What Does Archangel Ariel Do?

Photo of white flowers with glow lights around them by Irina Iriser from Pexels

Photo of white flowers with glow lights around them by Irina Iriser from Pexels

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Wondering how to connect with Archangel Ariel? Ariel is the archangel of strength, provision, and manifestation. In this post we discuss how to work with Archangel Ariel, what she helps with, and more.

When I was choosing a name for my dog fifteen years ago, we couldn't figure out what to call her right away. Nothing that we selected for her seemed to fit until eventually, we settled on the name Arie.

Even though this name is commonly thought of as a boy's name in the English language and she was a female dog, it's the only name that seemed to suit her.

Over the years, we came up with many nicknames for her, most affectionately, we called her the little lion. Some people in my soul group say it was her presence that gave me strength for all of the times we moved across the country.

Unbeknownst to me at the time, the name Arie is a derivative of the name Ariel, which translates to the meaning, 'lion of God' or 'great lion.'

True to form Archangel Ariel is often depicted with a lion on the Strength Card in the standard Rider Waite Tarot Deck.

Ariel is one of my favorite Archangels, and not just for the synchronicities.

Is she one of your favorite Angels, too?

You can work closely with Ariel. To connect with Archangel Ariel on a deeper level, below are the eight different areas of life where she often shows up.

In each way that Ariel helps you, call on her by visualizing yourself surrounded in Archangel Ariel's beautiful golden radiating energy. 

8 Ways Archangel Ariel Can Help You

Connecting to Angels. This post discussed 8 Ways To Connect with Archangel Ariel. Photo of text overlay, 8 Ways Archangel Ariel Can Help You over Ginkgo Leaves in golden light by Anja from Pixabay.

Connecting to Angels. This post discussed 8 Ways To Connect with Archangel Ariel. Photo of text overlay, 8 Ways Archangel Ariel Can Help You over Ginkgo Leaves in golden light by Anja from Pixabay.

#8 Archangel Ariel can help you heal the environment

Archangel Ariel the Angel of those working in the environmental fields. She helps those called upon to help the environment, and people who assist in ecological work. 

She assists park rangers, nature guides, wildlife care individuals, advocates, independent contractors, and activists. 

You can call upon Archangel Ariel for guidance in supporting the animals and those in the natural world, and for assistance in guiding you towards a career into the environment.

You can also call on Ariel to make wise, resourceful, sustainable choices for yourself, your family, and your local ecological community.

You can also call upon Ariel for ideas to support the creatures in your environment, including yourself.

#7 Archangel Ariel can help you with restoring strength and energy

Archangel Ariel is commonly depicted on the Strength Card in most Tarot Decks, including the traditional Rider Waite Tarot Deck.

Additionally, according to Whitney Hopler at Learn Religions, Archangel Ariel helps you to realize your fullest potential here on earth. Ariel's energy enables you to develop hidden gifts, talents, and the energy you didn't know you had to accomplish any goal.

Developing your hidden talents is another form of finding strength.

So, you can call upon Archangel Ariel for strength during times of hardship. Simply envision her presence, which is often a golden yellow color or by gazing at the imagery of lions and lionesses as you fall asleep or meditate.

Along with strength, she also provides more energy to get the jobs that need to get done, done.

#6 Archangel Ariel can help you with courage

Are you facing the unfaceable? Are you currently overcoming and thriving through challenges? In the middle of changes?

Archangel Ariel's name means lioness of God or the lion of God. Lions are symbolically known for their courage, which is a bravery that stems from the heart.

If you have Ariel with you, you've got what it takes, as Lion Animal Spirit energy is with you.

According to The Shaman’s Guide To Power Animals you can call in Lion energy in for:
  • The highest protection available for walking with freedom in the world

  • Devouring mental images of the past and the future

  • Elevating your reputation and proudly roaring your presence to others

The courage of the lion usually comes into your life when it's time to generate more energy to be successful and to embrace the feminine nature and the divine majestic around you.

If you need more heart-centered energy to get you through, you can call upon Ariel to clear your Heart Chakra and balance your moods to navigate the character-building times.

She will often guide you directly to the resources you need to help you do this.

