Are You Clairvoyant, Clairaudient Or Clairsentient?

Amethyst crystal on purple fur carpet. Image by JOAN A BROWN from Pixabay.

Updated 2025.01.07

We are all born with intuitive gifts, and they can be channeled through sight, hearing, thought, the body sensory system and our feelings.

They are called the clair-gifts and they stay with us through childhood and beyond.  

Clairsentience is one of the most common, however there are four total types of gifts which we’ll talk about below and they’re believed to be part of our pre-language survival system.

Some people shut down their gifts

Photo of amethyst crystal cluster sitting on wooden furniture top by Anete Lusina from Pexels
  • During the ages of 15-20, to provide us with relief while we develop our brains, bodies, and learn more about becoming adults.

  • During specific periods of our lives where the logical mind is favored over the intuitive mind.

  • During periods of trauma where our baseline needs of food, shelter, and safety are not being met, such as when experiencing 'flight or fight' response.

  • During times of physical growth experiences, such as during soul lesson periods.

Thankfully, even if your gifts have been shut down, you can reawaken the intuitive gifts at any time and it all starts with relearning the language about what they are and how they manifest.

While we are all most active in one area of the intuitive senses, we will likely have ‘support’ from a few other gifts, meaning that each of us typically has one very strong intuitive gift.

You can open back up any gift at anytime

Once you practice and pay attention to that one ability, the other abilities that support it, start to unfurl.

Typically, we are then most active in one of our gifts. Then, with practice in that one area, the other gifts start expanding from there.

For example, I am mostly clairvoyant, but this information is supported by clairsentient and clairaudient information. Most people are a little bit like this, too.

So, let’s start with identifying the different methods of receiving information, to see which one might be strongest in you.

The reason we want to start with defining our strongest possible gifts is that then you'll know what to look for in meditation so that you can grow it, focus on it, and strengthen it.

The first step is identifying your strongest gift

It's kind of like knowing which muscle groups on our body are strongest and weakest so we can concentrate on whichever areas we want to develop most, but in the world of intuition, you want to do this in a reverse way.

In general, there are four main intuitive senses.

So in the bullets below, try to identify which is your strongest ability, which gift you identify most with, and begin practicing there.

Then the weaker gifts will start to heighten as the primary gift is strengthened, similar to the way a surrounding muscle group is benefited when you work the primary muscle.

The 4 main intuitive senses -

Which are your strongest gifts?

What Is Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Claircognizance and Clairsentience? How To Identify Which Psychic Gift Is Strongest In You. Photo: Pixabay Image of Amethyst with text overlay

Clairvoyance (clear-seeing)

You may see things that actually manifest physically such as precognition in dreams. Mostly, though, clairvoyants will see images in your mind. 

You may be clairvoyant if… 

  • You have a very active dream life.

  • You often spend your days daydreaming or are particularly imaginative.

  • You speak fluently in metaphors.

  • You can see colors, shapes, objects, or pictures when you close your eyes for sleep or meditation.

  • You have begun to (or already) see sparkly lights, flashes of light, or movement out of the corners of your eyes.

  • Tend to use the words “I see…” in conversation when relating to others.

  • You are a visual person, you may have a career in the creative arts

Clairaudience (clear-hearing)

You can hear messages either audibly or inside your mind. For most people, the messages they receive are telepathic, meaning that spirits will converse with you via thought or you may sense the thoughts of others.

With this method, you can speak to spirit in your mind, and they will often reply. 

You may be clairaudient if…

  • You are more of a listener than a talker.

  • You often talk to animals or plants and feel they are communicating with you.

  • You have felt like you have received telepathic information from someone.

  • When you give profoundly helpful advice, you often forget what you said immediately afterward, and find yourself thinking, “Where did that come from?”

  • Have begun to hear ringing or buzzing in your ears, or have had a quietness sensation, much similar right before ears pop on an airplane.

  • Tend to use the words “I hear…” in conversation when relating to others.

Clairsentience (clear-feeling)

Quite possibly the most underestimated psychic gift, this is the ability to feel strongly and sense the emotions and feelings of people, animals, spirits, and places around them.

You can feel the emotions of others both in your heart and in your body; you can likely feel spirits around you. Clairsentience also includes clairalience, the ability of clear-smelling.

You may be clairsentient if…

  • You are highly sensitive with your surroundings and easily pick up on the ‘vibe’ of a place or person.

  • You go visit a place where large crowds are, and you have unexplainable emotional or physical reactions.

  • When you are around other people or visit their homes, your emotions or sense of wellbeing sometimes begins to inexplicably change.

  • You can empathize with others easily, knowing what they are feeling without speaking with them.

  • You can “feel” the presence of spirits, or feel something “odd” when you are in a place where a spirit might be.

  • You can feel other people’s pain, even the location of the pain on their body.

  • Tend to use the words “I feel…” in conversation when relating to others.

  • You smell and taste hints of presence from the spirit world.

If this resonates with you, you may also want to look into what it means to be an empath, which is a form of clairsentience. I believe empathy is clairsentience when applied to the living world.

Claircognizance (clear-knowing)

The ability to ‘just know’ information and the knowledge often comes to you spontaneously, but you know in your soul it is 100% accurate.

This information can come in the form of facts and figures, other times, it comes in the way of simply knowing the truth of a life situation, a career path, or relationship.

You may be claircognizant if…

  • You often receive the answer to something that you were wondering, seemingly from nowhere.

  • It is common for you to get really creative, inspirational, and beneficial ideas.

  • Tend to be always thinking, ideas swirling around and popping in, especially when at work or involved in a creative project.

  • Without explanation, you can know whether someone is telling the truth or the truth of something with 100% accuracy.

  • Tend to use the words “I know…” in conversation when relating to others.

To recap, the four main senses are:

  • Clairvoyance

  • Clairaudience

  • Clairsentience

  • Claircognizance

Which of these intuitive abilities above sounds like you?

Photos of crystals in a small bowl on a wood grain surface by Aline Ponce from Pixabay

Each one of us has some combination of the above gifts, at varying degrees of strengths, and we can choose to develop them at any time. Your strongest gifts are usually correlated to the easiest way you learn.

By starting with which gift feels most true to you and focusing there, is the right place to begin with re-opening your gifts.

Psychic gifts can be fun, but once you are aware of them, they can also help you identify areas where you are connecting to others in ways that could be making you emotionally, physically or spiritually unwell.

If this happens, just know there are many different ways to disconnect from psychic energy if you ever feel like you’ve absorbed too much.

As you identify which gifts are strongest, you’ll start to sense when you’ve hit your limit on absorbing information via one modality or another, and when that happens, remember it’s okay to disconnect once and while and recharge your batteries.

Most people have a long way to go before they hit psychic overload and if that ever happens, just sit back and do something else for a while. It’s all about balance. Your inner self and senses will be there for you whenever you return.

Start your 14-day free trial in The Membership to begin developing your gifts!

The Membership is a guided intuitive and spiritual development program, featuring a curated online hub of rotating learning topics with at-home lessons and exercises, live workshops and guided meditations so you can flourish in your sacred connection anywhere, anytime and at your own pace.

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