Angels & Colors: 7 Most Common Angel Light Colors Symbolism

Image: Text Overlay Angelic Lights: what is the meaning of the colors? on blue to rainbow bokeh circular dot lights. Photo: Pixabay + Canva Design

Updated 2024.10.15

What is the spiritual symbolism of the light colors angels use to appear? Below I discuss -

Angels are beings of light energy. Usually, they've not been human before, so this means they often don't appear in any human or any other sort of defined shape. But they do appear as light. 

As beings of light, Angels frequently appear as flashes of light, streaks of light in the air, or balls of light zipping past you.

They can also appear as large, light energy masses, for example, this is how I see them in churches and at holy sites.

They don't have a body and most never have, so they usually aren't bound by shape, which is what makes Angel sightings so versatile.

Angels can appear in front of your eyes, in a dream, or in meditation to deliver messages to you.

Many people have Angels come to them in their visions.

The color of the light that Angels use to appear is often just white, the color of all energy, or, as some call it, the pure source light of the Divine. 

When Angels appear as any other color than white, it can be symbolic as to what they are here to help you with.

Angels can and do appear to people using a wide array of different colors.

Each color is symbolic of their role in your life and what message your Angel is trying to convey.

The color of light a Spirit appears, including an Angel, also may have to do with wavelength. 

So aside from Angel light colors being symbolic, it could also be scientific, Angels could travel and communicate through different wavelengths. Or in the metaphysical community, we call these different vibrations.

Higher vibration Angels are thought to be those that exist at higher frequency light colors. Archangel Michael is believed to be an Angel first in command of God, and its color is blue, which is a high frequency light.

Seeing flashes of light? Feeling a divine presence?

It could be an Angel and below are the seven main colors of angelic, Angels use to appear and what they mean -

Symbolism Of The 7 Most Common Angelic Light Colors

Image of pink light and flower by DarkWorkX from Pixabay, with text overlay Angel Colors: Symbolism of The 7 Angel Light Colors.


Strength, independence, self-sufficiency, rootedness, groundedness, a symbol of earth connection, of purpose, of fire. Stimulation of energy, rising, physical energy. 

Angels that commonly appear as red are Nathaniel, Uriel, and Sandalphon


Orange light has spiritual meaning: it symbolizes change, growth, passion, energy, pride, connection, the Sacral Chakra, co-creation in relationships with others, and creativity.

Uriel the Archangel can appear as orange.


Support and stimulation of intellectual activities, abundance, self-worth, self-confidence, self-esteem, and feelings of self-power. When yellow appears like gold, it adds protection and warmth to the already yellow color.

Angels that can appear as yellow are Ariel, Jophiel, and Azrael


Heart center and wellness, joy and love, nature, and connection to restorative vibrations, inner peace, and comfortable feelings. This vibration is perfect for the promotion of wellbeing and balance. 

Archangel Raphael is the leading known Angel of this color. This Angel governs over others who work on earth who are focused on wellness, including Guardian Angels and Guides.  


Blue light symbolizes clear communication and expression, protection through firm boundaries and space, and spiritual assistance. 

Angels that can appear in this color are Gabriel, Michael, and Haniel. Gabriel governs communication, so also the throat chakra, and Michael, protection, so also the hearth and home. 

Haniel is the Angel of Joy, and the moon, this Angel also is ruled by the planet Venus. Haniel often appears female and guides over very intuitive types. 


Majesty, intuition, knowingness, ability to think, and make sound decisions, imagination, inner wisdom. This is also the color of Angels who govern intuition and knowledge, such as Zadkiel, and Metatron. Indigo is also related to forgiveness, as this is one of the highest levels of spiritual enlightenment.


Connectedness to all, divinity, ability to connect with inner and outer beauty, spiritual bliss. Angels of this color are Metatron and Chamuel, who can also appear as fuchsia or pink. 

The colors of each Angelic color may merge together and blend, such as red with orange to form a warm desert color, becoming pink or becoming burgundy.

With merged colors, you'll have properties of both Angelic frequencies mixing together to form new energy frequencies.

With pastel colors of the above, you have the primary color, mixed with white light, symbolizing a higher frequency God or Source-like energy blending with the Angelic. 

Angels will often appear together and merge and blend their energies. This is quite normal.

Have you seen any of these colors in your meditations?

Photo of purple and blue feathers by Anni Roenkae from Pexels

Now you know which Angels they relate to, you’ll have an idea of what these shades mean next time you meditate. Sometimes Angels will only appear as colored light. You can call in each Angel and their energies by wearing clothes, or crystals of their corresponding color. 

Not seeing your Angel in the way described above?

Angels may appear differently depending on

Image of pink daisy by DreamyArt from Pixabay
  • Ambient conditions

  • The wavelength they’re on

  • The type of Angel they are, and what they help with

  • The kind of energy they're sending you

So be flexible with how they appear to you, an Angel known to appear as yellow, may show up with a bit of pink, and this can be normal. They can appear as any color of the rainbow.

When Angels appear to you, your Angels may be letting themselves known and saying hello, to identify who they are as they assist you.

Each of the colors of Angelic light can also match the colors of the chakras. 

If an Angel appears in one of the chakra colors, they may have come to assist you with one of the issues associated with that color and that corresponding chakra. 

When you see these colors in meditation, ask what Angel it is, and you'll usually get a name. This is a great way to identify Angels as they visit you on a firsthand experience basis.

Another way to work with the Angels is to think of one area in your life you'd like to improve. 

For example, if you are interested in more abundance, you would call forward the Angels of this, and then bask in those vibrations as you do your work to get there.

When asking for anything from the Angelic, be clear on what you want. Usually, they will then provide clairvoyant information on little steps to do next.

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