What Does Archangel Uriel Do?

Photo of red clouds in sky by Lisa Fotios from Pexels

Photo of red clouds in sky by Lisa Fotios from Pexels

Updated 2021.12.16

Archangel Uriel is a high vibrational Angel and in this post, I’m going to discuss how I’ve seen him interact in the ethers, and how you can connect with him too. 

Archangel Uriel always seems to appear as a fiery Angel surrounded in yellow, white, and crimson flames. 

Sometimes I see Uriel as deep red in color, but usually, this Angel appears clairvoyantly very similar to the richness of a flame.

Uriel often comes around when a person is reigniting a passion or purpose for something in their life, usually a career.

He comes forward with wisdom to share for this purpose and can provide an energy boost for anyone looking to overcome any hurdle.

When I think of Uriel, I see a horse jumping over markers on a course. To make the next jump, you need the courage and the energy boost to do it, and usually, this is what Uriel appears to assist a person to do. 

Uriel is thought to be the Angel of the Sixth Ray of Peace and often appears to me as masculine in feel, but others sense Uriel as more feminine.

Thinking of tackling something? Reigniting a purpose for your work? Have a giant pyramid of a goal, and you'll need the zest of life to complete it? But would like to do it with peace and grace?

Uriel can assist. Below are six other reasons to call forward this Angel.

6 Ways Archangel Uriel Can Help You

6 Ways Archangel Uriel Can Help You text overlay photo of hibiscus flower with little color bird in green leaves by Jean van der Meulen from Pexels

6 Ways Archangel Uriel Can Help You text overlay photo of hibiscus flower with little color bird in green leaves by Jean van der Meulen from Pexels

#1 For Igniting Passion

Uriel helps to stoke the fire of passion again by connecting you with ideas and people that stir it back-up in you.

Signs Uriel is helping you with passion:

  • Old things you loved return in a new way. 

  • You feel excited about a new project or idea. 

  • Your heart feels fluttery over your work or a new hobby. 

  • You start to care and hold concerns about other people and want to benefit them more than before. 

Uriel’s energy can often be equated with the words: Joy, Passion, or Spark. 

If you are looking to regain the spark of passion, call on Uriel and meditate with him present on steps or ideas to get it back. 

Archangel Uriel is known as the patron Angel of individuals who need the endless passion of purpose and commitment to do their jobs. 

Thus, he is considered the Patron Angel of Judges, lawmakers, peacemakers, prophets, seekers of truth, upholders of justice, visionaries, and psychics. 

#2 With Boosting Inner Protection

Archangel Michael is often known as the protection Angel, but he’s not the only one. 

Uriel also protects but in a different way.

He reconnects you to you and guides you closer to your true essence.

Remember the version of you that you loved before everyone started making their comments? 

Uriel guides you back to this and to the activities and projects that will connect you deeper to your true nature. 

Uriel also helps you with taking some of the inputting energy coming into your field and filters it.

If you tend to get distracted, Uriel can assist with filtering these, so you can focus on reconnecting to your inner and highest self.

The more connected you are to the true you, the brighter your energy field, so Uriel truly helps with protection by boosting the energy field from within. 

#3 In Guiding You Towards The Bigger Picture

Uriel is the Archangel that tends to hover about your daily world.

He sees the bigger picture, he can see your snowglobe, other people’s snowglobes in your bubble and all the little globes migrating in and out of your life. 

I love to work with Archangel Uriel when I am processing an “expansion,” also known as going through something a little hard to realize and accept. 

Uriel often reveals hidden ideas and the true reason “why” something is. 

Once this is revealed, the bigger picture reason why something is, you can ask Uriel for actions to take, that will assist you in accepting any truths part of the master plan.

When you meditate with Uriel to ask for ways to detach or connect to the bigger picture, you usually get at least one piece of wisdom.

So this way, it's easier to move towards the light, rather than away from it.

#4 Enhancing Self-Care And Wellness

Archangel Uriel always reminds me of the symbol of fire and passion. To have both of these things, energy is necessary to maintain it. 

I like to work with Angel Uriel in total body wellness and to give hints on what can promote energy for the soul and keep the passion and fire of life going. 

If you have asked for a healthier state, call in Uriel to assist you with the courage and support to make healthy choices each day. 

He often raises people up and into gradual states of wellness, in a very gentle, fire-stoking way. 

Uriel usually advises known and pleasant actions, such as giving insight to certain vegetables and vitamins. 

 #5 Increasing Wealth And Wisdom

Archangel Uriel is known as the Angel of Wisdom.

Wisdom is embodied knowledge that you carry with you, and you can use it to provide wealth, services, and guidance to anyone who asks. 

Call on Archangel Uriel when you have the wisdom to share but need a platform for it. 

You can ask him to show the best way to get this information into the hands of those who can benefit from it. 

If you ever feel called to share some of your wealth, wisdom, or knowledge in a moment where there is no opening, call on Uriel and request, 

“Provide me with the opening for this information and wisdom that wants to flow from me.” 

Pay attention to any ideas you get for sharing what you have to offer in whatever tangible form it takes. 

#6 Forgiveness

Saving the best for last, Uriel helps you release things that aren’t serving you. 

Think about having an Angel to take the wet logs out of the fire.

Or think of this as cutting the dead limbs off a tree. This is Uriel.

He helps you forgive, so you can release the emotions and events involving lower vibrational distractions from your energy field. Giving you more time to enjoy and explore the passions and fruits of life.

If you are ever upset because someone or something didn’t honor your highest light the way you would’ve accepted theirs, think of the emotion this feeling best embodies. 

Then, ask Uriel to assist you to lift this emotion away and bring you new experiences. 

Uriel and most Angels desire happiness for those they watch over, so this is one way those, and especially Uriel, in the Angelic, wish to guide you. 

To recap, six things Uriel can assist with are:

Red bokeh light vertical by Pexels from Pixabay

Red bokeh light vertical by Pexels from Pixabay

  1. Igniting Passion

  2. Boosting Inner Light And Protection

  3. Guiding You To The Bigger Picture

  4. Self-Care And Wellness

  5. Sharing Wealth And Wisdom

  6. Forgiveness And Clearing Away Low Vibrational Distractions

Photo of hibiscus flower with little color bird in green leaves by Jean van der Meulen from Pexels

Photo of hibiscus flower with little color bird in green leaves by Jean van der Meulen from Pexels

These are all things I have seen him step in to assist, raise up, and support those he watches over. 

You can call him in by visualizing a yellow-orange flame in your belly rising. Virtually the color of a fire emoji. 

I do this first thing in the morning and just let that soak in.

If I want to add to this, visualize a yellow bubble around yourself, and say thank you for assistance with all of this in advance. 

Uriel is a beautiful Angel who desires to provide you with Wisdom, Wealth, and Happiness. 

For most people, Happiness means all of the above. 

You are connected to your passion, having the energy to achieve it, and the ability to detach healthfully from anything that blocks it. You can call in Uriel in your meditations to guide you to all of this.

When connecting with Uriel, just know it can be an intense, high vibrational experience.

You may gain lots of energy when he is with you, this is normal.

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