Can You Share Your Spirit Guide With Someone Else?
Updated 2022.07.06
Spirit Guides are selected for you and by you before you were born into your physical body in this lifetime.
Reuniting with your Spirit Guide while on Earth in this life is a sacred, unique, and many times, a rewarding experience.
You practice meditating, spend time opening up your intuitive abilities and devote focused attention, learning and growth all to get you to a place where you can sense, feel and re-meet your Spirit Guide.
The relationship you build with your Spirit Guide is a personal one.
Like a mutually rewarding friendship, both you and your Guide make an effort to learn to connect and communicate with one another directly.
Your Guide sends you signs, signals, and validations of their presence.
You may purchase oracle cards, pendulums and attend classes all so you can become a better communicator and understander of what your Guide is trying to say.
This is why when you share with your friends and family members, the name and appearance of your Spirit Guide; it can be a shock to learn that your Guide, is also their Spirit Guide.
Some people even will feel as though their Spirit Guide was stolen from them, but here is an alternate theory to consider:
As a general rule of thumb - your Spirit Guide - is your Spirit Guide; however, there are Spirit Guides who guide and support entire family groups.
Shared Guides
There are Spirit Guides who guide and support a couple in a romantic relationship.
There are also Spirit Guides who guide and support a small group of friends within the same soul group and these are called shared guides, often guiding an entire soul group or collection of souls who came into together from a past life.
Many Spirit Guides got to be your Spirit Guides because they were friends with you in a previous lifetime.
Likewise, many of the people whom you know and have intimate connections with now - such as your partners, your friends, and your family members - are also people who you once knew in a past life and both your Spirit friends and your physical friends can be friends from a past life.
If someone has been identified as a past life friend, it's likely they are part of your core soul group, and they may also be guided by the same or a similar set of Spirit Guides.
How to work with shared guides
You and this person can both meditate with the same Spirit Guide simultaneously and mutually, and when you do, you’ll be able to cross-validate the things that you learn, receive and get from this Spirit Guide.
Sharing a Spirit Guide or a guide type (for example two healers can both be guided by Angel Raphael) can be helpful for your intuitive development for this reason - as you’ll have a physical life friend whom you can double check the information you receive and this can even be fun and educational.
An example of shared guides
For example, if you have a Toad Guide, as Spirit Guides can sometimes appear as Animal Guides, it wouldn't be too out of the ordinary if a Toad Guide, perhaps going by a different name to appear to someone else in your soul group.
In some cultures, this, in fact, would be called being part of a Toad Medicine Group and a sign that you and this other person were connected by the same ruling virtues or even ancestry and this would be considered a positive thing.
But even if you don't want to call it that, as that type of labeling is specific to some cultures, it is possible that both you and a current life person are both connected to the same Spirit Guide or are connected through similar types of Spirit Guides.
In the human world, this is known as a mutual friend. In The Spirit World, this is known as a Shared Guide.
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