29 Articles For Identifying Your Spiritual Gift

Identify Your Gift To The World. Different types of psychic gifts can also be intuitive gifts to fulfill our life person, knowing about one can guide you to other for perfect synergy in your life - Photo of two people standing at the foot of a concr…

Identify Your Gift To The World. Different types of psychic gifts can also be intuitive gifts to fulfill our life person, knowing about one can guide you to other for perfect synergy in your life - Photo of two people standing at the foot of a concrete drawing that reads Passion Led Us Here by Ian Schneider on Unsplash.

Updated 2020.02.04 with new links.

This article covers the different types of spiritual gifts, and how to identify yours from both myself and others I appreciate around the web.

There are many different types of psychic gifts, sometimes called soul gifts, which can guide us to our purpose of serving.

It is with these gifts that we serve others in a way that meets the highest needs around us and gives us the most return, satisfaction, and joy. 

To awaken to these gifts, it helps to hone back in on what they are. 

Gifts can open up for you at any moment, and for the most part, it's a returning to your true nature, highlighting in a greater way what was always there. 

When you identify them, they often open up fast. 

When gifts open up rapidly, it can leave people feeling confused and in a scramble to figure out what's going on and with a desire to figure it out as fast as possible. 

Once you have the feeling in your heart that a passion is returning, you will likely naturally have a desire to fulfill it. 

That's why I've created this post - to help you sort out the noise and find the resources that can clarify your gift to the world, spiritually, intuitively, or in expanding to your soul purpose. 

Whether you're opening your gifts now or returning to them from a long time spent away from them, below, you'll find a list of articles.

Some written by me, some written by others I respect around the internet, all designed to reconnect you with your essence, offering and the wisdom within.

So without further ado - 

29 Resources For Identifying Your Spiritual Gift

Intuitive Gifts Have A Purpose. One of the purposes of spiritual gifts is to bless the world with joy and passion. Photo of bless wooden sign by James Coleman on Unsplash

Intuitive Gifts Have A Purpose. One of the purposes of spiritual gifts is to bless the world with joy and passion. Photo of bless wooden sign by James Coleman on Unsplash

If the article cites the author’s name, clicking on the link will take you to an external secure site to read the content -


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What is your unique gift? Intuitively or otherwise, we all have one. Read on in this post to clarify it and deepen your connection to yourself and your purpose. Photo of bless wooden sign by James Coleman on Unsplash with text overlay - 29 Articles …

What is your unique gift? Intuitively or otherwise, we all have one. Read on in this post to clarify it and deepen your connection to yourself and your purpose. Photo of bless wooden sign by James Coleman on Unsplash with text overlay - 29 Articles For Identifying Your Spiritual Gifts.

No matter what type of gifts you have, all intuitive gifts have value and are meant to be used to help people and all beings in the world.

The way those gifts manifest, are going to be different for everyone because all of our soul purposes are all different. 

You can start opening your gifts today by exploring some of the core questions and ideas in any of the posts above. 

Once you develop your gifts, you can weave them into your current work to give your vocation a greater level of depth and authenticity, or use them to walk toward an entirely new path.

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