Visualize Your Highest Self

Photo of person with dark hair holding singing bowl by Conscious Design on Unsplash

Updated 2024.11.18

What is your Higher Self?

The Higher Self, also known as the oversoul or spirit, is the most loving aspect of who you are on a mind, body and spirit level.

This is the part of who you are that trusts the direction you're going, the situation you're in, and provides inspired nudges of action for your life path. 

When the Higher Self is present, it creates all-enveloping love for yourself and those around us. It puts you into a calm and centered state of being. When you're in the state of your Higher Self, you accept precisely where you are, and you can tune into the guidance of Spirit and the external universal forces around us. 

In a sense, you exist in a state of Dharmata. This is a Sanskrit word for the intrinsic nature of everything, the essence of things as they are. It is the naked unconditioned truth, the nature of reality, or the true nature of phenomenal existence. Dharmata is an awareness of your connection to the oneness of all things.

Here, you can sense the feelings, wishes and dreams of the beings around us. 

Because the Higher Self exists in a state of love, and it can pick up and discern where others are not in a state of love. It continues to give love regardless of where others are. 

The Higher Self is also the part of you that…

Photo of aqua and orange sky by Kenrick Mills on Unsplash
  • Picks up on extrasensory perceptions

  • Responds to the needs of others before they're met

  • Motivates you to out of bed in the morning regardless of the situation

It's the will of the spirit.

This will is connected to the continual stream of joy, optimism, and hope for the future. For this reason, it feels good to exist in union with the physical you and the spiritual you, the Higher Self.

It is in the state of the Higher Self that you can see yourself in your most exalted state in this lifetime. It is your spirit-self manifested into the body that you're in now. So, often it feels good to call in the Higher Self.

How you lose your connection to the Higher Self

Image of woman holding fire surrounded by pink and blue light by MythologyArt from Pixabay

The connection to the Higher Self can be lost and gained throughout each person's lifetime. It can depart from the body through fear, trauma or from the pain of loss. 

The Higher Self can also step out of the body when someone is living in a state of sadness, hopelessness and anger for a very long time. The Higher Self doesn't go very far when you exist in these emotions; but it will deactivate from the body. 

You may have to go into a process of reactivation to step back into it, which I'll cover below. When you lose your connection to your higher self, you operate from a state of fear, anger and pain. You are hurt very easily. And when this happens, you push others away. 

However, when you return to a state of union with your higher self, you move back into a state of joy, hope and optimism, and you draw others closer to you. Often, existing in the state of your Higher Self creates a feeling of unity in life.

How you regain your connection to your Higher Self

Image of woman in glowing streaks of rainbow light by Eva Michálková from Pixabay

You can call the Higher Self back in during meditation, the same way you would call in a Spirit Guide, Angel or any other type of spiritual energy.

You can also call in the Higher Self by:

  • Sharing loving thoughts and ideas with another person who is connected to their Higher Self

  • Doing activities that you enjoy

  • Spending time smiling and just feeling joy

  • Meditating to connect with your Divine Self

Why live connected to the Higher Self

Image woman meditating in seated position by water surrounded by glowing orbs by Ennaej from Pixabay

When you've tapped into your Higher Self, you're connected to your Buddha or Bodhisattva nature. Here you express compassion for all living beings, being able to see all suffering through a state of love.

When you exist in a state of timeless love, in union with your soul, you can see the suffering of others through the eyes of love, and as you do, the suffering dissolves. This frees others of their suffering, as well as freeing yourself from your own. 

Seeing others with love also removes barriers to connection, and it also removes the obstacles to the idea that you are separate, in real time. This helps others around you drop the chains of who they are, and in turn, creates a more free-loving society all around you. 

When you exist in alignment with your Higher Self, others around you feel accepted, feel more free to be themselves, and feel forgiveness. This creates a positive energy loop back to you. 

How do you visualize your Highest Self?

A Meditation to Visualize Your Higher Self over photo of aqua and orange sky by Kenrick Mills on Unsplash

Higher Self Guided Meditation 

To get in touch with the Higher Self, you can set the intention to hear its messages in dreams, journal after you feel its presence, or meditate to call it in - 

To begin reconnecting with your Higher Self, take three deep breaths, get into a calm, comfortable physical position, sitting or standing.

Using your imagination, some call it your third eye, create a mental image of the most perfect form of you in glowing light. 

For a few breaths, take in a sense of how beautiful you are, how vibrant and strong you look.

Mentally note what you are wearing, what colors of light are around you. Note how your body feels, if your mood has changed.

Imagine and sense this energy being is stepping into your body now and merging with you in the physical. Now, take three big breaths again.

Roll your neck from side-to-side and adjust your sitting or standing position. Shake out your wrists, arms or shoulders. Notice if you are inspired to do anything or do anything differently, and this is showing up as your highest self.

Photo of person with burning incense stick on dark grey background in hand by petr sidorov on Unsplash

Your Higher Self visualization is now complete.

Some people see the Higher Self as an ethereal being, some see the Higher Self as more like an inner child. Any way you visualize the Higher Self is normal.

If you see the Higher Self as anything other than vibrant, this is a sign the soul needs some attention. 

Ask internally, what do I need to feel whole again?

Then take a minute to perform that act of self-love. 

Living in a state of alignment between your physical self and your higher spiritual self begins to move those around you up the vibrational emotional scale from fear to hope. 

Ultimately, living in a daily connection to the Higher Self creates a flow of pure, positive energy through your body, which enhances the way you experience life, the amount of love you feel, and the level of joy you experience. 

To end, the Higher Self is the part of you that connects with others on the level of consciousness, and this means it is also the part of you that contains your psychic awareness. 

When channeled through your body, by visualizing it and consciously calling it in, it creates a streamlined access point for this wisdom, making it easier to discern what is the direction of truth and what is not. 

For this reason, calling your Higher Self into your body can help you make clearer decisions, can help you feel better, and it can promote more loving relationships with all those in your life. 

With your Higher Self present, intuition is a breeze, and social interactions also become more pleasant.

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