#5 Archangel Ariel can help you with balancing giving and receiving

Ariel is the Archangel of the environment. She's also a fan of following the cycle of life, making her a big Angelic proponent of balance. 

When Ariel comes into your life, this can symbolize a new balance between giving and receiving is about to set into motion.

She can help you restore your balance. To this, she can aid you with finding new self-care techniques, helping you nourish your human body environment, the most important one.

Call upon Ariel to see where you can give more or where you can receive more in your life to restore the balance of give and take.

If you aren't sure what to do, if you are in an imbalance, wait until the moment to act has been illuminated very clearly for you. 

#4 Archangel Ariel can help you with love and remind us what really matters

Archangel Ariel is often depicted with a figure eight or an infinity symbol over her head, symbolizing her connection to eternity.

She is the Angel of connection and interaction with the Divine, reminding us of our relationship to all things.

She's a great Archangel for those undergoing fearful situations, such as those involving loss or change, because her presence reminds us of the connectedness of all and the cycle of life.

One of the things Archangel Ariel is excellent at is providing us images, memories, and reminders of the things that we love.

She often visits by sending clairvoyant flashes. Clairvoyant flashes are quick images of insight or inspiration. 

When you get them, they may be of your loved ones smiling, or of moments when you had the most fun, to keep the soul on the side of love, regardless of what situation happens in the physical.

#3 Archangel Ariel can help you with money and law of divine return

In Dawn Demer’s article for BeliefNet, she writes, given that Archangel Ariel is watching over the earth's natural resources, Ariel can also be especially helpful in ensuring your needs for food, water, shelter, and other supplies are met.

Archangel Ariel assists those who need favors in receiving compensation for the work that they do, and this often means she acts as a guide for those who need her help.

If you need assistance with income or meeting your physical resource needs, Archangel Ariel can help when you pray to her specifically. She is a ray of God, meaning that you would not be praying to an idol, only a specific reflection of God.

She often works by providing ideas that will generate income, along with tips on the herbal tools, energy boosts, and openings in the work environment needed to create such abundance.

#2 Archangel Ariel can help you with strengthening relationships

Due to her work in physical environments, courage, the balance of giving and taking, and love, one of Archangel Ariel's strongest suits is her ability to strengthen partnerships.

She works to build emotional connections and family ties, even going so far as to assist in healing presumed broken relationships that can be repaired.

She works to guide you to the resources you need, the things to say, and the actions to take to help to rebuild one of the strongest currencies on earth - the currency of human connection.

If you need assistance in building customer support, family support, or repairing broken bonds, call on Ariel for the insight and specific magic to do this.

Ariel reminds us that the most critical work on this earth is to restore emotional bonds. From there, all forms of currency are restored.

#1 Archangel Ariel can help you with time to enjoy the beauty in life

Ariel is the Archangel of the Environment, and because of this, she's easiest to tune-in to in natural settings, and in homes and houses near nature. 

To connect with Ariel, consider taking some time in nature to experience the beauty directly.

In moments like these, she often speaks the clearest and the loudest with messages, images, and through divine intervention.

You will have to leave the comfort of your own home and go on an adventure, even for a single day to connect. Your adventure to connect may be a day in the yard, working on window planters or time spent relaxing on your front stoop.

After you stop to pause for beauty, for community, or connection, you'll come back with renewed energy for your purpose and even a renewed zest for your ideas once again.

So to recap, Archangel Ariel can assist with

Photo of water waves with gold reflecting by Daniel Olah on Unsplash

Photo of water waves with gold reflecting by Daniel Olah on Unsplash

  • The time to enjoy the beauty in life

  • Strengthening your closest bonds and relationships

  • Money and law of divine return, physical matters

  • Love and reminding us what matters

  • Balancing giving and receiving

  • Courage

  • Restoring strength and energy

  • In an environmental career or in helping animals

Ariel is the Archangel of strength, courage, and manifestation.

Ariel's goal is to help those she supports manifest and realize their fullest potential on earth financially, physically, and yes, in harmony with nature and the environment.

If you work with Ariel as your guide, she can help you realize your manifest destiny with benefit to the earth and its creatures, in direct conjunction with them.

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