How To Connect With Guardian Angels In Dreams

Photo of pink and teal cloud wash by eberhard grossgasteiger on Unsplash

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Dreaming of angels in clouds? Dreaming is available to all of us. It's the path of least resistance for spirit messages since, during your dream state, you are least likely to doubt what it is you receive. 

Connecting with your Guardian Angels in dreams can be easy. Angels can provide comfort, visitations, and even guidance in dreams. 

They can give you messages about what's important to you in the present moment, helping to guide you through every day yet sometimes magical experiences here on Earth. 

Your Guardian Angel is meant to provide you with guidance, assistance, and insight on your life path that is specially tailored to your needs and with your best interests at heart.

Since messages from your Guardian Angels are meant for you, the Angel World wants your connection to them to be available.

While you can certainly practice different techniques of forming a connection to your Guardian Angels, such as through meditation, channeling, oracle cards, and watching for signs and symbols, you can also connect with your angels in a dream state.

Dreaming is available to all of us. It is the path of least resistance since, during your dream state, you are least likely to doubt what you receive. 

You can practice your ability to receive sleeping dreams through practicing viewing auras, daily activities to connect you to Spirit, and even daydreaming.

And as long as you can remember drifting off into dreamland even one time, you can connect with your Guardian Angel to receive messages, guidance, and insight as you sleep.

4 Steps To Connect With Angels In Your Dreams

How To Connect with Angels in Dreams. 4 Steps To Connect With Angels In Dreams. Photo of pink and teal cloud wash by eberhard grossgasteiger on Unsplash with text overlay of title.

1. Set The Intention

Before going to bed, set the intention that you are going to have a dream, and that you are going to remember what it was about.

Ask a question for your Guardian Angels.You can address one Angel in particular, if you are aware of their names, or you can address them as a group.

Ask anything you are interested in knowing. Know you can ask your Angels to assist you in understanding, finding a solution, or freeing you from a situation.

You are free to ask your Guardian Angels anything that you want to know about or desire to understand on a deeper level. 

If you don't receive a dream the first night, keep going. It may take several attempts of setting the intention, falling asleep, and when doing so the next night for them to pull all the pieces of information together to show you.

Often, especially if you have had a hard time remembering your dreams in the past, your Guardian Angels help you in flexing your dreaming muscles.

Each night, while you sleep, after you call them in, they do send you an increasing amount of Angelic energy, gently opening the dreaming pathway throughout several nights.

Sometimes it also takes more than one dream to piece together the whole picture, just as it often takes more than one reading to get to know an entire life path.

2. Use Crystals

With crystals next to your bed, specifically, crystals that facilitate dreaming – such as Kyanite, Larimar, and Amethyst – you can passively improve the clarity of your dream state.

On nights when I am particularly interested in receiving guidance – selecting just one of these stones to place under my pillow amplifies my ability to connect to my Guides and Angels.

Sleep with these crystals every night and improve your dream connection over time. Place a bowl of small stones on your nightstand or under your pillow for extra effect.

You can also place Angel stones, such as Selenite or Angelite (also known as Anhydrite), on your window sills and around your bedroom to welcome Angels into the room.

Selenite is used to draw in energy, light, and transmit information from the spirit world into the physical. It is related to Anhydrite chemically. Both are related to gypsum. 

So any of these - Angelite, Selenite, Gypsum Blends that you have on hand, can assist with an Angelic Connection.

By placing Angelic crystals, such as Angelite and Selenite, on your nightstand, you welcome in more peaceful, uplifting dreams and an Angelic vibration that resonates throughout the room, affecting others who sleep with you.

3. Be Open To What You Receive

Since dreams often include symbols and metaphors to explain the message, it's important not to dismiss the information and scenes you get immediately - even if they don't make sense right away.

Consider the metaphors, symbols, and signs woven into the dream.

Often, when sharing it with someone else, the signs and symbols appear more evident to an observer of the dream.

The dreamer often attempts to weave a heavier interpretation of the dream, where an observer tends to have a more neutral input.

Just as in anything, it may be easier for an outside party to see what is really going on than it is to see it for yourself.

Thus, please share what you receive in a dream with an intuitive friend, coworker, or partner, and see what their interpretation is.

Or take some of the symbols in your dream that stand out, and look them up in an interpretive dream guide. 

My most recent favorites are the symbol guides from Kevin J Todeschi.

Usually, if you share the dream with a few people or with that many interpretive guides, you'll see that several of the interpretations match, or are similar to one another. The symbols, signs, and metaphors used in dreams are usually those that are common to those around you – they are symbols in your culture. 

So they will tend to be easy to understand after you step away from the dream for a moment and give it some space to breathe. 

For many of the signs used by Angels to convey a message, most are universal, some are regional, and others are personal – your dream may contain a mix of these. 

Your Guardian Angels will be working on using signs that will get your attention and encourage your contemplation about the dream itself. 

Thus, a dream that needs to be thought about isn't always one that is to be dismissed. 

If you've set the intention to dream, and then receive a dream – be receptive to any message that was sent in your direction. Usually, dream messages are lighter and airier in their truth than we tend to read into them. 

We are taught to often give dreams a heavier message, so in your interpretation, consider a lighter analysis of your vision as well as a more substantial interpretation. Which one feels better? 

Correct messages vibrate at a particular octave in your energy field. The one that feels more true to you is more likely closer to the true meaning of your situation than the other.

4. Record The Message

If you wake up after a night of active dreaming, make sure to write it down - or at least ruminate over it a couple of times to record it in the conscious.

Often, your Guardian Angels will deliver a message throughout several dreams – sometimes recurring over days, weeks, months, or even years.

With a written journal, you can compare themes in messages, uncover your personal symbols, and find news of truth being delivered over time.

Additionally, once written down, you can return to your dream notes to re-read your previous night's or year's dream with a clear mind, perhaps after you've woken up a little bit more. 

I often find that reviewing dream notes helps me remember forgotten parts of the original dream, but also assists me in coming to realizations that I was blind to at first when I was recording the dream.

Writing down what you receive in a dream state or a visionary state helps me sleep better since old information is no longer repeatedly cycling through my mind.

Recording your angelic message assists you to get down on paper, and in your notes, the most vivid and meaningful symbols – before any of it fades away.

So to recap, to contact your Angels in dreams:

Photo of clouds on a beautiful day by Billy Huynh on Unsplash
  1. Set the intention

  2. Use crystals to passively heighten the energy

  3. Being open to symbolic communication

  4. Record what you get

Be patient as dreams tend to open the same way that flowers bloom in the Spring. They can be unfolding, you don’t get all the insight all at once, and this is part of the magic of it all.

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