How To Energetically Cut Cords

Dried orange flowers and gardening sheers Unsplash by Irena Carpaccio

Updated 2025.01.31

If you’re wondering how to cut cords with someone quickly, in this post we discuss energetic cord cutting in three easy steps.

Can't stop thinking about someone? Find yourself in the middle of doing nothing when the image and the energy of another person suddenly flood into your space? Need to disconnect?

These are just a few of the signs you've potentially got some energy cords to cut and that you may benefit by spiritually disconnecting from someone.

Energy cords are the emotions, thoughts, and ideas exchanged between you and another person. They are strands of information that can linger in the ether between you and your exchanger long after you’ve left each other’s physical space. 

They can pop back up years after meeting someone, or remain strong only days after an emotional exchange. 

When you connect with another person, and they connect with you, it activates an energetic connection between the two of you.

Anytime we connect with someone in thought or with emotions, there is an energy exchange that happens, and this exchange is called a cord. 

Energetic cords can last lifetimes. 

Though more often, a brief, energetic connection created by the meeting of two people only lasts a couple of hours to days, depending on the strength of the interaction. 

There are two main types of energy cords:

Photo of golden thread on purple background by M W from Pixabay

Some energy cords are positive and enjoyable, and overall, two main types of energetic cords can occur between people:

Heart cords are created in moments of an emotional connection, negative or positive. 

They develop whenever we send heart signals to another person, such as in times of let down, frustration, and loss or in times of passion, love, and excitement.

Heart cords are typically long-standing and form between lovers, mothers, and children. They can form when new potential soul connections are made, such as when you meet a kindred spirit or find a long-lost karmic connection. 

Next are the stomach cords. They usually form due to power struggle scenarios, such as those at work, in traffic, or through situations involving confidence.

They can be activated when we're comparing ourselves to someone else. Or when someone is comparing themselves to us.

These cords typically form in work-based relationships. They can also form from momentary competitive-style relationships with passing strangers, such as those at customer service counters, in food areas, in traffic, or lines at the store.

Both types of cords can form at a distance. 

You can tell you need to cut a cord when…

Photo of golden thread on purple background by M W from Pixabay
  • It's creating any type of physio-emotional pain

  • When the interaction is reactivated in thought

  • When you see this person and feel any emotion other than a desired one

And any kind of emotional distress is formed or held.

Most people typically only notice energy cords being sent to them when they are negative because it makes them feel worse. 

But positive energy cords exist too, and people can send you love, excitement, joy, and hope from a distance, also. 

Are negative energy cords harmful to your well being? 

Cords can share energy and transmit a high frequency of communication between people, and they can affect you emotionally. 

I have seen that translate psychically to physical effects if the cord is strong enough. 

Not all cords are negative. Some can be beneficial. People can send you love energy through the thoughts they have and the emotions they feel in exchange with you.

When the cord is positive, it can create an uplifting flow and a beneficial exchange. Because there are positive cords, you don’t and won’t necessarily need to cut all the cords you could have with other people. 

For this reason, typically, the only type of cord you would want to remove is a negative cord. These are cords created in jealousy, resentment, or pain. 

These are cords that are unhealthy for you to maintain and keep. It is spiritually healthy for you to detach yourself from these cords. 

They can create a distraction and loss of focus, and they can cause you not to speak your truth and resulting in a physical and emotional drain. Negative cords can also decrease your feelings of stability, and positive cords increase it. 

Removing cords can be beneficial for other reasons, too.

Removing negative cords can help you:

  • Disconnect from unhealthy sources of energy

  • Separate from lower vibrations in the workplace

  • Prevent you from repeating patterns, because in removing the cord you identify them

  • Release ties from bonds that are undeserving you

  • Start new relationships and be fully present for them

This can all help you ascend to your next level of energetic vibration and awareness, propel you forward in your career, and even help you create space to invite in new healthier relationships. 

I'm a former water quality employee, so I tend to think of negative cords as point-source pollution inlets. Some energy pollution we experience is a non-point source, such as what's in the media or the air.

With a cord, we can usually identify and single out it from coming from one or two people or situations. And when you identify a point-source, cut it off and stop the flow, the whole body of water benefits. 

Most cords that have come to the end of their cycle will drop naturally from your energy body, when it is time, without any intervention from you.

However, there are some cords, usually negative cords, which may need your assistance to release them from your energy body fully.

So now that we’ve discussed why some energy cords need to be cut. To fully release energy cords, here’s what you do:

3 Easy Steps To Spiritually Cutting Cords

Dried orange flowers and gardening sheers Unsplash by Irena Carpaccio with text overlay How To Energetically Cut Cords - 3 Easy Steps to Spiritually Cutting Cords.

#1 Identify The Location Of The Cord

To remove the thorn, we first have to know where it is. There are all types of cords, but most connect to particular Chakras.

To determine the location of the cord, ask: 

Where do I feel pain in my energy or emotional body, when I think of this situation or person? Some people feel physical pains associated with cords, some people feel it emotionally, and if so, where is this held in the body?

If the energy cord is affecting the Solar Plexus Chakra, and you identify a cord there, you may notice yourself feeling a little more insecure than usual.

