What Does Archangel Sandalphon Do?

Photo of two pink flames on pink background by Murtaza Saifee from Pexels

Updated 2024.11.01

Some of the earliest sources cite Sandalphon as being the Angel who was embodied as prophet Elijah in the Bible. 

Elijah was often without food, sometimes even taking it from others, promising that God would provide more. 

An interesting prophet, Elijah lived in 9th Century B.C., and he experienced many trials of suffering on his path, yet he always followed the Divine guidance given to him, even though he didn’t always know where it would head. He had a lot of doubt and didn’t even believe himself to be a Prophet. 

Elijah was also visited by an Angel, who told him that if a person doubted and questioned, they were blessed, as the people who doubted would never be led to false pride or by ego.

During this communication, the Angel also reminded Elijah that he could use his Divine Power at any time because all have the Power of Source within them. 

Going off that story, Sandalphon today is a very powerful angel who sticks by people going through trials in their own life. 

He helps to clear karma, reverse past patterns, and bring out the hero in a person and he does all of this while invoking the power of gentleness. 

Being also the Archangel of Pisces, Music and Poetry, he helps you to get your messages across with grace and beauty.

He has a very strong and steady energy and comes across as a copper-gold color, often mixed with blue and magenta, you can think of him as a mix between Michael and Metatron, whom he regularly appears with. Some people see Sandalphon as red or even aqua, so this is a very mutable angel.

Since he’s so good with Earth Stuff, we’re going to go over six reasons to call in and connect with this Archangel -

6 Ways To Work With Archangel Sandalphon

Photo of vertical red textile by Miguel Á. Padriñán from Pexels with text overlay 6 Ways To Work With Archangel Sandalphon.

#6 He’s The “Take What’s Yours Angel”

Time to manifest your destiny. Sandalphon shows up when there is more that can be done to accomplish a goal. Given that he’s one of the Archangels thought to have lived on Earth, he can help with getting things done in the physical.

Waking up earlier, promoting more, changing your image, he’s the Angel that helps spiritual people claim their destiny in the physical, and often this means in material wealth.

So if you see him in and around your energy field, this could be a sign that you’re rising up to the next level of physical bounties, and he assists with the energy needed of hard work and ingenuity that goes with it. 

He helps whomever he works with to find and align with the energy they seek to step forward into their next goal. 

Sandalphon helps you do this with honesty and integrity too, so no need to worry about taking “too much.”

#5 He Assists With Boundaries

Given his hero-like demeanor, he works in a similar way to Michael, where he shows lightworkers their boundaries.

He illuminates places where you may be giving too much, places where your energy is either not wanted or needed, so you can redirect those energies elsewhere, and he helps with enforcing boundaries in the home and work life. 

He’s known for being very tall and grounded, and he helps people with realigning to their truth, which is excellent if you’ve been overgiving from a vibration of fear or an ancient pattern that’s ready for an upgrade.

He shines a light on imbalances in relationships, helps turn the tides of karma in existing relationships, and helps parties overcome stigmas and blocks they have so they’re able to work together towards a common goal, even if past karma suggests they may not be able to. 

#4 He Helps With Cultivating Healthy Pride/Ego

Let that light shine! Claim your gifts! Let others see who you really are!

When Sandalphon steps into your energy, he doesn’t let the mousy side of you run the show, as he helps to develop the lion/lioness side of a person. In this way, his energy is very much like Archangel Ariel and Archangel Uriel.

He helps you become bolder with your messages and more confident in the work that you do. He assists you to walk with pride and make powerful new connections from this place of confidence. He’ll help you to find and create positive relationships that benefit all.

Photo of vertical red textile by Miguel Á. Padriñán from Pexels

Photo of vertical red textile by Miguel Á. Padriñán from Pexels

#3 He’s Helpful In Developing New Methods of Commerce

Sandalphon is the Angel of creativity and claiming your gifts, and in this way, he helps lightworkers develop and manifest new methods of making money.

He often appears in visions when income is rising either for the reader or for the person whom the vision is for, which is usually both. Readings are often karmic connections that deliver information for all parties involved. 

If you see Sandalphon, know that the guidance he has will help with money-making matters in your life. 

He’ll also help you to develop new, forward-moving business relationships, and will make it seem effortless and natural.

#2 He Assists Parties In Making New Powerful Unions

This is why he is often thought of as the Angel that helps send up prayers, he also helps develop gentle, loving connections, specifically relationships that also support us.

He encourages exercising soft power in those we live with, work with, and have relationships with, thereby forming respectful bonds with all those involved in the next stage of your evolution.

You may see numbers 22 or other twin flame numbers to validate he is with you.

A twin flame number is a double repeating number sign like 11:11, 11:22, 11:33, 11:44, and 11:55.

#1 He Helps You Claim Victory

He assists in providing the energy and direction needed to help those he oversees to overcome a significant hurdle or challenge in life. Think of your most pressing personal concern - usually, it's one involving the big three of money, health, and relationships.

Seeing this Angel is a good omen that victory in the one area that's troubled you is going to be had. 

This is why many people say he's the Angel of prayer. As he will often answer them, but not in the way you might expect. 

So to recap, Archangel Sandalphon assists with:

Photo of red flowers with natural bokeh background by Rubyand Lion from Pexels
  • Ownership Over Victory

  • Making New Powerful Unions

  • Developing New Methods of Commerce

  • Cultivating Healthy Pride/Ego

  • Boundaries

  • Claiming What’s Yours

Time to manifest your destiny gracefully and with ease when you see and hear Sandalphon around.

There are several ways to call in Sandalphon.

One of them is by doing readings, either for yourself or others and calling forward his energy. You can ask Sandalphon specifically for guidance in card readings.

In mediumship readings, Sandalphon can show up on his own and you can usually tell as he easily gives his name clairaudiently.

Sandalphon usually shows up when the work necessary to achieve a goal is not easy or requires extra focus and care for your energy field. This is why his energy is sometimes described as protector-like. 

When working with him, it helps to be around gentle people who are supportive of you and be in an emotionally balanced state, which is also the best place to receive guidance from him or any Angel. 

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