menstrual cycle can begin to change, too.
Your period may start syncing itself to the moon cycle.
Either reverting or progressing in days or length.
The average monthly cycle is between 24 to 35 days, where the average lunar month is 29.53 days, so a shift in your cycle isn’t too big of a jump to imagine. Still, it’s enough to notice if you’re paying attention.
Your monthly cycle naturally ebbs and flows in an episodic nature. As you grow spiritually, your cycle only further syncs itself to become more connected to the earth’s cycle.
Your cycle may match itself and align with a cycle of the moon, and as this does, it can heighten your intuition on peak days.
You can help to facilitate this natural syncing process by spending more time in nature, aligning yourself with natural cycle planning methods, listening to body balancing meditations, and paying more attention to your moon cycles and how they interact with your body systems.
Even just with environmental toxins, artificial lighting, and birth control pills, studies continue to show an increase in ovulation rates around the time of the Full Moon and an increase in menstruation rates around the time of the moon.
So to me, this means that a woman's natural alignment is a signal that is still active.
Through your observations, you may find your intuitive abilities changing depending on when you ovulate or menstruate.
When your cycle is in alignment with the moon, there are two types of moon-synced cycles. Both serve different purposes for the different seasons of a woman’s life and enhance intuition.
Two Types of Aligned Menstruation Cycles
The Red Moon Cycle
The Red Moon Cycle is bleeding with the Full Moon and ovulating on the New Moon.
The body is fertile when the moon is new.
The Red Moon Cycle is typically associated with women who are more using their feminine energy in a creator fashion.
Usually, you'll sync this way if you are focusing on working with your gifts to create magic, art, or to build your career, birthing something like a project.
The White Moon Cycle
The White Moon Cycle is ovulating with the Full Moon and bleeding on the New Moon.
The body is fertile when the moon is full.
The White Moon Cycle is typically associated with women in their childbearing years; women who are having or wanting to have children, or women already have children.
If you are trying for children, your body may naturally sync you to the White Moon Cycle.
If you are creating a business, you may find yourself syncing to the Red Moon Cycle.
As you might imagine, the cycle your body aligns with either the Red or the White Cycle will change throughout your lifetime as you move through various phases.
Think of it like a pendulum swinging back and forth.
There are times and seasons for each type of cycle syncing.
If you notice your cycle changing length to match one of these patterns, it’s good news - it’s a sign that even your body is becoming more intuitive.
Which cycle is more psychic?
Most people believe that when you are going inward, during a period, for example, you do get more intuitive, especially for yourself, when you are menstruating.
External Intuition, meaning intuitions received for others, is thought amplified during the Full Moon and when you are ovulating.
In general, your intuition is:
Most influential for yourself when you are bleeding, or on a New Moon
Most reliable for others when you are ovulating, or on a Full Moon
Pay attention to the connection you have to your flow this month.
Tracking your menstruation cycles with the moon can help you manage boundaries more efficiently for the month and plan your inner vision days.
If you're psychic and take clients, it may also help you plan your monthly calendar to best suit everyone.
You may choose to schedule planning appointments at times when you know you'll be most alert for others. You may adapt your rest times, rearrange your business during times when your inner intuition is most robust.
So to recap, the moon and intuition sync:
As you spiritually get more in tune, your cycle may sync with creative cycles that help you better access your intuition, either for yourself or others.
Your menstrual cycle can align with the moon cycle to menstruate or ovulate following the New or Full Moon. Both circumstances can heighten intuition.
When ovulating on the Full Moon, your intuition is most active for others. When menstruating on the Full Moon, your intuition is most robust for yourself and geared towards creative projects.
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