Do Our Loved Ones Really Wait For Us On The Other Side?
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Our Loved Ones are part of our soul group.
Soul groups are collections of people, individuals who are learning, growing, and developing on Earth with each other.
These are often referred to as soulmates and are people who are friends, soulmates, family members, lovers, leaders in our life, and great teachers.
They are people who we connect with - on a Spirit-to-Spirit, soul level. They are who make up the most memorable moments in our lives.
When each of us is born onto Earth, we are born into a soul group.
Either the parents that we have or, eventually, the children that we create are part of this group.
But so are our aunts and uncles, our teachers and later, our colleagues and friends.
Sometimes, we meet our loved ones in passing moments. Other times, we have long-lasting physical connections with members in our soul group.
These are the people who influence who we are and shape our development while on Earth.
Because soul group bonds transcend physical density, they continue on when one transitions to Spirit.
So, when a person in your soul group dies, this person, once in Spirit - usually does their life review but otherwise hangs out.
They hang out, before moving forward in their soul's journey, onto another life or another lesson or another path - usually, until everyone in their soul group returns back home.
Think of it like this -
How soul groups stay connected between the worlds
You are a player on a baseball team, currently on the field.
There are other people also on the ground with you right now, living on Earth and playing the game with you.
From time to time, one person from the field leaves the game of actively playing baseball and sits on the bench for a rest, to rotate in another player, or because another play is underway on the field.
None of the players entirely leave the field until everyone leaves the area.
Until the game is over, the entire team on the field and in the dugout is usually together.
The next leg of the journey then starts to sprinkle in and begin again, starting and ending with the whole team as a group, roughly.
What this means is, you have spiritual support around.
Your Loved Ones who are crossed over, you can call on them for support. You are picked up by others in Spirit when you cross.
Your Loved Ones in Spirit are available to contact and help you from Spirit with all sorts of things while you finish continuing your journey on Earth.
They can assist you in answering problems, providing you with guidance, or by simply offering signs of their support.
When you leave the field, they'll be greeting you, high fives, and pats on the back, and you too, enter the dugout.
Though, know that loved ones in Spirit may take different bodies or become Spirit Guides once on the other side.
So, when a medium describes them in a reading, or if you connect in a dream or meditation, pay attention to your loved one's essence, the capturing of their personality, how they feel.
That information is usually just as important as how a loved one shows themselves clairvoyantly.
It also means you'll be greeted when you eventually cross over and may assist you in guiding you into the Light.
Your loved ones are always there, you can call in their energy at any moment to have them be with you.
They're cheering you on, and on bright days, it can be possible to feel them.
Are our soul groups technically infinite?
Yes, there are soul groups of all different sizes and relationship sizes.
So, it's possible that even if you have a connection with a relative, they may be in another soul group.
The groups are vast and complex and depend on each person and their connection or non-connections with relatives and friends here on Earth.
Rather than being a uniform circle for each person, a soul group may mirror more of a jigsaw puzzle.
Final answer:
Yes, your closest loved ones, specifically those in your soul group, wait for you on The Other Side.
A great way to tell who will be waiting for you is to do a meditation and envision yourself on your death bed.
Rest your gaze. Roll your shoulders back and down. Uncross your legs. Place your hands palm up alongside you. Inhale and exhale.
Everyone you love is surrounding you on your death bed, living and deceased. Who do you see? Who comes forward in your mind’s eye is often an indicator of who will be waiting for you when you cross the rainbow bridge.
Inhale and exhale. Come back to the present moment.
One way I like to close this exercise is by doing something kind for one of the soul group members who appeared.
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