What Is A Guardian Spirit?

Photo of dark knight with sword down by ariadne-a-mazed from Pixabay

Updated 2024.11.14

There are many in Spirit who support, guide and care for you on the Earth. Some of them are called Angels, some are deceased loved ones, and some may be Divine Beings local to your area.

We have those on this Earth who are in close proximity to us, and they meld and mold us on our path. We osmotically become the people we are around the most, because we take on the traits of those around us, as personalities meld together on Earth. 

We have similar beings present in the Spiritual Realm that are frequently around us, and the same is true for those.

These types of spiritual beings are called Guardian Spirits.

Guardian Spirits act as protectors and watchers for your sacred space, and they are related to Protector Spirit Guides.

The main difference between Protector Spirit Guides and Guardian Spirits, is that Guardian Spirits can be ancestors of yours, the land, or someone you know who is now in the Afterlife. They can also be an Angel, or a friend from your past lives. 

Basically, there is more diversity in the types of Spirit that can be a Guardian Spirit than just Spirit Guides, making Guardian Spirits a Spirit you may have a more personal connection to.

Think of the Guardian Spirits as the holders of your sacred space. To do this job, they are closer to the third dimensional realm, so they are often easy to sense. They can be called upon as protectors and they often show up at the start of a new journey or vision quest.

What do Guardian Spirits look like?

What Is A Guardian Spirit? over photo of dark knight with sword down by ariadne-a-mazed from Pixabay

Guardian Spirits can be mistaken for shadow people or shadowy Spirits of the Underworld, though they are not. 

They clairvoyantly can appear as dense beings, often darker than the surrounding space, similar to a shadow. 

What do Guardian Spirits feel like?

Photo of masculine statue in forest by Kalen Kemp on Unsplash

They often need to be close to this realm to do their job of protection and keeping a sacred space, so their Spirit bodies can feel denser than other Spirits. 

If there are Guardian Spirits in a room with you, the room may feel heavy and thick. They often feel warm, and strong to those who sense energy clairsentiently.

Guardian Spirits are helpful entities that watch over property, people, and structures, and they can be ancestral to that location. 

For this reason, call them in whenever you want to bless a space, protect the energy of an environment you’re in, or clear the way before you embark on a new journey.

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