5 Ways To Raise Your Vibration From Fear To Love
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What happens when you raise your vibration? Wondering how you can raise your vibration today? In this post, we'll discuss -
The term raising vibration refers to an increase in your mood or emotional and spiritual perspective to a more joyful, loving state, eventually, the goal being reaching bliss.
The lowest vibrations are emotional or spiritual states of mind, which cause self-destruction, such as blame, fear, or loathing. The highest vibrations are known as those feelings that make up the pinnacle moments of life - joy, elation, positive expectation and happiness. At any moment, we are all on the spectrum between these.
This article is about how to get to the higher end of the spectrum, towards an unconditional love state sometimes described as sublime or bliss.
Any spiritual, physical, or mental activity you do that creates a natural, blissful improvement in your outlook is thought to be something that raises your vibration.
When you commit to raising your vibration, the goal is to take your inner mood and perspective and move it to a higher, more peaceful level. Then you expand it to the space around you, creating a more enjoyable environment for you and those around you over time. What exactly happens when you raise your vibration will vary from person to person.
The benefits of raising your vibration are:
You can forgive people more easily
You can smile more easily throughout the day
Your ability to accept life as it comes improves
Your emotional state begins to balance at neutral-positive to positive
You often start to begin attracting more peaceful and helpful circumstances
Your intuition heightens, and you usually have a greater ability to access the information stored by your inner wisdom
You can pivot adverse circumstances into positive ones and adapt, thrive and transcend your physical conditions more easily
Your mood and thought patterns generally shift to be more patient, loving, kind, and optimistic
You can detach yourself from the actions of others with more grace
You can comprehend a better understanding of life and your purpose
It's easier to appreciate the beauty around you and experience gratitude
It's easier for you to tap into higher frequency ideas held in your third eye, crown or soul star chakra
Your perspective and vision of what's possible expands, making it easier for you to use all available resources in your life to your fullest potential
So these are just a few reasons why you may want to improve your vibration. When your vibration rises, over time, people are more likely to respond more kindly to you, since your vibration can passively affect others.
Raising your vibration is the act of taking steps to move everything in your life up an emotional notch, starting with your internal environment.
Though having a higher vibration doesn't mean you'll be eternally free from all life circumstances, it can mean that when they occur, your ability to accept them, flow with them, and even transform and transcend them emotionally and spiritually becomes greater.
You can start raising your vibration today, through the use of the tools and the small, simple actions mentioned below.
The longer you commit to the process of improving your outlook and your inner perspective, it's thought, the more high vibration, and thus blissful, your life becomes.
If this sounds interesting to you, then let's continue.
Below, are 5 ways you can raise your vibration ~
#1 Incorporate High Vibration Crystals
All crystals hold and give off a small number of electric charges through various effects, such as the piezoelectric effect or the van der Waals force. While these emissions can be small, they can be palpable by some. Especially with larger stones or when some stones are heated or held.
Crystals for raising your vibration are usually those that when you hold it or gaze at it, it soothes and calms you, or puts a smile on your face. Pick up a crystal. Which one soothes or relaxes you upon it being in your energy field or gaze? Which ones make you smile or giddy?
If a crystal soothes you or adds joy to your heart, this crystal can raise your vibration.
You can incorporate crystals into your life by wearing them, putting them in your pocket or bra, or placing them in and near high traffic areas of your home, such as work or sleep spaces.
#2 Use Peaceful Oracle Decks
The words, imagery, and tone of the energy we take in can impact our energy fields. Words travel on wavelengths when spoken, and each wavelength has a pitch that can register a particular emotion or mood in the heart.
When seeking daily inspiration, if you use a divination deck, I highly recommend choosing a peaceful one, free from any tower, death, or hardship cards.
Usually, peaceful decks are those that include more animal, earth, and plant symbolism.
#3 Start Your Next Moment With 5 Lucky Things
I am very much looking forward to…
I am very excited for this experience to teach me…
I am fortunate to have…
I am very grateful for…
Something I am enjoying now that was different in the past is…
This helps you pivot your mental thoughts and mood toward what is going right, which can help redirect your vibe upwards.
What's good is going to change from experience to experience. After some practice doing this, you will notice a difference in your overall set-point every day, but many people see positive shifts within moments.
#4 Learn To Identify When Something Is Lowering Your Vibration
The things that lower your vibration will vary from person to person, but in general, if you feel worse about your own state emotionally or spiritually when viewing it, having it in your energy or after consuming it, this is something that may be lowering your vibration.
The best way to know if something, someone, or a situation is lowering your vibration is to take a break from it for an hour or more and see how you feel.
After that, if you can realistically avoid that input, do - it’ll help you to keep your vibration up in the longer term.
Notice how the body responds to things when new stimuli enter your environment and use these responses as choices to move forward to a more beneficial, aligned life.
#5 Hand On Your Heart Exercise
Clairsentience and psychometry will work on ourselves and our own bodies first. Then, it extends to animals, plants, and the other things that we or others care about.
There are energy centers, known as chakras in the palms of the hands. The heart gives off an electric field, which is encoded with information about your current vibrational, emotional, or spiritual state.
You can use this information to raise your vibration. Rubbing your hands together to activate the energy in your hands, take three deep breaths.
Hold your dominant hand over your heart, and ask yourself what you need to feel better. See what images, thoughts, or words come to mind.
Usually, the heart wants us to do something that is considered a small luxury, like taking a break for tea or a face spritz or a self foot massage. The small requests of the heart are often doable at any income level.
To recap, to shift your vibration from fear to love
Use crystals to hold your energy high
Pull from positive-only card decks for your daily inspiration
Count five things you are fortunate to have
Learn how to identify what lowers your vibration
Try the hand on your heart exercise for going deeper within your own intuition
While the outer environment is often out of control, due to how many wavelengths and souls there are on this earth, what we can control is how we see things.
We can manage the perspective we put life experiences in, and how we respond emotionally. This raises our emotional and spiritual mood and outlook, your vibration, to a higher, more blissful level.
When you raise your vibration, your soul often feels more supported. This boosts your ability to pivot within and claim your own soul wisdom, pivoting spiritually, and you regain your spiritual power.
When internal spiritual pivots are made through any of the tools mentioned above, we turn the tide of our outer environment, extending the better world we just created within, into the beyond.
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