How To Cleanse Your Home Of Ghosts

How To Cleanse Your Home And Property Of Ghosts. Photo of a-frame cabin with lights on it by Alex Robert on Unsplash.

Updated 2021.12.15

Cleansing your home of ghosts? Removing ghosts from a property? This post goes over 3 simple ways to get rid of a ghost - 

All of us have spirits around us all the time. Usually, these Spirits are our angels, guides, and ancestors. 

We can call them in at any time and consciously welcome them into our lives for the greater good of all and for an increased connection to the universe. 

Heard walking upstairs? Or whispers down the hall? Feel like someone was standing behind you?

Got chills, goosebumps, or a heavy feeling when walking into a room? Did you catch something moving past you out of the corner of your eye?

It’s likely a Spirit that you know, such as a family member, friend, or spirit guide.

Most of the time - the spirits in our lives are entirely harmless, and usually, they’re there to help. 

Regardless, you have the right to let those in spirit know that whatever is happening is the opposite of what feels comfortable. 

You can tell them to backup, release them outside, and regain your comfort. You can claim your space, set boundaries, and create general guidelines for what goes on in your home.

In general, of course, because for all of us, controlling the ethers will always be an ongoing dance. 

Those in spirit are not with a dense body, so they don’t have to follow the standard rules of engagement that those with bodies follow.

Many times, your friends, family, and spirit guides are just so excited to get your attention - they’re purposefully trying to do so. 

There are times, though, when it can feel too intense.

So to rest the spirit activity in your home, here are a few surefire methods you can take to release all the unnecessary spiritual energy in your home - 

3 Ways To Set Boundaries With Spirits

3 Ways To Release Your Home Of Ghosts. Photo of open air eatery with mosaic lights by Kate Darmody on Unsplash.

1. Talk To Them

Spirits and ghosts will come and go as they please, simply because no one tells them they can’t, because no one notices or because someone does, and it’s the first time they’ve felt noticed in one hundred years. 

Human spirit energy is what creates the emotions in our lives about spirits because often they have feelings we feel. 

When no one says, “No, you cannot do this and do not have permission to do this,” some Spirits do. 

So you feel something weird or catch something out of the corner of your eye, and you sense you don’t know the person, say out loud,

“Leave, go, you are unwelcome here.”

Sometimes when a human spirit is noticed, they realize they are caught and vanish. 

If you think it is a loved one on the other side that is contacting you:

  • Ask for a sign it is them - loved ones send the sign

  • Request that they not visit you at another time and send you a confirmation it’s them

  • Make a list of preferred Spirit visitors and ask that your angels be around when you write it

Next, put on the list when and how are appropriate times to visit. 

You can choose a place for spirits who know you to go so that when you see strange energy there, you’ll know it’s them. The good ones want to work with you, so they will follow these guidelines. 

For a while, when I first started doing readings, I lived in apartments and didn’t have an office.

My bedroom desk or my living room couch was my office. So I told all spirit visitors, whether they were arriving early for a client or otherwise, to show up in my kitchen. 

Now I ask them to stand behind my office chair if they want to talk.

If you have a dark energy present, the best thing you can do is tell them to leave, ignore them, and then move onto step two, heightening the vibration of the space. This makes it increasingly uncomfortable to exist there. 

2. Energy Clear and Herbal Cleanse

Using sage to smudge, healing light or sound, to cleanse your space. 

I talk about how to use white sage for smudging in this article. Saging works by releasing heavy, charged particulate matter into the air, grabbing onto it other lingering particles in the air, dropping it out of the atmosphere. 

As you release these lower energies, you are raising your own energy. As you raise your energy and the energy of the place, your home will become less of an attractant for lower energy beings. 

Recently have a fight in your house? Had a sad, guilty, or jealous snap? Felt under the weather? After these times are excellent openings for sound energy clearing.

A periodic, sage smudging practice can lift things back up and reset your attraction point for high energy beings. 

As you sage or engage in an activity to raise your energy, you bring more happiness and joy into the space, set the intention - 

“I welcome in only loving and light energy from the Divine, and release any energy that is no longer serving this space.”

Energy clear in a way that feels intuitive to you. Some people use Frankincense burners and walk around with those while calling in Angels. 

You can use any cleansing, positive smelling plant material to energy clear, some people like Palo Santo, others like Frankincense as mentioned above.

White Sage is the most well known, but other herbals work for the same purpose in different cultures. For example, in some locations, Juniper is used for energy work.

There is something about it that works, and science backs the principles of saging.

If you have allergies, open the windows after it’s complete or use a cleaner-burning sage method, such as diffusing an essential oil of your selected herbal for the process. 

3. Release Them To The Light

If you think you have an Earthbound Spirit present, know most spirits who cause problems in homes are human origin, and they are here on Earth because they haven’t crossed over. 

If you have non-human energy, you can usually space clear it away and avoid giving it attention, and it’ll eventually go elsewhere. 

But for human spirits, sometimes what it will take to release them, is helping them over to the light. This is called Spirit Rescue. 

The steps to cross over a spirit in this post can help to guide you. 

Whenever you are done space clearing or releasing, put the vessel you used to help you in your release outside. 

If you lit a candle for the spirit when crossing it over, set it outside by your front door for an hour.

The light will then come for that spirit on its own, and it acts as an attraction for any other Spirits who wish to go too while you have the portal open. 

If you burned incense, set that outside by the backdoor to let it burn out. This clears and seals the exterior of your property as well as the inside. 

So to recap, to release a Spirit from your space

How To Cleanse Your Home And Property Of Ghosts. Photo of a-frame cabin with lights on it by Alex Robert on Unsplash with text overlay Cleansing Your Home or Ghosts 3 Ways To Set Boundaries with Spirits.

  • Talk to them and see the response you get, which gives you insight into the character of whom you have

  • Energy clear to rule out any residual causes and bring in a higher light, call in your angels

  • Release lingering human energies to the light

These steps will cover most, if not all, your bases. You may not want to flat out reject a loving grandmother visiting your newborn baby who wants to still be present at family gatherings.

By following a few of the resources above, you may be able to keep all the good and leave the rest behind. 

When do you cleanse your home? Repeating any space clearing every 2-3 weeks, if you’ve been on vacation, when you purchase a new place or after the transition of a loved one is usually my recommendation.

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