How To Cross Over A Spirit
Updated 2025.01.17. This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, Amanda Linette Meder and her partners may earn a commission or other compensation, at no extra cost to you. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
You can assist Spirits who wish to move forward, in crossing over and transitioning fully into The Spirit World.
When friends, family members, loved ones, and pets pass away, they generally cross over and make the transition to The Other Side immediately, freely and instantaneously.
This transition is usually seamless, though sometimes, a Spirit will be prevented from crossing, and this individual will remain bound to the earth.
Perhaps they have stayed on earth because of contracts they are still fulfilling, or because at the time of their soul’s transition, they felt confused.
There are many reasons why Spirits choose to stay in our realm instead of crossing, such as being shocked by a sudden passing, emotions over their leaving or concern for those they left behind.
Many times a mediumship session will help resolve most of this, where a Spirit feels free to pass after.
If you are sensitive to energy, you can help a Spirit cross.
You may already have some sense of what may be preventing a Spirit from crossing.
So if you have felt the presence of these Spirits and wish to help them transition into the Light and continue on their soul's journey, below are four steps you can take to release a soul to the Light.
4 Steps For Crossing Over A Spirit
1. Set Boundaries And Have An Intention
When working with those in The Spirit Realm, always call down on your Angels to assist and surround you with loving and protective energy.
Archangel Azrael is known as the Angel, who assists with those who are transitioning. He often appears to guide Mediumship readings but Azrael is known to guide all transitions. For those who work with Earth Spirits, Dragon Spirit energy is very similar to an Archangel.
Call in your chosen Spirit energy, then close your eyes and visualize or feel it happening. Then say an intention, for example, intention could be,
"I wish to only communicate with those of the highest vibrational light, for my greatest and highest good."
This step transitions the space into another focus, which helps create a clearer communication, too.
2. Talk To The Spirit With Compassion
After you say an intention, it can help to ask your Angels to show you the Spirit in need of assistance.
The person you are speaking with is a person who, for some reason or another, hasn't moved on. You may pick up on their fears of crossing over or why no one they love can see them anymore.
Talk to the Spirit you sense, see, or hear, with words. Gently convince them why it’s important to cross over - they’ll see loved ones, they’ll have more energy to move around, they’ll be happier, etc. You can do so either internally or externally.
You might not hear anything, but rather, you might intuitively pick up on their feelings, emotions, or thoughts. You may even sense temperature changes or see colors or gain impressions.
Tuning in to the energy of this Spirit when you are with Spirit energy, starts the process of transition.
3. Know You May Have To Remind Them Of Time
Spirits can be deceased for hundreds of years without realizing how much or that any time has passed. Spirits lose their bodies occasionally without being aware they have died.
Helping a Spirit recognize that it's not 1859 anymore, can assist them in moving forward, shifting and continuing on their Soul journey, for their Greatest and Most Highest Good.
In my experience, sometimes, all a deceased may need to hear is the current year and that their loved ones are waiting for them on The Other Side, and they snap out of whatever fog of thinking they were in.
You may also need to remind the person that it is safe for them to cross. Intuitively feeling or imagining the process with them can help.
After telling the Spirit what year it is, if needed, let them know or visualize their family is waiting for them on The Other Side. This holds the curtain open.
This step allows you to receive any energy you are given from the Spirit, helping them release it so they can ascend to the Light more easily.
4. Call In Their Loved Ones And Angels
Before sending a Spirit into the Light, you bathed them in it and walked them through it.
The last step - call down any loved ones or angels on The Other Side that would like to come and offer a hand to this Spirit in making their transition.
To cross a Spirit after all this and they are ready: visualize Light coming down from the sky and point to it, inviting them to take this path.
In this exchange, it is possible to see and hear clairvoyantly and clairaudiently what is going on, it is also possible to witness and facilitate this interaction, only by feeling the shift in energy.
To be sure the crossing over process is complete, you usually notice a change in the energy.
So to recap, to cross over a Spirit:
Set the intention and call in your light bodies
Tune into the Spirit in need
Transmit loving energy and thoughts to them
Invite them into a loving a gateway
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