The Reason Why You Can Talk to Spirits Courageously

Photo of cliffside with greenscape down below by imagii from Pixabay

Photo of cliffside with greenscape down below by imagii from Pixabay

Updated 2022.06.18

Growing up, I never talked to Spirits. 

Even though I have the ability to sense a presence and see them from time to time, I’d never once considered they might want to talk to me about something. I’d never once thought that perhaps they were visiting for a reason and I could figure out what it was.

Instead, I just assumed they wanted to scare me. And boy, was I scared.

My tried and true strategy, as I’ve talked about before, was to try to ignore them. No matter the presence I felt standing at the foot of my bed or the body I saw walk past the door, I just closed my eyes and hoped they’d eventually go away.

This is not how you have to deal with Spirits if you sense one. 

Spirits - Guides, Angels, and even the Deceased - can become helpful friends that provide guidance, insight and tips for your own safety. Gut feelings, anyone? This has helped me out of more potential bad decisions than anything else - and it's a standard Spirit Guide sign. 

If you sense a presence of a Spirit around you, there’s usually a reason for it. 

The Reason Why You Can Talk To Spirits Courageously text over photo of cliffside with greenscape down below by imagii from Pixabay

The Reason Why You Can Talk To Spirits Courageously text over photo of cliffside with greenscape down below by imagii from Pixabay

For pretty much everyone, it's easy to sense a Spirit before you hear or see a Spirit.

Spirits don’t have to be ‘felt’ or make themselves known - they’re pretty good at being invisible and unassuming. 

So if you sense a Spirit, there's a reason. 

Ask what they want.

Most of the time, all they want is to talk, by the way. And most of the time, it's just a person -  someone like you or I.

Imagine having no one to talk to and being invisible. It could absolutely get lonely. Then, imagine you finally find someone who can talk to you, if they wanted. You’d be pretty excited, too. 

The next time you sense a presence of a Spirit or a Ghost, try talking to them. Turn around and ask out loud:

“Excuse me, may I help you with something?”

Spirits hear what you say.

Spirits are just people, but most return external words or questions with telepathic thought, which sometimes manifests physically. After you treat them as a person for a little while, it turns out, it gets less scary. 

Next time you sense a Spirit, give it a try. 

Talk to them and find out. You might even be able to help a few of those ghosts to cross over.

How does it work?

Spirits don’t have voice boxes (remember, the whole, “without a body thing”), and rather, they use energy to connect with you. Thus, it is far easier to use the energy of your mind and body to communicate with you within your own mind, telepathically.

This form of spirit communication is really common, telepathically hearing the voice of Spirit, and it’s the primary way a medium hears those in Spirit clairaudiently.

Just see what comes through.

You may receive sudden images, impressions of voices or a knowingness of who it is - these are all intuitive abilities and they manifest differently in each of us.

And if you feel scared, I completely understand. It took me 20 years to make this step. 

You can talk to spirits with an open heart because for the most part, they are energy masses just like you or I, and no more or less powerful. We can communicate with the energies around us, all it takes is a desire to learn, a little focus, and a willingness to try.

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