How Do Apparitions Work?

Photo of hand on frosty window by Free-Photos from Pixabay 

Photo of hand on frosty window by Free-Photos from Pixabay

How Does A Spirit Apparition Form?

Updated 2020.10.02

An apparition is an instance of something's appearing, i.e. being seen. It's a term that isn’t limited to seeing Ghosts, Spirits or deceased persons, but is often used when specifically discussing them. 

In Spirit terms, an apparition is what or who is commonly referred to the appearance of seeing a deceased person. Someone in Spirit Form.

There are many ways to see an apparition, so let’s talk about how an individual makes an appearance.

A visual appearance is the ability to see an object in the way in which an object reflects and transmits light. The molecular structure and chemical arrangement of an object - whether we are talking about a bar stool, a bunny, or a human - is what creates the object’s physical appearance.

Since humans have different molecular and chemical structures (i.e. DNA) than say, a lilypad, you and the lilypad have a different visual appearance.

All basic elements have a different visual appearance, too, even the sub-elemental properties of elements, do.

Even one small change in the molecular structure, and the entire physical appearance is different - think chimpanzees vs. humans.

Light reflection hitting the surface of a solid (highly dense) object can’t pass through and this creates a visual effect of a reflection, or being able to see something’s appearance.

All Spirit is Energy

You may have heard this before, when reading other books, talking to other mediums - it’s a common claim.

And it’s true - they do.

Spirit can use energy to communicate with you.

And, they can use energy to appear to you.

This energy, they can also use to create an apparition - or a human-like physical appearance.

When a deceased individual, a Spirit Guide or an Angel wants to appear to you, it’s a very unique, memorable and special experience. On earth, whenever we want to create a unique, memorable and special experience for another person, it takes a lot of energy.

So, when your Loved Ones want to make an impact on you - or if any Spirit wants to make an impact on you - it’s likely they’ll start obtaining supplies (energetic particles) and spending time and effort gathering and building resources (energy input) to appear to you.

Energy is a property of all objects, molecules, all elements and even the parts of their atomic core.

It’s a property that is transferable among all objects via interactions and can be converted in form but not created or destroyed. Work is a mechanism of transfer to a given amount of energy. More energy transferred, more work to whoever or whatever is doing the transferring.

Now, there are many different things that carry energy (or transferable properties), but for the time being, and for example’s sake, we’re going to talk about an electron.

An electron (e-) is a subatomic particle, with a negative electric charge. Electrons are generally thought to be elementary particles of all things because they have no known components to make up a sub-structure. The electron has a tiny mass and is known to interact as both a fluid (wave) or a solid (particle), and being a particle, both can reflect light.

Basically, they are the perfect thing for Spirit to use and gather to appear to you.

How could an apparition happen?

Photo of floating balls of light intertwined in space by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 

Photo of floating balls of light intertwined in space by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Electrons, being basic building blocks of all things, are just floating around everywhere.

Charging up objects, creating thunderstorms, hanging out on a skirt you just removed from an electronically charged dryer. They are a main particle of interaction between objects interacting with each other. Put water and juice next to each other, it’s the electrons that begin interacting first.

So, when Spirit wants to appear to you, they may start gathering electrons. And how do you gather electrons? By attracting them to a stronger, more powerful source of energy. Like a magnet - this could be an electrical device, sometimes another human, etc.

If we’re talking about Spirit from the Divine Light - Guides, Angels and Loved Ones, for example - the source of energy is a spotlight of divine light through the veil (a burst of light-reflecting energy particles).

Or, if we’re talking about low vibrational Spirits, the source can be opening a Spirit Portal - creating a vacancy of light in the veil. A vacancy, a sort of ‘black hole’ draws particles into it.

An apparition, however, almost always is an appearance of a whitish, wispy looking being.

A cue, that you are experiencing someone who can reflect light - not someone using the absence of light to appear.

To visit you and appear, a Spirit from the Light, could create an opening in the veil between the opening in the physical world and the Spiritual world. It’s not hard - it’s like pulling aside a theater curtain.

Once they’ve pulled aside the veil, they shine a burst of Divine energy through, this is how it looks in readings.

Now, with this Divine energy shining through, electrons start to be attracted to the positive charge and begin to migrate to the space or object where the positive charge is.

Each electron, being a particle, can reflect light. So as the electrons move closer to the positive charge, they form a cloud like an energy mist. 

And, you can see mist as a cloud of loose particles because it reflects light.

As this cloud gets denser and denser and attracts more particles, it begins more and more visible and your spirit then, in turn, becomes less like a mist of wispy-white and more like a translucent version of themselves.

This is just an example though very similar to how it’s been shown to me and others in visions, you may have other theories.

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