Archangel Michael Prayer

Photo of blue streams of light and bright clouds by PopcornSusanN from Pixabay

Updated 2024.10.15

Archangel Michael is thought to be the Angel closest to God or Source Energy, leading all the Angels. Angel Michael is known for strength, trust, security, protection and safety, and he can be called to assist in your life in these areas.

Archangel Michael often appears as a blue light seen in meditation, dreams or waking visions, known as prophecies, to those who can see these clairvoyantly. His presence usually feels strong, peaceful and firm, and he imparts these qualities to those he watches over. 

Those who speak with him in their presence often have an air of clarity; they’re neutral and direct, and speak at a calm and even tempo. They are trustworthy and can usually “see both sides of the story,” so they are natural peacekeepers.

The energy of Archangel Michael can be called in and amplified in a space by wearing the color blue, or placing blue crystals (such as Blue Calcite or Sodalite), around the space you're in. 

Michael does not require physical objects for you to work with him, in fact, you can also call in his energy with your intent by prayers, simply visualizing him with you or by asking him to be with you.

So below, is a prayer for calling Archangel Michael:

Photo of blue feathers by Artem Podrez from Pexels

Archangel Michael Prayer

for strength, trust, security, protection and safety

Dear Archangel Michael, please provide me with the protection, security and safety I desire that gives me peace of mind and as well as contentment within my soul.

Thank you for the many ways you have offered me security, protection and safety in the past, from providing additional forethought to assist in the preparation of change to guiding my path through the ups and downs of life that I’ve experienced so far.

I also appreciate your continued support into the future, as my life continues to unfold as an interesting adventure each and every day. Please share with me the wisdom, guidance and direction to act with grace in response to changes when needed, and for the ability to adapt, becoming more resilient and stronger, with every experience that I encounter.

I ask now that you go to each of my closest family members, friends and allies, and support them with the protection, security and safety that they seek and that you provide it for them in a way that is a bit better than what they have asked for.

Thank you for showing me signs of your presence through images of blue light, symbols of Angels being offered to my energy field in various ways and from exciting synchronicities, such as sending those entering my life to assist with security, protection and safety, to bear likeness with name or essence of being.

And So It Is. 

Archangel Michael Prayer text overlay photo of blue feathers by Artem Podrez from Pexels

Use this prayer, also called an intention, any time you want to call in Archangel Michael and need assistance with any of the realms he governs over - such as protection, safety, security, strength, and trustworthiness.

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