If the cord is affecting your Crown Chakra, you might be unable to soothe your thoughts. 

All cords have an origin point, and it is usually a singular person or entity. Now identify the source of the cord you want to remove. 

Usually, it’s one that is affecting you adversely. Scan your close relationships, people with whom you’ve been in recent arguments, who keeps popping up?

You may also just ask in meditation for your guides to show you the source of the unhealthy energy flow. 

The person or thing on your mind is usually the source of the energy cord, the person sending energy, or to whom you’re exchanging unhealthy energy. The first feeling that you get that you’ve found your draw spot, you’ve found it - so start there.

Now that you have identified the area where the energy is attached and can visualize it, we move to the next step and call your energy back from the source. 

#2 Disentangle Your Energy From The Cord Source 

If it's a person, unfollow all social accounts, if possible, empty emails, remove and release belongs, put all the photos away. Close the computer and stop looking at their website. Make sure to release from your space, anything that affects you from them.

If it's a situation, clear your space and mind of anything that dials them up. For example, you may have a comfort food or item you grab to soothe yourself when thinking of the situation. Clear it out and grab something new. 

If you’ve already physically separated yourself from the source person or situation, next, disentangle your spiritual body from theirs.

Close your eyes and visualize the source holding a ball of your energy in their hands. Watch a stream of it coming back to you, directly pouring into the affected Chakra or over your entire soul body.

If this is a solar plexus cord, visualize them holding a ball of yellow light in their hands. Imagine that light slowly starting to slip away from them, creating a stream of light in the air between you and returning to a spot in your stomach.

Continue this visualization until it's complete. There may be more than one cord - if there is, repeat this step for each cord and person.

#3 Do Your Final Chop

Once the last stream of light has come back to you, scan your energy body. See if you are holding onto any balls of light from the other person's energy. If you are, return it to them, using the same energy process above, but in reverse. 

Then, visualize a large sheet of steel metal coming down between you and them and slamming to the ground. Hear the sound it makes. This etheric layer chops any last threads. Imagine yourself surrounded in a metal aura.

Breathe, inhale, and exhale, and slowly see your spirit self-turning around, and exiting the metal egg through a rear door.

Then exhale.

You’re out. 

Okay, now you’re free. 

Once you're free, ask your Guides what patterns were being repeated in this situation or with this person, and if there is one step you can take to reverse the pattern. 

Take that step. Give this practice a try the next time you notice someone in your energy field.

You’re done!

A few commonly asked questions about cord-cutting…

Photo of scissors with golden handles by Ripley on Unsplash

How does it feel after a cord-cutting? 

Some people feel more energetic than before they did the exercise, like they need to go for a run suddenly. It can feel like you've just had a sudden burst of energy, or you've just done a work-out. 

Once you are free of energy cords, you may feel lighter, it may feel more comfortable to breathe, and you may want to have a snack and get a drink of water.

You may want to avoid triggers to record this person emotionally for as long as you feel necessary. You can prevent reattachment by disconnecting from the emotion, not following up, avoiding storytelling, or talking about the cords. 

Some people wait one minute; some people wait for 72-hours; some people wait for 21-days. This prevents any old patterns from re-emerging. 

Can you use Reiki with cord-cutting? 

Yes! When you are calling your energy back from the source of the energy cord, you can add Reiki Symbols to this to seal and charge the energy.

You can also use Reiki techniques, instead of the metal egg visualization. In the end, for sealing the energy after the chop/cord removal is complete, you can use sealing light to end the cord-cutting session. 

Are there any side effects of cord-cutting?

The other person may reach out and attempt to re-energy connect to you if they enjoyed it or miss having your energy around. It’s up to you whether you choose to engage or rejoin the connection.

If you cut a negative energy cord between you and another person, this does not mean that the next cord formed between the two of you will be negative. For example, if you work with this person or live with them. 

Anytime you open a new energy link, it has the chance to be infused with new ideas and emotions. You could create a new energy cord in a more positive vibration.

For example, you get in a fight with your spouse and cut the flow of the unfavorable energy exchange between you two. The next energetic interaction does have the potential to be loving since both parties have now cleared their energy. 

When is the best time to do cord-cutting? 

  • After you speak at a major public event

  • After you attend a speaking event

  • After an interaction with a person

  • At the close of a relationship

  • After any healing work you do

  • You can feel a person thinking about you

These are all signs/potential occasions that you’d experience an intense energy exchange with someone. Anytime you sense the type of exchange that would create a cord, you'll want to remove and clear. 

Photo of a young woman smiling holding sheers by Morgan Harris on Unsplash

Energy cords form whenever a charge is sent out into the atmosphere with thoughts and emotions attached, and someone connects to it.

Cord-cutting is a practice that releases ties, energetic attachments, returns power to you, and restores your confidence, giving you a much-needed energy boost.

I like this practice and find it helpful, which is why I’m sharing it here, though I admit other healers sometimes have to remind me to do it. 

So once you learn this technique and notice someone you love could use this practice, don’t be afraid to remind them, too.

I’m always grateful when someone does that for me. To start having healthier relationships today, practice the technique above a few times, and see if you notice a difference.

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