7 Things That Repel Ghosts (Spirits)

Photo of wooden bridge across water with pink sky by Skitterphoto from Pexels

Updated 2024.12.13

Today we're answering a reader's question: 

I was told that I was the opposite of a medium. Someone who instead of contacting spirits, repels them. Is that a real thing?

There are things you can do to repel those in Spirit away from you, your home, and your family. You can ward off Spirits.

Depending on the type of Spirits you are repelling, it can be considered a good or a bad thing to repel The Spirit World. 

When you repel those in Spirit, whether you intend to send ghosts away or earthbound spirits or even deceased loved ones who know you, it’s a blanket effect.

Meaning, if you intended to send away one type of Spirit, you will generally, draw away all types of those in Spirit - unless you set the intention not to.

You can both consciously or unconsciously repel all of those in Spirit, and below are the seven ways how - 

Want to only repel the negative and keep the positive Spirits?

The first step in attracting the positive is neutralizing the negative. At the end of this article, we'll discuss how you can attract Spirit, especially positive ones. 

We all want to repel negative entities, but when you cultivate the presence of positive energies, it can be a benefit to your life. 

So let's begin with how to repel negative Spirits -

How To Repel Spirits

7 Things That Repel Ghosts / how to ward off spirits - Photo of wooden bridge across water with pink sky by Skitterphoto from Pexels with text overlay of post title.

1 - Protection Objects

protection object is any object that you declare will be used for protection.

You can use crystals to repel Spirits, such as black tourmaline, onyx, and many agates. I talk about how you can use gems to neutralize and absorb negative energy in this article.

You can also place various objects, such as crosses or dreamcatchers, around your home to act as a symbolic sign to The Spirit World that the negative energies need to stay out.

Placing positive art, artifacts and symbols around your home that represent light and love will act as protection objects and also serve the double benefit of improving your mood. 

The more your mood is lifted up, the less likely you are to attract the type of energies you'd like to avoid. The types of energies that could further lower your own energy field are those most people want to repel. 

So, as much as you can call a crystal a protection object, if it boosts your mood, it works to protect you by just shifting the energy you're in. 

Meaning, through the use of a mood-boosting object, you can ultimately move out of the space you need protection from.

2 - Casting Out

You can tell those in Spirit to leave by speaking to them directly.

The stronger your voice when you say it, the firmer and more direct your stance, the better the effect will be.

Some people believe that when ghosts or negative Spirits are affecting you, this could simply be a mirror of what's going on in your physical life. 

Are those in your physical life pushing up on your boundaries and stepping on the edges of your comfort zone? 

Occasionally, the presence of a bossy Spirit or a ghost bothering you could show up as a way to let you know the beefier boundaries are needed in your physical relationships. 

Directly telling a Spirit to leave can repel it. Speaking up and being more firm about the boundaries in your physical relationships could get the ghosts in your life to leave, too. 

3 - Space Clearing

You can clear your space of any residual energy that may attract unwanted spiritual visitors. Negative emotions, grief, and low energy can attract lower vibrational entities, in this world and the next.

When you consciously start to work to clear all this residual energy out, through:

  • Shifting your mood

  • Using essential oils

  • By listening to motivational talks all-day

It can all reset the space. 

By space clearing, using sound, scent, or light, you can clear out negative energy and the entities that come with it, making a huge impact on your life. 

Residual energy, such as the emotional energy that lingers around after an argument, can attract the types of Spirits you don't want if it does build up.

Thankfully, it is possible to clear out the negative, so you attract it less. 

Think of it this way: if you let the crumbs of the past build-up, it will attract mice, who eventually poop and pee and create more debris. 

If you clean up the crumbs, there is less of an attractant to mice and less debris. So not energetically clearing a space, can ultimately create a problem that builds up. 

4 - Cultural Solutions

You can also use cultural folk support for releasing and repelling Spirits.

You can gather some willow or birch wood, place figures of the Virgin Mary or Jesus around, crystal grid your property or even implement the use of salt around your home.

Look into your cultural heritage or the cultural heritage in the area of which you live and find out what they use for releasing Spirits and try implementing that.

How You May Be Unconsciously Repelling Spirits

Photo of a brick pathway along waterway

There is a possibility that you are already repelling Spirits away from you naturally. Here are a few possible reasons as to why you may not be receiving spiritual contact, whether or not you want to.

5 - Your Emotional State

Those in the higher realms of Spirit generally have a higher vibrational energetic state.

If you're experiencing a lower energy state, such as being in fear or anger, these are denser vibrations and those in the higher realms of The Spirit World will have an easier time getting in contact with you.

These are the types of energies that improve and boost your mood. 

In a lower energy state, lesser energy Spirits may want to get into contact with you, so it could increase your chances of connecting with a negative entity. 

This makes it so your fear of The Spirit World could increase, and then your aversion to contact could also increase, further decreasing your ability to connect. 

Shifting your emotional state can change the Spirits you interact with.

6 - An Aversion

If for some reason you have an intense aversion to The Spirit World, whether through fear or disgust, it is likely those in Spirit will ‘back off’ and stay far away from you. 

Developing a loving mood about The Spirit World will generally improve positive contact. This is usually easier to do when you know someone in The Spirit World, such as a pet or a family member. 

Those in Spirit, while they do want to be noticed, many don’t want to be considered a bother. When you are more open to Spirit contact, you generally do receive more communication.

7 - Discountenance

If you lack belief in The Spirit World, there is very little reason for them to interact with you at all. In fact, lack of belief, in The Spirit World, as much as fear, is considered a spiritual block.

Especially if they have attempted interaction, and it’s been routinely denied, pushed away or debunked away. 

Many of those in Spirit will simply stop wasting their time to communicate with you when rejected often enough.

Spirits generally appear to humans because they have some need for your attention. Whether it’s to deliver you a message or they want to gain your belief in The Spirit World. 

If you won’t be swayed, there’s no reason to continue efforts to connect.

So to recap, to ward off spirits:

Photo of three gold tacks on white background by Ekrulila from Pexels
  1. Protection Objects

  2. Casting Out/Boundaries

  3. Space Clearing

  4. Embracing Folk/Cultural Support

  5. Your Emotional State

  6. An Aversion

  7. Discountenance

Can all work together to repel certain types of spiritual energies from contacting you.

If you want to decrease negative spiritual contact, and increase positive spiritual connection, releasing your fears of The Spirit World, welcoming Angelic or Higher Wave energy of any kind into your life, working on developing a positive mindset. Read on in this post: 10 Ways To Get And Stay In A Happy And Loving Mood.

All of these things will improve the energy field you operate in and thereby, improve the type of energetic contact you receive.

Repelling Spirits you’d rather not attract can be helpful when you are working on releasing your fears of the non-physical and stepping into love.

By using a multi-faceted approach, implementing 3-5 of the tools above, you can reach a peaceful spiritual situation, in your home, your space and your life.

For more content like this, check out my eBook, Spiritual Security.

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