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Seeing Images Of People You've Never Met In Meditation
Meditating & Seeing Faces. Having repeating dreams involving a spirit who has passed? Seeing images of people you've never met before in meditation?
Do Spirits Sleep? How Do They Rest?
Spirit sleep. Do Spirits sleep? Do Ghosts sleep? Do Angels sleep? In this post, we discuss the potential answers to these questions.
How To Get Rid Of Unwanted Spirits In Your Home
Getting rid of Spirits? You can get rid of Spirits in your home, an old property or a new property. In this post, I discuss how to get rid of a Spirit -
What Do Apparitions Look Like?
What does a ghost look like? In this post I answer the question, how does Spirit look when you see them claivoyantly?
7 Things That Repel Ghosts (Spirits)
Wondering what repels ghosts? In this post I discuss how to keep spirits away and what keeps spirits away. Repel ghosts with the tips inside -
Can You Share Your Spirit Guide With Someone Else?
Sharing Spirit Guides. Is a Spirit Guide yours only or can you share them? If we share Spirit Guides, can we still benefit from the unique connection?
On The Map: How Do Spirits Find Their Mediums?
The Medium Map. How do mediums contact spirits? How do mediums find and get their information? The Spirits find you -
Spirits Are Waking Me Up At Night: How Do I Get It To Stop?
Getting woken up in the night by Spirits? Experiencing nighttime vistations? Explore the purpose of this spiritually and how to manage it -
Can Spirits Visit You In Dreams?
Spirits in Dreams. Can Spirits like your deceased loved ones speak to you through dreams? What does it mean when you dream of Spirits?
Where Do Spirits Get Their Energy?
Spirits and Electricity. Where does Spirit Energy come from? Where do ghosts, Earthbounds, Loved Ones, Spirit Guides and Angels source their energy?
10 Ways To Tell A Spirit Is In Your Home
Spiritual activity in the home. How do you know if there is an entity in your house? In this post, I discuss how to tell if a Spirit is present.
How Do Apparitions Work?
How does a spirit appearance - an apparition - really work? If you have ever seen a Spirit or simply wondering how a Spirit would appear to a human - read on!