Angels, Ascended Masters And Goddesses As Spirit Guides

Photo of a rainbow over the mountains at twilight by Abigail Keenan on Unsplash

Photo of a rainbow over the mountains at twilight by Abigail Keenan on Unsplash

Updated 2021.12.19

Can an Ascended Master or Archangel be your spirit guide? Saints, Ascended Masters and Angels as your spirit guides and in this post, we cover four ways to call in Ascended Masters as guides -

Spirit Guides have been around for centuries. Some people have called them angels; others have called them master teachers. 

Spirit Guides can be ancient teachers from different cultures, friends from past lives, animal guides, or spirit individuals that your soul has explicitly selected as your mentor.

A Spirit Guide usually works with a person one-on-one to assure you stay on the path and in alignment with the journey.

Like Spirit Guides, Guardian Angels work to protect and assist us on our journey of uncovering the meaning of love, compassion, joy, and union through relationships and interactions here on Earth.

The main difference between Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels is a small one. Spirit Guides have once lived in the physical world. Angels generally have not, but both singly guide people.

We all have at least eight Spirits on our support team at any time.

There are other Spirits on this Council, in addition to Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels.

There are also Ascended Masters, Archangels, Goddess, and Saints who can step in and work with you throughout your life.

I like to think of Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels as advisors from within a corporate department. Your Archangel, Ascended Master, Goddess, and Saint Guides are more extensive guides, like the department heads. 

They usually watch over a bigger group, but they are still yours to meet with personally. 

Do they likely have a few others they are also con-currently advising? 

Absolutely and usually, these others are a part of your soul group, and you can generally expect to meet a few of them in this lifetime. 

Personal Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels usually have you to watch over.

Your Ascended Guides, including Master Teachers, living people who have reached alignment (also called enlightenment in their lifetime), may have other people they are connecting with and guiding.

These Ascended Guides empower all in their group work towards a common goal remotely.

Even if separated by physical space and time, a shared common guide unites them at the heart level. 

Ascended Guides are sometimes called Mahatmas. They have been on Earth many lifetimes, so, therefore, are golden energies to call upon when overcoming life challenges. 

To get started working with your Ascended Guide, I have listed four tips to assist below - 

4 Tips To Meet Your Ascended Guide

Photo of large buddha in foreground surrounded by pink and green humid light with waves of mountains in background by Jason Cooper on Unsplash

Photo of large buddha in foreground surrounded by pink and green humid light with waves of mountains in background by Jason Cooper on Unsplash

1. Get a few directory books

Find a few books that list out, describe, and define the many different kinds of Saints, Archangels, and Goddess Spirits that exist.

Some people like to use their Oracle Cards as flashcards to get to know the Ascended Guides. 

Flip through the pages, or the flashcards, and read the bio of each Spirit to start. 

Get to know several in the book or deck of your preference, reading through one or two descriptions on each Ascended Master, Archangel, or Saint to make sure you have a well-rounded idea of their role and specialty. 

Then, when you sense a situation where their energy is needed, it’s much easier to call them in.

2. Select 1-3 Ascended Guides that give you a fond feeling when you think of them

Once you have a few in mind, select a Master Guide that you like and resonates with you.

Start with one so you can get to know and feel the energy. 

The Spirits who you connect with and speak to you are those who already wish to work with you.

You may already see some evidence of the energy of the Ascended Guide who wants to work with you coming around and in your psychic field of influence. 

Meaning you may have a few clues already as to which Ascended Guides have already and those that are currently attempting to be around you. 

3. Invite them to start working with you

From here, sit down to do a meditation.

In it, ask with written or spoken words, saying it internally or externally, ask this Ascended Guide begin to work with you now. 

This is called a petition, but it is also called prayer or a mantra, depending on your culture. How to ask is up to you, and for most people, the best way for them comes out somehow. 

In it, you are asking some force to step forward to be your friend. 

Explain why you need their assistance and how you could benefit from their help. 

Focus on you, and the current energy you have influence over. You can only change others by changing yourself and what’s in your immediate energy first. 

Spirit will want to work on you first, so starting here makes their job easier. After you start on you, then is when you usually begin practicing sending energy to others. 

4. Begin to do things for and with them

Behaving, in their essence, brings you closer with them. 

When you call in your Ascended Guide, you will often feel a God or Goddess-like presence with you.

Feeling this presence, you can call it chills. Others get a feeling in their heart that can sometimes be a challenge to describe.

Though I think it feels almost like passion or an incredible sense of peace in the heart. Some people think it feels like unexplainable courage or commitment. 

Each Goddess, Saint or Ascended Master Guide you select, has a specific role, specialty or interest here on this Earth.

Could you tune in and sense what they guide over? 

When you call in an Ascended Guide and ask in your heart what it feels like and then tune into that wavelength. 

Many of their roles have been described independently through people’s separate personal experiences with the energy, across cultures and centuries. 

Align with what you tune in and get and take one action from this place. 

Once you begin to align goals with an Ascended Saint, Master, or Angel, a union of friendship, trust and companionship can start to form.

Ascended Masters, Archangels, Saints, And Goddesses As Spirit Guides: 4 Tips To Meet Your Ascended Guide. Photo of large buddha in foreground surrounded by pink and green humid light with waves of mountains in background by Jason Cooper on Unsplash …

Ascended Masters, Archangels, Saints, And Goddesses As Spirit Guides: 4 Tips To Meet Your Ascended Guide. Photo of large buddha in foreground surrounded by pink and green humid light with waves of mountains in background by Jason Cooper on Unsplash with text overlay of title.

To recap, to get to know your Ascended Guides

  1. Get familiar with their energy

  2. Identify 1-2 you feel fond over

  3. Call them in

  4. Being to align with their essence with thought, action, and feeling in the heart

Ascended Beings can be your guides; all you have to do is start working with them. 

Many of your Ascended Guides will already be working with you naturally, without you having to do anything at all.

When becoming aware of their presence and influence on your life, it’s a chance to develop a deeper bond. 

Bonds with Spirit can increase overall life happiness and peace, often through the guidance received.

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