Prayer to Archangel Uriel for Money

Photo of yellow and orange bubbles of light by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

Updated 2024.10.15

Archangel Uriel is one of the Archangels that helps with finances. 

In early 2020, I first wrote about Uriel and to recap, this Angel:

  • Ignites passion, sparks motivation

  • Boosts your inner fortitude

  • Guides you to the bigger picture (say goodbye to thinking small with Uriel on your team)

  • Assists you in taking the best care of yourself

  • Increasing wealth and wisdom

  • Forgiveness

Speaking to the last note, forgiveness is important when opening your mind to new ways you can receive. 

When you are in pursuit of anything and knocking on doors to get them to open, you absolutely do have to forgive and let the past go. 

Forgiveness doesn’t mean you have to forget about all the lessons learned and wisdom gained from them, definitely keep information gained on your journey under your belt.

Forgiveness means a willingness to mentally and figuratively leave dead things where they lay, so you can put all your focus on what’s still alive and ready to happen.

Lamenting over the headstones of the past isn’t exactly the place of mind you want to be in when praying for new things to open up, such as more money to come in.

Archangel Uriel’s purpose in assisting with forgiveness is for those reasons above. So if you have been stuck on a past issue, you’re in luck as Uriel burns all that way.

I consider Archangel Uriel as the Angel who removes obstacles, both real and perceived, in pursuit of a goal. Taking on that certain persona which embodies these aspects is totally expected if you are calling this Angel in.

In meditations for those I have read, Archangel Uriel often appears as orange and red light, like fire, sometimes appearing as flames.

After all, “Uriel,” means “fire of God.”

Clairsentiently, when Uriel is with you, you may feel you have more energy than usual, or you may have a sense you are more energized without any stimulants.

You may take on a boss-mode, getting-things-done mood.

Uriel can imbue what has been seen as a typical masculine, action energy into a person. However, Uriel guides all genders equally.

Those that Uriel guides tend to be very action-oriented and can come off to others as headstrong.

If that’s you right now, that’s great. Just keep it going.

Okay, so below you will find a prayer to Uriel for money coming in from any which way, not necessarily tying it to a job or a specific career or business avenue.

If you are looking for a job, building a business or needing success in a current business, such as success in hiring, finding the right vendors, etc., please see this article: Angel Prayers for Employment, Career And Business Success

Take a big deep breath, light a candle or put on some calming music, and let’s say a prayer:

Photo of yellow and orange streaks of color by Dave Hoefler on Unsplash text overlay Prayer to Archangel Uriel for Money

Prayer to Archangel Uriel for Money

Dear Archangel Uriel, thank you for providing me with the money required to meet my needs. 

Please now send me money through any form open. I guarantee when money is offered, whether it is through another person, an institution, a corporation, in any form of a messenger that delivers it, that I will say yes.

Please guide me to those who have money to provide where my involvement in their life will also be of benefit to them.

I am open to the money flowing into my life in any form. 

Please send money through any Earthly institution, relatives, friends, customers, clients, patients or any name I give for those who give me money, discounts, no-cost assistance, goods that are as good as money and all other resources which can easily be converted to money.

I will accept offers of money in all legal forms with verbal affirms like yes and let me think about it and show my Divine Respect to those who offer me money in any of its available forms.

I appreciate all the money you have sent since I have been collecting it, and will continue to value and love each cent that is received from all in the Universe from now until I leave this incarnation.

I am asking you to use the energies of passion and excitement to guide me to the right avenues for me to receive and to the many avenues of receiving where there will be more money to come. 

Finally, please clearly show me where money is not, with synchronicities or other signs, so that I can close the doors that need to be closed allowing me to spend my time and money most valuably. 

And So It Is.

Photo of yellow and orange streaks of color by Dave Hoefler on Unsplash

After receiving this prayer, stay open to receive. 

Pay attention to where money in any of its forms, is coming from and through which avenues it is flowing.

Remember that money is a form of energy and it may show up in other similar formats of convertible energy, such as through “free” help, other people offering their time, in tangible resources that can be converted into goods such as things you can sell, or intangible resources, such as new, light-bulb like ideas.

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