4 Ways To Call In Archangel Raphael

Photo of leaf tip with green background by Lisa Fotios from Pexels

Updated 2024.11.06. This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, Amanda Linette Meder and her partners may earn a commission or other compensation, at no extra cost to you. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Archangel Raphael is known as the Angel of Health and Wellness. He is one of the primary Angels called upon for self-care and for guiding those he watches over to a state of natural balance and wellness.

Raphael will often appear to those he watches over as the color emerald-to-spring green light in meditation or out of the corner of your eye.

He often is found watching over wellness professionals, and those who work to offer social, emotional, or physical support to others.

You can call upon Archangel Raphael to initiate your wellness journey and to help guide you to areas of wellness in your life. 

You can also call on Archangel Raphael simply to exist in the vibration, if only because it just feels good to you. 

Archangel Raphael can appear with other Angels such as Michael, Gabriel, or Ariel in meditation, meaning when he comes through, you may see blues and yellows with the green, and this is a sign the other Angels may be present. 

If you're looking to call in Archangel Raphael, below I go over four ways you can call down Raphael's energy to you - 

4 Ways To Call In Archangel Raphael

4 Ways To Call In Archangel Raphael text overlay green evergreen leaf

1. Archangel Raphael Visualization

Envision Emerald Green Energy in front of you. Then, imagine yourself breathing this energy into your chest and stomach until you feel full with Emerald Green Light. 

Imagine this green light wrapping all around and through your body, imagine yourself encircled with emerald green energy from your head to your toes. From here, take a few deep breaths and feel Raphael's energy with you. 

To connect, ask Raphael for one step to take towards wellness, then take that step to activate your inner medicine person.

2. Wear Green Clothing, Jewelry or Makeup

Archangel Raphael's color is a rich green. Think of it as the type of green color range you'd see when visiting a place with rich foliage, and water sources in warmer weather or climates.

Connecting with Archangel Raphael is activating a restorative wavelength, and each wavelength has certain sounds and colors associated with it, which will activate it. 

In Raphael's case, green, from lime to emerald, is the universal color. 

Green is calming and peaceful, often the state of being the mind-body needs to be in to activate it's highest wellness potential. 

So to call forward Archangel Raphael's energy, wear something that reflects this wavelength, and it will remind you of the energy available throughout the day. It will also filter all light that reaches you through the color of Raphael, which will keep this energy around you vibrant.

3. Connect With Other Wellness Folks

Do you know any other wellness enthusiasts who have explicitly spoken of Raphael's energy? 

Perhaps there's a work colleague, influencer, friend, or another person you respect who has talked about Raphael, and the green light. 

Outside of connecting to other wellness hobbyists and professionals that you know, you can also connect to Music that is the wavelength of the Heart Chakra. Sounds that activate the vibrational frequencies of Raphael will also fill your soul with this wavelength

For example, music that reminds me most of Raphael is any designed to activate the Heart Chakra, such as Mediative Mind’s Hang Drum Music.

Take one step to link to this person or sound today in any way you choose. The more you tap-into and connect with known Earth Channels for Raphael's energy, the more it amplifies in your life and conscious field.

4. Work With Green-Blue Crystals

Earth energies, such as crystals, can be incredibly relaxing, even just for gazing.

We can also use the energy of crystals to link to the Archangels. 

Green stones typically activate the Heart Chakra, and they can be known for bringing in peace, calm, and a feeling of abundance. A flowing, open heart and the energy of abundance around are two things needed for feeling cared for.

Crystals can activate the light of Raphael in your space and hold the channel open for this flow of energy to come through in the physical plane.

Try wearing, carrying, or placing in your workspace any green crystal - Jade, Fluorite, Green Calcite, Malachite, Amazonite, Emerald, Turquoise, or Moldavite are all great stones to call in Archangel Raphael's Energy. 

So to recap, 4 ways to call in Archangel Raphael's Energy:

Image of heart shaped green leaf by Leopictures from Pixabay
  1. Visualize emerald energy

  2. Wear green colors

  3. Connect with others who channel Archangel Raphael energy

  4. Place Green-Blue Crystals on your body or in your space

Archangel Raphael's energy can promote calmness and relaxation, restoring those he watches over to total wellness.

His energy can help balance the flow of energy in the chakra body, balance the giving and receiving channels of the body, and restore a person's connection to nature, activating the soul's inner wisdom potential. 

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