How To Call In Archangel Gabriel For A Miracle

Image of bokeh aqua light by geralt from Pixabay

Updated 2024.10.18

Many humans have commented on the size of Archangels. They can be huge. Archangels, such as Michael, Raphael, Ariel, Gabriel, and others, can be enormous, appearing as nearly 10-feet tall. If they should appear to you in this size, know that you are encountering the entire energy of this being.

Gabriel is known as the Archangel for those in marketing, messenger, leadership, and communicator positions. Gabriel an Archangel often among spiritual teachers, activists, and truth reporters and messengers.

Gabriel is a fourth ray Angel, this the Ray of Divine Purity and Oneness with Purpose. Archangel Gabriel (GAB-ree-el)'s name means God is my strength. Through Gabriel, one often receives courage, strength, and the ability for above human action.

Archangel Gabriel helps people feel comfortable in a leadership role, in a position to guide others and to assist them in getting their message out to the universe.

For this reason, Archangel Gabriel's energy can be called upon for miracles of any scale.

Gabriel can appear as feminine and is helpful for those getting on a platform needing grace and truth. Think of Gabriel as the embodiment on Earth as Swan or Crane energy, a movement towards grace, and of perfect harmony and solutions.

Archangel Gabriel is in the color range of blue-aqua to white-gold or copper, so Gabriel will often appear this way in meditations. Gabriel also assists you with taking the time to nurture yourself when you need to realign with your purity, your sense of Divinity, and your purpose.

Call on Gabriel when you want to connect with your Higher Purpose, and need help in delivering this purpose actively and comfortably to the world around you through communication, writing, and leadership.

Gabriel governs communication, so also the Throat Chakra, and truthful protection, thus also health, and this is one of the areas you can ask Archangel Gabriel for miracles on.

Being considered the Angel second in command to Source Energy, Gabriel is often known for making things happen fast. So, this Archangel Gabriel is one of the Angels people often want to call in most.

Because of this, below, I go over a three-step process to envelop your situation, yourself, or your actions with the energy of Gabriel to manifest positive change, known as a miracle, here on Earth.

3 steps to call in Archangel Gabriel for miracles:

Image of bokeh aqua light by geralt from Pixabay, with text overlay, How To Call In Archangel Gabriel for a Miracle.

1. Ask for one specific thing for Gabriel to guide

Think of the one solution that can bring you closer to all the solutions you need, Gabriel guides toward solutions. Whatever is the big picture reason for something you need, ask Gabriel to direct the energy there.

If you need miracles everywhere, simply focus your request towards one area, a prayer or mantra can help you decide. Keep in mind the energy will go where it is needed most.

Think of strength for healing, abundance for finances, courage, or extra energy to face something. Anything you need a miracle or fast positive change in.

2. Visualize blue and white light

In your mind’s eye, visualize blue and white light, with a touch of aqua and gold, coming down from above.

Imagine it draping over you, swirling around to your back, coming into your chest from behind, and filling your Heart Chakra. Then watch this energy as it continues outward in front of you flowing from your Heart into the situation or the miracle needed.

In this space, follow the energy until you see it in your mind's eye, encircle the situation to which the miracle needs to flow. Continue to visualize this until the situation feels good to you.

To enhance this experience, do this part while listening to Harp, or other soothing instrumental music, for as long as a typical track of music plays, or about three to six minutes.

This helps hold the vibration and your focus.

3. Bring your hand to your heart

Take your hand to your Heart space, whichever one flows there naturally as you read this. Hold your palm over your Heart. Now that it's flowing with Gabriel energy, ask your Heart intuitively for one inspired action to take from this place:

Gabriel, what is the next best action for me to take?

See what comes forward in your mind's eye or through your inner wisdom. It's usually something small, like making a cup of tea or another loving act towards oneself.

One of the energies Gabriel works with is Jophiel, the Archangel of Beauty and Balance. So often what I see with these two Angels is they have people take one act to flow miracles to a situation of most concern that was the last step. Then they ask you to do something self-nurturing.

This is to balance the scales and make it possible for you to receive the miracle from an open place since the final step attunes you to a receive state.

So to recap, to call on Archangel Gabriel for a miracle 

Photo of vertical blue-teal streaks of light by Mudassir Ali from Pexels


Choose one place for Gabriel to flow the energy toward


Visualize it flowing through your body to the object of your request and continue until it feels good


Tune into your Heart Center to receive a Divine Message from Gabriel to help guide you to the miracle moment

Image of blue glitter by Сергей Ремизов from Pixabay

To close, check in with your Heart Chakra to balance the giving and attune to receive a miracle. When Gabriel communicates, the energy can come as a number sign or lots of beautiful blue-green light in meditation. 

When Gabriel is near, know Archangel Gabriel's number series is 1:11 and 11:11 to symbolize being first in command, or 3:33 to symbolize truth, and you may see a lot of this. You may also see 2:22 to symbolize unison with Jophiel, that all is happening in balance. Both can indicate Archangel Gabriel's presence.

Gabriel's energy can also come in as a flood of positive feelings or thoughts since it is from this place; we can connect with other energies of positive change. And because Gabriel's energy is channeled through the Heart, this Angel also symbolizes that you have with you the strength or courage to perform miracles. 

You may get a sudden burst of love energy or courage when working with Gabriel. Archangel Gabriel, being associated with truth, also helps you keep an open throat Chakra. Gabriel's presence can improve clairaudience, or, your ability to hear your inner voice.

Meaning, Gabriel can help strengthen intuition.

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