The Spiritual Meaning Of Lights Flickering

Photo of Edison bulbs hanging beautifully from a ceiling by Valeria Boltneva from Pexels.

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The spiritual meaning of lights turning on by themselves. Wondering… the lights in my house are flickering. What does it mean?

What does it mean spiritually when lights flicker in your house? Do street lights go out around you? Light bulbs burn out regularly? What does it mean when lights turn on and off by themselves? In this post we discuss -

Electrical light activity can spirituality be a sign of awakening or spirit communication.

You may be an empathetic person who generates a lot of energy, or you’ve just had a spiritual awakening. You may also have a Spirit who wants to communicate with you. 

When you attune to new levels of generating energy, appliances, light bulbs, and all electronics may all shift in how they interact with you. 

Everything has energy, including objects that appear inanimate. 

A Reiki Attunement or a spiritual event can trigger a person to experience odd electrical activity, including light bulbs going out, while your body adjusts. 

Below we’re going to discuss the two most common spiritual reasons why lights flicker and why light bulbs go out.

Spirit Communication Through Lights Flickering

Photo of Edison bulbs hanging beautifully from a ceiling by Valeria Boltneva from Pexels with text overlay - Interpreting Symbolism - The Spiritual Meaning of Lights Flickering.

You could have a spirit around who wants to communicate. 

If you've already checked the electrical wiring, and you notice unusual electrical light activity, light bulbs can flicker and go out right after someone passes. This happens as a means to get our attention.

Light flickering when communicating with spirits or lights coming on and off for no reason, and you could have a spirit person who is attempting to reach you.

Back in the day before Mediumship was primarily mental, Spirits communicated using elaborate light shows. They used flashes of light and even ectoplasm to identify themselves to audiences. 

This is discussed in the documentary, No One Dies in Lily Dale, but it also still happens today. 

Some mediums primarily connect with Spirit using electrical means, such as through EVP recorders, videotape, or radios. 

Other mediums have Spirits flicker their lights when they start private readings.

Spirits Can Communicate Through Light Bulbs

Photo of string lights in trees by Artem Saranin from Pexels.

Spirits can work with the pre-existing lights around you to get your attention. Rather than creating light by harnessing energy to be made visible, many of those in Spirit choose to join their energy with the energy of electronics. 

Once tapped in, they can add to the light or decrease the light to the area to get your attention.

However alarming or awe-inspiring, most Spirits who attempt this can do it without causing significant permanent damage to your physical devices.

If you sense it is a Spirit Visiting you this way, most people intuitively are entirely accurate at guessing who it is.

You can ask the energy to talk back through using the lights, waiting 30-60 seconds between questions for a response.

The reason why Spirit will blow out a light is due to a large amount of energy coming in, their presence can trip bulbs, breakers, and even instruments. 

Spiritual Awakening Meaning Of Lights Flickering

Photo of light bulb with sparks all around it by Bienemaja9500 from Pixabay

The second interpretation is that you could also be a high energy source.

For people with a strong connection to the world of Spirit, they can act as portals between the Physical and the Spiritual.

Once you open your gifts, you can become a strong, energetic generator and can affect instruments and devices around you.

Blowing out the lights is common for those who are high energy generators, but have not yet learned how to contain their energy or they over-generate energy. 

The spiritual meaning of light bulbs blowing could be a sign that your energy is affecting and charging the space around you. 

Electrical activity increases are a common occurrence amongst highly empathetic people.

It is also among those who have mediumistic abilities. Especially when you've just gone to your next level spiritually, for example, you've received an energy attunement. 

Surges of emotional or even body energy can create an influence on other things that operate on energetic waves around you.

Say you recently had an energy attunement, you now have powerful, divine energy flowing down through your body from the spiritual realm.

It is like having a lightning bolt surging through you, and it takes time to learn to manage it.

Managing The Energy Coming In

Photo of butterflies near light by Евгения Егорова on Pexels

I recommend learning to tame and channel the energy.

Here's a post series I created to promote management of clairsentient gifts, so you can clearly channel it:

After a person adapts to their new spiritual awareness of your gifts, many people find that electrical activity calms down. 

It is easy to move from the stage of popping light bulbs one season to becoming a very gifted healer, empath, or spiritual teacher.

To recap, on the spiritual meaning of lights flickering

Photo of colorful lights by Pixabay on Pexels

There are two main spiritual reasons why lights go out or flicker. It could be a Spirit or it could be your own energy after a spiritual awakening adjusting to the space.

When it's a one-off situation, if lights are flickering around you, it’s usually a Spirit. 

If the electrical light activity has started after a spiritual awakening, it could be your energy drawing it in, and it can die down after you adapt to the energy.

Pay attention to the triggering event - sometimes, the death of a loved one will initiate it, and you then usually have communication. Sometimes light flickering is spiritually related to an energy awakening in us. A catalyzing spiritual event or a series of small events that led to spiritual awakening could create a rise in your consciousness and your level of openness to The Spirit World. 

This can cause you to generate a lot of energy and become a conduit, and create a response in the devices and people around you. It can also attract Spirits. The stronger your charge and the Spirit attraction, the more quickly you could blow out other nearby channels and electrical sources. 

To reduce light blowouts, call in your aura, and visualize yourself in golden light, breathe the energy out your feet, or try communicating or acknowledging the Spirit. Once we bring in the energy and acknowledge it if the lights flickering and going out is indeed spiritual, it usually subsides and returns to the wonders of the universe. 

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