18 Resources For Setting Up A Space Clearing Ritual

Photo of monkey sitting indian style with incense by Anke Sundermeier from Pixabay

Photo of monkey sitting indian style with incense by Anke Sundermeier from Pixabay

Updated 2021.12.27

Space Clearing is an art that can be practiced by anyone who has respect for the land, the spirits, and the properties of energy. 

The point of space clearing is to clean, lift and revitalize the surrounding space...energetically.

And while there are many belief systems and theories as to what the best techniques are and how this works, at the end of the day - what is healing for one, is not always healing for another.

A space is clear when it feels clear to the people in it and everyone is going to be affected differently by the use of different techniques. 

In other words, the same solution doesn't work for everyone, and likewise, nor does the same space clearing technique, which is why there are so many. 

To help you understand what will be the best space clearing method for you and your situation, you'll want to get to know the different space clearing techniques out there, the most commonly recommended rituals, and what people use them for.

In the list of articles below, I’ve rounded-up the 18 best resources to help you decide, shape and build the most fruitful space clearing practice for you -

Photo of Ganesha statue on wooden table with candles, incense and malas by Elly Fairytale from Pexels

Photo of Ganesha statue on wooden table with candles, incense and malas by Elly Fairytale from Pexels

Space Clearing / Smudging - Photo of monkey sitting indian style with incense by Anke Sundermeier from Pixabay of text overlay 18 Resources For Setting Up A Space Clearing Ritual You'll Love.

Space Clearing / Smudging - Photo of monkey sitting indian style with incense by Anke Sundermeier from Pixabay of text overlay 18 Resources For Setting Up A Space Clearing Ritual You'll Love.

Use any of the methods above to reset your home and body’s energy to a balanced state.

To begin, try 1-2 methods above and see which one works for you. You want to choose a method you actually like, too, so make sure to do that. 

The best space clearing technique, after all, is the one you actually use. 

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