Your Psychic Senses - How Spirit Communicates With You
Updated 2020.10.13
Some may consider it a special gift to connect with The Spirit World, but it is possible to learn the process.
One of the first signs of having this gift is being able to see them from time to time. However, most people will begin to sense or get a feeling of the presence of something non-physical before they ever start to see it.
Meaning you can tap into different avenues, or gifts, related to sensing Spirit outside of seeing them.
This can feel scary at first, but once you move through the fear, there are very beautiful reasons you’d want to connect with The Spirit World. One is that The Spirit World is filled with Guides, Angels, and Ancestors who have helpful information to share.
Spirits, because they are non-physical, communicate with us using non-physical modalities and usually, this means, through our psychic receptors.
The psychic abilities are your non-physical senses, housed within your soul body and Spirit connects with us through them.
They are also known as your intuitive abilities, with which you can perceive that which cannot be seen and sense that which is not physically visible.
Your psychic senses are what you can use to pick up on any changes, shifts, or vibrational movements within your environment, including the presence of a Spirit.
You can use psychic abilities to
Perceive the emotions of others for greater empathy
Tap into the thoughts of the collective unconscious for greater happiness
Gain cues and hints on the direction Spirit wants you to go next for your life path for the greatest good of all
We primarily use our psychic abilities to help us gain a temperature on the non-physical elements of our environment, which we can use to strengthen social relationships.
We can also use these abilities to connect with Spirit and Spirit, being an element of the non-physical, will often communicate with us through our four main psychic pathways.
Each us has one main intuitive sense through which spirit speaks to us
The four main intuitive senses are
Clairvoyance (clear-seeing): You can see things in metaphors, images, light and those in Spirit - both within your mind’s eye, within your Spirit, and external of yourself, in the physical world.
Clairaudience (clear hearing): You can hear messages from Spirit, both external messages and ones that you hear in your mind.
Clairsentience (clear-feeling): You can sense the presence of Spirit by a physical sensation, taste, emotion, or smell.
Claircognizance (clear knowing): You can receive drop-ins of information. You have a lot of ideas that come in without expecting one. You can know logically, or even illogically, with the help of Spirit, to know something.
Notice yourself more strongly in any one of these than another?
They are connected to the four main learning styles
Visual: You prefer to see things, learning, and interpreting by seeing images, and spatial layouts.
Aural: You prefer to hear or communicate things with sound, language, or words.
Physical: You prefer to communicate things through feeling, touch, or emotion, using your body as the instrument of learning. Smell and taste are included here.
Logical: You prefer to know things and think things out, having ideas logically pop into your mind.
Whichever one of these learning styles is strongest in you, usually correlates with your most definite intuitive sense -
Meaning, one of these central receptors will be how you'll be able to receive Spirit communication when a Spirit, a loved one, Guide or Ancestor, is present.
How you can use these abilities to communicate with spirit
When another energy mass entered the space where you're standing, there would be a change in the energetic makeup of the space.
Being a sentient being, you would be able to pick up on this change based on what you are receiving and a change in input from your psychic senses.
This would happen through cues and communications from Spirit, received by you through your psychic senses.
Examples of information Spirit could communicate with you through the four main psychic channels
If you have clairaudient abilities, for example, you could hear a bang, a knock, or a door swing open with no explainable noise.
You may hear someone call your name, when no one is present, or hear humming, singing, whispering or talking. Spirit may speak to you, either externally or internally, hearing a voice within your own head.
If you have clairvoyant abilities, you may see a shadow out of the corner of your eye, a flash of light or a partial or full apparition. You may also see an image(s) or shape of a person within your mind’s eye (like your imagination, except it’s not).
You may see symbols, shapes, scenes or colors within your mind’s eye in the way you might see an imagination or memory.
If you have clairsentient abilities, you may feel suddenly colder or hotter, a sign of pressure change.
You may start to feel sick or unwell, sensing the possible reason for a Spirit’s death. It is common if a deceased loved one is around.
You may feel the deceased's emotions, take on physical sensations of how a Spirit died, be able to smell relatives or feel the essence of what their personality was like.
You may get particularly jittery or antsy, for example, when a high energy source connects with you. This is common with Angels or other high vibrational Beings.
If you have claircognizant abilities, you may suddenly know information, be a writer for a living, or receive downloads of information.
You may get ideas suddenly, drops-in of information, think very quickly and often feel like your mind is scrambled. Some claircognizants balance this by grounding more.
If you sense any changes in sensation, vision, or sound, Spirit may be using your intuitive abilities as a tool to communicate information to you.
How do you improve spirit communication through the psychic channels?
Clearing your energy field
By balancing and clearing your energy before you receive information, you’ll have a better idea of what variable created what change in your energy field. I recommend grounding and centering before connecting with Spirit, here’s a few ways to do that:
How To Surround Yourself With White Light - White Light Protection Visualization
Grounding - What Is It, What Are The Benefits, And How Do You Do It?
How To Sage A House - 6 Steps To An Effective Space Clearing Practice
Identifying your strongest clair-sense
By identifying which clair-sense you have that is strongest, you have identified the best and most readily available and easy to use tool for Spirits to connect with you.
For more on what type of intuitive ability is strongest in you for narrowing down how spirit communication may come in, read these posts:
Use those psychic senses to discern subtle changes
Once you identify your strongest psychic abilities, Spirit will send subtle changes to your energy field through these pathways, and these subtle changes often hold their messages.
The more you practice using your abilities, the stronger they get, and the more what you receive will be validated by your other abilities.
Usually, each psychic ability has a sister gift, so you typically will be most active in one or two of the psychic senses, both co-validating each other.
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