The Golden Energy: What It Is & How To Work With It
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When I was first learning the basics of working with energy in psychic school, one of the first principles they teach you is how to call down Golden Light Energy.
The Golden Energy, also known as The Golden Light, is a stream of spiritual energy coming down from the Divine.
It's a spiritual tether, a cord, linking you with the Divine, that you can use for frequency shifting, clearing your energy and recharging.
You can also use it for restoring your energy field to your baseline state, but at its most sparkly.
If you are into Reiki, it's that same flow you call down in Level 1 training, except now imagine it Golden colored.
It's a spiritual energy that you call down to do your work and run through your body as you manifest everything you need here on Earth in a Divine and perfect way.
The Golden Energy is Earth's spiritual-material creation and creative force.
The purpose of activating The Golden Energy in the body is that it allows you to start putting your dharma and your life purpose(s) into practice in your life.
Why do we need Golden Energy?
All humans go through these seasons in their life, continuously rotating through each of these stages throughout their life. As the earth rotates, our bodies all naturally follow the outward cycles we experience within.
We are all part of the global ecosystem - physiologically, chemically, and spiritually, and The Golden Energy, also called The Golden Light, is connecting us to it.
It keeps us grounded, tethered, and spiritually connected through all of that, like a lightweight, feel-good anchor.
How To Activate The Golden Energy
Call it down through visualization, imagine a stream of golden thread coming down through the top of your crown. Close your eyes, ground, and breathe.
Imagine a golden thread of light coming down through the clouds, the sky, and down past the trees.
Visualize Golden Energy entering your body through the top of the crown chakra, and swirling all the way down your body.
Call it down through your body, eventually out through your feet, hands, and heart, and breathe.
Golden Light is meant to energize you, give you a daily connection to the spiritual, and ground you. All at the same time, it's a workhorse.
When Golden Energy is activated, Anni Sennov further explains:
It's very physically focused and initiative-taking, guiding itself and you to the creation of objects, conditions, and projects that will make all areas of daily life easier for all.
When The Golden Energy is activated, it can present the inventor, the creative partner, the games organizer, the party planner, the eternal optimist, always inspiring others.
It's meant to open your highest creative and manifesting self but in a very relaxed way.
Sennov has books translated into 11 different languages and in her new book, Golden Age, Golden Earth, she also introduces a new concept of soulmates.
The Golden Energy and Soulmates
Soulmates are related to The Golden Energy, as they are two people who come together where the golden energies are already activated in both of them for the betterment of the greater good and society.
Consciousness mates are the new kind of soulmate that we as a people are just becoming aware of and one that Anni introduces them in this book.
Consciousness mates are soulmates that come together to raise each other's consciousness. Often they are bi-gender, and when you see them, they'll sometimes activate your soulmate immediately. This is what is called making a karmic connection.
To meet your soulmate or connect with a consciousness mate, or learn more about all these ideas, visit Sennov's website.
The Golden Energy can draw in soul partnerships, and it is present in anything from Level 1 Reiki Attunements to spiritual healing through Christ to mediumship channeling.
So, it's a vital spiritual force.
As Anni Sennov explains, it's also a vital life force.
You can work with it on a tangible scale and on a day to day basis to create a better everything in life.
Everything from inventing to project creation to soulmate manifestation.
Start calling down The Golden Energy today.
Try calling down The Golden Energy about once per day as a form of regular spiritual maintenance, this technique can be incorporated into your daily meditations.
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